These comics make me really miss Ennis

These comics make me really miss Ennis.

Good thing this was Cloonan's last then. Rosenberg's been all right with Kingpin, so War Machine Frank might turn out all right.





>make me really miss Ennis
Then just... read The Platoon? It's not like there isn't an Ennis Punisher comic currently coming out. Also, this is Cloonan's last issue so no big loss. Dunno how Punisher Machine will turn out, but Rosenberg is a perfectly capable B-tier writer.






this woman is either going to save Frank or that dude with the metal thing she just picked up. And I'm not going to be happy when I read it.



called it.













This was painful.

Fuck this book.

Marvel even has Frank existing to prop up some random chick.

>SRT members NOT being able to tell the difference between Frank & one of the hostages.

Jesus this is insultingly bad writing.

Come on user, you know he means he would like 2 good Punisher books instead of 1 bad and 1 good.

I dropped Punisher after Edmonson's run. Not sure if I'm going to pick it back up next month now that Cloonan's off the book. At least The Platoon has been ace.

posting the only good moment of the series

Wait, what the fuck? The police just fucking let him go? Not even to save the hostages, but because they're just all fucking incompetent?

That's not new, Rucka did the same shit

that lady punisher was vaguely enjoyable though

also we got to see the spectacle of frank stalling the entire avengers

I keep getting this feeling that lady Punisher was supposed to replace Frank since he was caught by the Avengers and put into that prison but the idea was scrapped.

Why would you think I like anything that faggot has ever written?

Did Rucka go for his usual trifecta and have her be a lesbian?

That was exactly what was supposed to happen, War Zone spells it out. Marvel just decided to use Punisher for Thunderbolts instead.

Ive only read the first and last issues of this run, but man does it make me feel bummed. Great covers every month, though. Oh well, bring on FrankMachine!

She's straight, and a good character. That book has a lot to like.

Based Frank has no time for loser libturds.

Meant to reply to


>Rucka wrote it
Seems like there's a lot to dislike too.

That sounds like your bias talking. I read Rucka's run as a person who's only awareness of him was that he wrote Gotham Central, and I liked it just fine. No agenda to be pushed, just some good stories that respect Frank as an operator and leader. The overarching plot may be a bit slow burn, but its well worth th read.

It gave us Big Boss Frank plus Frank and Thor discussing what it means to be a warrior over a beer, it can be THAT bad.

This. Honestly, the whole run is insanely boring and melodramatic as if a woman wrote it.

>That book has a lot to like.
Weird, I didn't find anything to like at all.

You should try to enjoy things more, your wrists will thank you later.

There was nothing to enjoy. Maybe I should try reading it at night because beating insomnia could be pretty enjoyable.

I don't think so. Women helping Frank out is nothing new, just about every writer creates their own female assistant to Frank.

There was a graphic novel where Frank teamed up with an Asian assassin woman.
There was another story written by Palmiotti where Frank teams up with another lady assassin.
Ennis had one too, but she committed suicide.
Remender also created one, I don't remember what happened to her.

They all serve the arc (or arcs) that feature them and that's it. Just like most writers create their own cops or Feds to chase Frank.

Some consistency would really build the lore of the Punisher.

As far as Cloonan is concerned: she tried. She couldn't make me care about her stories. The art was bad also, I hate the art.

Then buy the Ennis Punisher book that came out Wednesday.

>The art was bad also, I hate the art.
It's like it's trying too hard to ape Dillon's art and is still failing.

I liked it, i bought fullset on ebay

Rucka had no idea Frank was going to be shipped off to Frankbolts when he wrote War Zone and he was pretty upset about it when he found out.

Already did.

I want these cufflinks!

1 bad and 1 good is still 1 more good than most characters get these days.

rucka's punisher is the only work by him ive ever read and i dont follow any online drama with any creator....and it was boring as shit. the only good thing about the run was punsiher looked cool with a beard. he didnt really have a character he was just there. so jarring after reading the old man force of nature from the ennis max run.


This was crap.

>Ennis had one too
Two, actually.

>This is an actual Punisher cover that Marvel thought would be a good idea to publish

I don't even know anymore.

Yep. He got that one preggo. They really should just make Ennis' MAX series canon with how much people loved it.

>They really should just make Ennis' MAX series canon with how much people loved it.

It was when it started, but then it was firmly established as being an AU around the Mother Russia arc and The Cell one-shot.

I'm going to be sad when The Platoon ends.