Spoilers ahoy. Shit's about to get real
Star vs. S3A episode descriptions
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Honestly all of these descriptions but the Quest Buy one and Lint Catcher (had no clue what that could be just from the title) are more or less what I expected and what's been predicted here already.
Didn't expected that "haunted" clip to be from the Glossaryck episode but it makes sense they're showing a clip from early in the season rather than something like Sweet Dreams or Nightlife like was guessed. Also fits with Star seeing "dead people" and of course she has some of the spellbook there.
Guess we'll know what Monster Bash will be about before the bomb even begins.
>Tom snubs Star at the Silver Bell Ball
>Star and Tom's relationship is put to the test
>Marco decides to put in a full effort to living life in the present on Earth
>Marco returns to Mewni, but questions whether he should have returned at all
>Marco suffering on the horizon
Hey, i was expecting less Marco but that's actually a good amount.
Well, as a starcofag, this is sad but at least is a more interesting Love triangle than Star/Marco/Jackie and finally possible character development for Marco
I was legit worried about him in the new season. Glad Nefcy's not a hack and has a plan
As a Starcofag, this is exactly what I want. The two being put to the real test about their feelings and suffering for everybody. The more they suffer, the better the ending will be
Marco's entire life has been suffering with a little pause since he started dating Jackie
>Tom beating his demons is actually a lesson in which he learns that Star is shit and he dodges a bullet
I hope that Tom realizes Star is bad for both of them just as much as I want Jackie to realize she's been treated pretty poorly as a girlfriend
This should be good. Too many people already treat Marco as the main character, when he's supposed to be the secondary main.
>yfw Sophmore Slump is the last Earth episode ever
Thank god. But I liked Raphael and Angie
Also I just realized this is probably where "A+F shows up in Season 3" happens. I hope it's another "fuck off losers" joke
>But I liked Raphael and Angie
Raphael is an artist and Angie works at a school. They can spend their summer vacation living in Butterfly Castle with Marco when he moves in. We can even get an episode where they have family bonding with Moon and River. Maybe even take them up on that hot tub offer.
>tfw Star is slowly becoming more and more heartless with Eclipsa around
>tfw she's not afraid to use more dirty tricks and occult spells to get what she wants
>tfw she uses Tom just to get back at Marco
>"Star, what have you become?"
>"I don't give a fuck, I do what I want"
My main complain so far is that Jackie is supposed to be Tom counterpart in terms of Star and Marco crush, and yet she feels much less of that.
more than just a bunch of fags no one is doing this, it's called STAR VS after all, and Marco harem is a meme, people are just questioning what will be Marco role in this season because so far it's seems that he will be just a part of Star love life, like you said he is a secondary main but he has even less role than a side character.
There is a Merfolk city on the new map though
Everything here is happening way too quickly.
Jackie will be dropped like a hot potato in one 11 minute episode.
Tom will get over 3 EPISODES to develop his relationship with Star.
Marco's role this season is to suffer. I mean actually suffer, not just gags suffer
Jackie yeah, probably. Tom though we should see what the second week holds
Jackie's not going to be important after Sophomore Slump
>Tom and Jackie were both introduced in "Matchmaker"
>Tom got his chance in Season 1, gave up in Season 2, and is getting promoted to focus character in Season 3
>Jackie got her chance in Season 2, will give up in Season 3, and will get time to shine in Season 4 as Eclipsa's dark magical girl apprentice, after Star rejects her and Eclipsa steals the wand
Holy shit, Peanut is freaking out.
>new map
Can we not start this shit?
Yes, but what I said could happen in Sophmore Slump
Difference is Jackie is a human so she is inherently more boring.
>gave up in Season 2
He gave up on Star but grew as a person with Marco. That's why he's getting promoted this season.
Jackie would have to grow as a person with Star but considering what Star's going to be going through this season, we all know that's not gonna happen
Seriously kys
So we'll be getting the second half next week, right?
But I wanted magical adventure squad, not Legend of Korra tier high school drama
Didn't that somewhat happen in Just Friends?
We will have both, AND YOU WILL LIKE IT
The fandom's Marco/Jackie/Toffee tears have recently circled back from annoying to hilarious.
If you haven't learned to love Star over all then you're really only hurting yourself. Or at least try to invest in characters like Ludo/the MHC who aren't involved in ship bullshit or likely to die
Jackie is perfect as a person. Does she even need to grow?
>mfw it just occured to me at least two of these are Ponyhead focused
Man Thursday is going to be an insane rush to grab the new downloads
Also, does Star vs. have the most 1 hr+ special episodes for a Disney cartoon at this point?
What the fuck is Kelly gonna even be doing through all of this?
We're gonna have both
> Legend of Korra tier
That implies some bad stuff now user. Don't make that call like this. For one thing I actually like the characters and they are well developed
>Marco Has a taste of True Sadness after Such happines he had
Just like one of my Taiwanese Cartoons
Marco and Tom at least are trying to build a bro relationship, of course it's not going to be all drama between them.
There's such a thing as regressive development. You know, like giving her flaws.
