ITT: movies you saw in the theater with your dad

ITT: movies you saw in the theater with your dad

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Jurassic Park

I saw it with dad and mom. They liked it, I thought it was cliche ridden mess.

every capeshit

can't think of one

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Dungeons and Dragons, he still hasn't forgiven me.

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Billy Jack

>tfw oldfag

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and every other craig bond movie

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We saw the first or secong hobbit film in the theater together, we both slept midway that shit.
Miss those gold days

Mousehunt was the last one.

>always happy to watch videos with dad
>awkward phase came
>began to get uncomfortable around him
>one Friday night mom wasn't home. Out looking for jobs
>"Hey user let's go to the mall and watch this movie"
>excited to see submarine
>when the lady appeared I didn't get the breasts too big joke. Didn't feel uncomfortable at all
>but when they kissed and flirted I began to know what they were doing. Turned my head away
>when the movie ended my dad was angry with me
>"I will never take you to the movie again. You aren't looking at the screen at all!"

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The only one, wanted to take him to go see Dunkirk together but they weren't showing it anymore.

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Was a enjoyable movie

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10 years ago feels like yesterday

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Master and Commander

Checkmate women

>years later I became a NEET leeching on them in the basement. Tried to avoid them
>mom saw Dark Knight was popular and suggested a family night. It's been 3 years since the last one.
>afterward mom said it was great and mentioned the Hongkong tower scene
>dad smiled and argued that it chose a Chinese city but avoided Shanghai because they didn't want to piss off the real Chinese.
>I cringed and he saw it
>he got really angry and thought i was cringing at his stuttering
>we never saw any movie again

>except the snoopy movie
>and I am still leeching on him in his basement

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To this day it's the only one

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>december 2007
>"we're goin to the theater so pick out something"
>no country for old men still in theaters
>there will be blood just opening
>what does my dumb ass go and pick?
>wasn't even a hot topic kid just thought it looked cool
>cringe the whole way through
>wasn't allowed to pick the movie after that
>worst theater experience until next year when i saw tropic thunder with my mom

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I fucking luv that movie, idiot!

Honestly I can think of one outside Jumanji and I think he actually wanted to see it.

I don't blame him for not sitting through shit that wasn't even kino, like Flubber

assasin's creed, I wanted to watch the founder

Saw it when I was 19 well in Las Vegas since I couldn't get into anything so me and my dad decided to see a movie.

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