Are there any other historical films that come close to being as good as Kingdom of Heaven (directors cut obviously)
It's legit one of my favourite historical films and I have yet to find anything that matches it.
Are there any other historical films that come close to being as good as Kingdom of Heaven (directors cut obviously)
It's legit one of my favourite historical films and I have yet to find anything that matches it.
Other urls found in this thread:
Arn and Gladiator are some of my favourites
The first two Lord of the Rings
>Are there any other historical films that come close to being as good as Kingdom of Heaven
The Duellists
Master and Commander The Far Side of the World
Lawrence of Arabia
If you are okay with the events themselves being unnaccurate then Gladiator is probably the best ever made, But Braveheart has the best battle scenes.
Saladin was an asshole IRL he constantly broke his word with enemies right after truces were signed
the idea of Saladin as "noble" is comical
What are you saying is historical?
Anyway plus Barry Lyndon.
The first crusade was more impressive desu. When saladin arrived the crusader states were weak and weary.
Lawrence of Arabia
Troy (director's cut)
Alexander (... whatever the recent DC is called)
The Man Who Would Be King
King Arthur (director's cut)
I wouldn't say he was depicted as "noble" but more just a typical empire builder, I mean it's hardly noble that he besieged a city and fought a whole battle just to keep his religious backers happy even though the city itself was strategically irrelevant.
He came off as more Machiavellian than anything else.
It's genuinely the best film ever made, and an essential pleb filter.
He sounds more based than the Franks at that time
>invited the Copts (banished by the Crusaders) back to Jerusalem after he retook the city
It's what people in Europe believed about him at the time.
Came here to post this.
Lawrence of Arabia is really fucking good.
Just make sure you're wide awake for it.
What an absolute fucking pleb. Kingdom of Heaven is not that good.
>Expect an epic
>Get one, but also an intensely focused character study
>All framed around empire
That's not even getting into how fucking horribly difficult it must have been to film it.
we need more islam kino tbqh
>Runtime: 222 minutes
How many sittings is this typically watched in?
One, you casual.
>strength 20,000
>50,000 casualties
One, with an intermission. It doesn't even feel long.
That's what that Islamic historian claimed but the point is Byzantines lost Syria and Palestine to the Arabs as a result of that battle
Probably because you watched the terrible theatrical cut.
One you pleb
The physician was good, especially when they all laugh at him for being circumcized
Plus based Ben Kingsley is in it
>we need a couple of generic chinks
>say no more pham
meh, all empires rise and fall
I expected it to be boring, but despite having no action scenes, I found it pretty inspiring and moving.
The Byzantine Empire still went on to exist like 900 after that battle while the arabs who won eventually lost to the Ottomans lmao
when will america fall already?
i agree
i really need to finish 3 kingdoms, but it can get SO FUCKING BORING. Also arr rook same so it can be hard to tell who's who.
fuck off kike no once cares
I'm trying to piss off byzaboos
Swedish Propaganda
Where can I find an hd release of Lawrence of Arabia?
>favourite historical films
It's barely even accurate tho
>not watching the original
Forgot one
>We keep you alive to serve this ship!
>Row well and live.
Love Jack Hawkins
Czech and Polish masterpieces from 50s to 80s.
Zulu is terrible though..
There is nothing historical about most of the movies posted here, (with the exception of Troy, which is mostly a poem written as entertainment) that wasnt completely altered for effect. They, for the most part, are loosely based on fact.
Op is literally one of those aliens from Galaxy Quest.
This. Unironically kino.
The Last Emperor
Empire of the Sun
The Man Who Would be King
Once Upon a Time in the West
Everyone knows they're not accurate, I just like films with a historical theme and are at least somewhat based on real events even if it's not 100% true.
>kingdom of heaven
Just because they wear chain mail and use swords doesnt mean its historical. Its almost entirely fictitious.
>Braveheart has the best battle scenes
>dude lets fight the armoured english half naked with sticks lmao
Well they do arr rook same
Based Saladin, saving the Holy Lands from barbaric infidels.
