Let's throw some what-ifs around. Some can be minor, some can be major. In any case, let's come up with some AUs by asking "what if". I'll start.
What if Maddie was the one who was blasted in the face by the prototype Ghost Portal instead of Vlad or Jack?
Levi Morris
What-If there was a DC earth were everything was clowns. A world full of clowns. Clown Batman, Clown Superman, Clown Justice League all of it one big circus clown universe. The exception is joker, who is the only sane man on the planet.
David Harris
What if Nick had actually allowed Hartman to make Vlad a vampire, like he originally wanted.
Nathan Morgan
Jack & Vlad become gay lovers and Maddie always tries to kill them. Danny is never born.
William Mitchell
What if GR15 didn't exist? What would Sup Forums look like?
Kevin Lewis
It would be fucking terrible for a week or three.
Gavin Jenkins
What if they remained ghosts instead of weird creatures from another dimension?
Cameron Hill
The show might get other non-ghost villains (Frankensteins, werewolfs etc)
Connor Flores
>The Straight Man
Michael Murphy
>another Dimension
Adam Lopez
What if people made good cartoons rather than braindead dogshit like Rick and Morty?
Wyatt Jones
Where the ghosts actual traditional "lost wandering human souls" and the dimension was just a form of purgatory or where they just alien/interdenominational creatures that happen to have ghost like qualities?
Kevin Turner
What are “good” cartoons?
Cooper Moore
Danny could be adopted or a test tube baby or whatever.
Maddie being the half-ghost villain sounds kinda hot.
Matthew Anderson
Lunch Lady, Poindexter, and Desiree are the only ghosts known to have once been living humans.
Oliver Gonzalez
I'm mad that I can see this happening.
Joseph White
The second one, but human souls pass through the ghost zone when they die, and sometimes they imprint on the ectoplasm there and it takes on the form/personality/memories of that person.
Lucas Watson
I can't say I've ever heard this explanation before. Any source behind it or just a fan-explanation?
Anthony Lewis
>character meets a collection of himself from different universes >only one is a girl
Jack Ward
Originally it was straight up a purgatory or afterlife. Poindexter, Ember, Desiree, and the Lunch Lady were explicitly humans who had died. But Nick decided to strongarm Butch into recanting that, so the canon answer became 'it's another dimension, and the beings in that dimension have all the qualities we associate with ghosts, but none of them were ever people who died'
Juan White
And Ember, who literally killed herself over a boy.
Leo Cox
Most of it's explained pretty early in the show, but it just sounds like more of Jack's technobabel
Dylan Anderson
She straight up burned down his house with herself inside because he forgot her name. Ember was hardcore.
Liam Moore
What if Hartman allowed the ghosts to be actual dead people instead of "not dead, just from another dimension hurrr" because bullshit their dead and nothing is going to convince me there aren't.
Evan Edwards
Nothing's ever been confirmed about that. For all we know, her song's lyrics are just catchy words that mean nothing to her.
Xavier Jones
It's usually the case when this scenario comes up. Same happens to a girl, there's only one male version.
Liam Collins
Harley Quinn alt wold be sue komi
Brody Walker
This actually started out as "What if Finn was raised by the hyoomans and Susan was raised on the surface?", but after Islands, I realized it still works as "What if Finn's raft drifted into an underground waterway, and Susan's ship crashed in Ooo?"
Hudson Wright
What if timmy turner never wished for a burner
Ryder Parker
Knowing her, Vlad and Jack might do their best to help her and ensure that everything is alright while she recovers, Vlad will probably still hate Jack despite Maddie getting over it tho.
Once she discovers her ghost powers, she would likely show it to the world and use it to help fund her research. She and Jack would probably have a status more similar to the Fantastic 4, and carry their kids to adventures across the ghost zone.
Question: What if the cast of the current Voltron was gender swaped?
Hunter Evans
worth mentioning that the whole "they're not actually ghosts" thing only ever came up in one or two interviews and was never stated in the actual show so can be easily ignored
Levi Wilson
The real thing, is that people are being idiots over this.
What is the fucking difference between "ghosts" and "beings of ectoplasm with the memmories of dead people, who think that they are said dead people"
Its the same thing, because this sounds exactly what ghosts are.
Henry Parker
>The exception is joker, who is the only sane man on the planet. Fairly sure that this was the case with bizarro's universe once, everyone was retarded in varying degrees, except the joker, who was just a normal dude with a purple suit who was always depressed over how stupid everything is.
Charles Howard
I'm probably going to sound like a retard for saying this, but here's my theory.
When the people who would become ghosts die, they start out like Sidney Poindexter. They still looked like how they did when they were alive and they only have a few default ghost powers (Walk through wall, disappear, fly, etc.). They also had a better recollection of their past lives, again, as seen with Sidney. However, once they enter the Ghost Zone, most of them end up corrupted due to a large amount of emotional and psychological baggage they harbored in their souls because they didn't die peacefully. So, their actual souls are forced out of their ethereal bodies to ascend to the afterlife while the husks that are left behind create their own souls based loosely on the original. As a result, they come back to the mortal plane, evil and empowered.
There are exceptions, though. Sidney seemed to be trapped in his own pocket dimension within the Ghost Zone and unlike most of the other ghosts, he didn't gain any new crazy powers. By the time he actually goes to the Ghost Zone, he had already gained the respect of his peers for fighting Danny Phantom. Thus, he was able to pass into the Ghost Zone peacefully with his soul intact. The Dairy King is another exception. He's seen wandering around Vlad's mansion, but unlike Sidney, he's not actively malicious. He likely passed away peacefully and went into the Ghost Zone unscathed. He just decided to wander around Vlad's mansion because he felt more comfortable there.
TL;DR: They're spirits, but at the same time, they mostly aren't.
Jordan Perez
But then that wouldn't explain elemental ghosts from the retarded third season like Undergrowth and Vortex.
Tyler Powell
I'm going to say they're similar entities to Clockwork, Pariah Dark, or the Observants. Not actual ghosts, but rather deities surrounding certain aspects of the world itself. In this case, they'd represent plant life and natural disasters, respectively.
Caleb Lewis
I agree that both would try to help her, but I feel like Maddie would reject both and run away. After that both Vlad and Jack would blame each other and have a sort of war between them. Then it becomes a Reed/Doom dynamic where one is always trying to one up the other in increasingly complex ways.
James Ortiz
This could make for a fun if somewhat intriguing story if in the hands of the right writer. It seems like no matter who gets echo acne, their lives are gonna get fucked in some way.