Epic spaghetti flinging!!
Well a lot of people who watch this show are tumblr fangirls and teenage girls so it only makes sense that they latched onto the ship bait
You see, this is why she's breaking up with him
>Lava Lake Beach
>Death Peck
>Night LIfe
>we could get FIVE TomStar episodes in this batch
So it begins
The Great Cuckening of our time
Man, if Star vs. was genderswapped, we'd be calling Marcine such a slut
Tom is. Marco will try but his feelings will start messing with him.
Why is this so disproportionate...
>that "blue marble" speech to Jackie
>that "it's fake, just like love" speech
>that "but I haven't made up my balloon yet"
What happiness?
No, that's retroactive development. She never had flaws to begin with.
She had no idea the Prince was into her until it was too late
Marcia was in love with jack, and the Prince knew it from the very start
>Star gets to be friends with Marco AND hot demon dick
/cuckquean/ on suicide watch
>you can't like a character because shipping is involving them
at least Marco still has those boring karate episodes, and suffering coming
>Episode 8B
"Time to make a real effort to be human. I'm gonna hang out with my friends, go to school, and hang out with my girlfriend"
[3-4 days later]
"STAR I MISS YOU" (cut to 9A)
It's not that you can't like them, it's just that stop assuming that everything is going to play out the way you want just because you like one of the secondary characters especially regarding thoughts of shipping
>How is that supposed to calm me down?
>No one fucking cares about Jackie. I care WAY TOO MUCH about her to the point where I am actually having suicidal thoughts if she's slighted by the staff.
>This is a DIRE situation for me.
oh god
its gonna be a Ferguson and Alfonzo episode
>the virgin Marco
>the chad Tom
not showing flaws =/= not having flaws
we barely get to see anything about her, but the show's not over yet
No, I think they're gonna do another "oh hey I didn't remember you guys existed" gag. What it is likely going to be, or at least I hope it is, is Marco trying to pretend everything's normal and not realize how much he's slighted Jackie and getting a real wake-up call to sort out his feelings
>more of best bois
Didn't mean it like that.
If you know you're gonna rage if a ship doesn't turn out how you want/expect, then it's maybe safer not to invest so heavily in ships in the first place. Pull back a bit, keep your expectations realistic, remind yourself there must be other things you like about the show (unless you're literally just in it for shipping, then you're probably dumb), that kind of thing.
The show tries to spin a lot of plates; if you've been so long with your headcanons that you think it's now THE JACKIE SHOW that's probably too heavy a level of investment
>If you haven't learned to love Star over all then you're really only hurting yourself.
Fuck you leather man, I'll hate that Mary Sue all I want. There are a ton of other interesting characters like Ludo and Glossaryck anyway.
Yeah, we should agree with non-constructive thoughts of Jackiehaters and have blind hate to her.
Just joking, i agree with you, user.
> It's not that you can't like them
Thank you for a permission, senpai. It's surprisingly uncommon opinion here.
that's why i said about those boring karate episodes, Marco at least has something going on with him outside of being Star love partner.
and is just assumptions, anything could happen.
>It's surprisingly uncommon opinion here.
Only for the ones who get super obssessed about it that it's laughable
>marcos gone
I don't think we're getting any karate episodes anymore
Star better make things up with Tom by introducing him to a much better girl after she leaves him broken hearted
I think we're all forgetting how is the "You sealed Eclipsa away because she fell in LOVE?/Call me a villainess" thing is going to play out
i know that anything could happen, who knows maybe even more love partner for Star and Marco, i just said that at least Marco had something outside of being just Star love partner.
Ludo and Glossaryck (as part of the MHC) are actually THE characters I specifically cited as safer to invest in.
And they are great.
Marco is a cuck haha
not complaining tho, they can make better Marco episodes like rws.
I know, I just wanted to publicly announce that I hate Star's plot armor, and everybody in this thread should feel bad for liking her
Manna end game then?
Isnt it a little too soon to be pairing Tom and Star? it took a lot of episodes to establish star falling for Marco, and yet on 3 EP would they pair her with tom?
I feel bad for the people who still self-insert as Marco
Don't be butthurt now
>Ludo is gone
>His fans are waiting
>sometimes some poor soul screams into the void "WHEN MY LUDO COMES BACK"
>some people find that obnoxious because they still aren't convinced in him being one of the best characters
I mean, i like him so much, but i'm scared
Well for one thing Star is definitely using him as a rebound, that makes things quicker. Second, Star was already in a relationship with Tom so she knows how she feels, or at least, felt, about him at one point.
I don't think anybody watching this show up to this point doesn't already think Ludo is one of the best characters. At least not around here
No. Heinco
>tfw the vast majority of Starco female shippers jump to Tomstar
I'm actually cool with that because I ship Jarco
>Defending Star
What a fucking faggot, I bet you kiss girls too
Actually, now the self insert is even more believable...
New thread, new requests
Only little ones.
Marco piggybacking an excited Hope
Was it bad?
Jackie wearing full body armor
Jackie as Valerie from Danny Phantom.
is it ever not?