>character orders a beer without specifying the brand
Character orders a beer without specifying the brand
oh look it's another autist that doesn't realize you can't just say a brand name in tv or movies
you can when it's a filthy mexican piss water
>character grabs a tissue instead of a Kleenex
>Yeah I'll take a Radweiser
No you can't.
I'll take a free beer as in beer.
It's a fiction. Why not a fictive brand?
Pabst is the only beer company that allows you to advertise them without asking. Which is why you see Pabst in every movie.
Makes sense if it's a regular, no sense if it's a new-comer.
My pub, I can just say "a beer and a shot please" and they'll know what I want. Same with my corner store, I can just say "cigarettes please"
My local pub brews their own beer so it's basically the 'default', if you just ask for "a beer" it's what you get.
what kind of fucking pleb doesnt have variety in his life
New things bring uncertainty and malice, and could end up in your death, like foreigners.
you must be new here
looking for a superior drug to alcohol?
try weed!
based seth rogen COPD poster
>american movie
>"let's order some chinese"
>is actually talking about chinese food, not the people
>All I got is piss warm Chango
>Red Apple cigarettes
>*pours whiskey*
>"Leave the bottle"
>"lol no nigga wtf i'll lose my license where the fuck do you think you are, in a kino? miss me with that shit"
bars almost always take this to mean the house beer which is generally the cheap standard that is the most popular. In most places in america its bud light. In some places in the north east it will be yuengling. It will vary depending on where you are.
>character puffs weed twice
>hallucinates for the next 6 hours
I was a craft beer distributor in the Caribbean. Drinking is what we do. Bars upon bars. Bars in town. Bars on beaches. Floating bars. You walk up to a bar and just say give me a beer, you're getting a list recited to you. If you just stand there like what you said is enough, you're getting a bud light because it's a universal fuck you in bartender speak.
unironically literally me. this is why i don't smoke, movie weed highs are dangerously accurate
>Car drives by and splashes a puddle on the main character
i used to love doing that to people when i was in high school
There are perfectly good bleeps they could use.