Keep hoping, refugee
>Tolkien is history
>charge forward with swords
Ah who am I kidding, who doesn't fucking love 300?
Would have been neat to show people a 5 minute documentary on how they actually held though.
I bet you like to fart in church, don't you?
Fucking millennials.
>Persians riding dinosaurs into battle
This is what Americans believe.
>The Last Emperor
Worth repeating.
They're both really, really bad at times. This backwater blacksmith begins espousing tactics to the King of Jerusalem. Bloom was dreadful.
theyve been an empire for not even a hundred years and are falling apart at the seams already, maybe in our lifetime
Strength usually refers to available combat strength i.e. soldiers. Casualties usually includes the accompanying baggage train, logistic support, and non-combatants that somehow got caught up in the battle.
Whenever i watch barry Lyndon i typically watch it in 3 sessions. The fewest ive ever done is 2. Stay mad.
The New World
According to pic related, empires die because they attract hordes of immigrants who don't necessarily share the principles that made the empire great. By this measure, American is falling already, and falling hard.
Well the implication was that he gained experience over his travels and such. The film took place over a pretty long period of time.
It'll outlast a lot of other empires, because it's death will be the slowest ever, just as its life was the shortest ever. Untangling ourselves from the bloody corpse of the USA will take several lifetimes at least.
Think of how Rome pretty much existed after death for so many centuries, it was a positive force, the same way America will be a negative force for a similar amount of centuries.
>crusader states were weak and weary
isn't that the point of the fucking movie?
Its called historical fiction dumb dumb
This first 30secs of the fight is basically how they held
He wasn't just a blacksmith he was an engineer who had made seige engines and fought in multiple wars before Godfrey ever found him, its all in the DC
I fucking hate you
I like to watch it in two sittings as well, first going up to when he gets married and second for the rest
The only movies I've watched in separate sittings were The Lord of the Rings Extended Trilogy
I watched each movie on Saturday and Sunday and the whole trilogy over a period of 3 weeks
maximum comfy tbqh
>Its almost entirely fictitious
Hardly. All "historical" films bend the facts. KoH is based around a real event and real characters,
You can procrastinate for hours every day, but you can't sit still to watch some of the purest kino for three and a half hours?
Yes but some bend the facts until the truth breaks. KoH is one such film.
Ah yeah that was it, thought I was forgetting something.
yeah im going to need a source on that
because as far as I know, the church being the only network of information that was widespread enough, they sure as shit wouldn't depict a muslim warlord as a noble man.
>estimate: 15.000-150.000
americans are literally a horde of immigrants to begin with
>Kingdom of Heaven (directors cut obviously)
So if I found the theatrical cut a plodding 5/10, is the DC really that much better?
>historical films
Assuming you are really looking for period epic action/war movies:
Conan the Barbarian (1982)
Das Boot
The Longest Day
And seconding Ben-Hur (1959), The Man Who Would Be King and Lawrence of Arabia.
>is the DC really that much better
Fucking affirmative. This is a 3.75-hour film that had to be edited with a chainsaw so that theatres would even show it.
Forget what you saw. The DC is the real thing.
If you go back far enough in history, every nation was a horde of immigrants to begin with. The question is how cohesive and compatible were those hordes.
>Conan the Barbarian
Jesus Christ you fucking brainlet, those are straight up fantasy films.
I wish we had more director cuts in all movies. I can sit more than just 2 hours watching movies
Watchmen did it too, and SMVBM
>This backwater blacksmith
yea this was really stupid, waste of liam neeson, and balian of ibelilin was a noble, the black smith with suicide wife aspect was needless.
The film didn't even need the france part.
>wasted kevin mckidd
>wasted Graham norton
>wasted german guy
>wasted hospitalier
If there was a movie I'd love to remake would be KoH
overall irs aesthetic though and I have seen it more than any other film.
Try the Lion in Winter, the original one, not the remake with Patrick Stewart.
Is that what you took away from the fall of rome?
>Bloom was dreadful.
Bloom is always dreadful. He's a featherweight rom-com actor. What a shame Russell Crowe didn't take the lead.