Ducktales: The Living Mummies of Toth-Ra!
>inb4 'where's the mega?'
I like the fact that they actually had a Khopesh in there, It's gained some notoriety over the recent years, but I still feel it's under represented. Now if we could just get more variety in or portrayals of bronze age weaponry.
Bumping for interest.
Not yet, wait until it upload on Disney XD's website.
Good, more Louie/Webby. I tend to enjoy Webby more when she's paired off with him because those two have the best dynamic among the ducklings. Louie's slick nonchalance and her enthusiastic naivete compliment each other well.
Dewey = Webby
Art by Dana Terrace
What do you think are the chances of this DuckTales getting video games?
The last series to get non-iOS games, not counting remakes, was Phineas and Ferb.
I'd kill if they did a Quackshot remake. I want more Indiana Jones Donald.
If its mentioned enough maybe there will be a reference later on. Assuming they'e watching and listening, of course. II sort of doubt they already have one in the finished eps.
How far into the release schedule are they? I promised myself I'd only start watching when I could watch them in the order the creators intended it. Are there still gaps?
Misread you post. Sorry, headache. But my sentiment stands - a Quackshot reference in the show would still be nice, too.
Season 2 Darkwing breaks out his Gas Gun and Donald hits him with a Plunger to the face.
unannounced huey ep hasn't been released yet (it won't be till december), but tomorrows ep is the last ep before the one that aired early (the terrafirmian ep)
the eps have aired in order outside of the Huey and Terrafirmian eps
Dang Lena has a long torso.
her post mentions it has the same boarders as the rest of her eps (Emily, Ben, and Jason), and it's written by Madison Bateman (who wrote The Great Dime Chase)
Looking forward to watch the Louie and Webby material. Hope it leads to new ideas.
I could easily see that happening. Darkwing mistakes Donald for a n'er-do-well (because for all his flaws, he wouldn't pull his gas gun on an ordinary civilian), and Donald retaliates with a surprise plunger attack.
She's just older.
Yeah no, talking to a character first does not constitute "complimenting" each other. Gonna skip this episode--like we need more Louie episodes.
ah fuck it's been a minute. last episode i watched was that one where they went into the tunnels with lena, launchpad and ms beakly. Am I caught up or is there any episodes i'm missing?
You're missing two episodes. The Gladstone one and the Mark Beaks one.
You missed gladstone and mark beaks
I hate everything about that commercial. Except the thing it's advertising.
ah right, i actually remember downloadin those but i don't think i've watched them yet. thanks lads.
when is gizmoduck?
Season 3 episode 2, "The Gallant Gangbang of Gizmoduck"
This is airing tomorrow, right?
Ought to. But who knows what the Canadians will do. Perhaps they're already going to see the season finale.
The Loubby is real.