S H A Z A M !
Oh shit
Huh, good choice
Good choice i guess, but is he BUFF ENUFF
He can always work out.
>directed by the guy that made an Annabelle prequel and nothing else
It'll be great!
And if it's not marketing execs can force him out and hire a music video director to cut up his footage!
He doesn’t have the chin to play Shazam.
Why. Stop casting tv actors.
padded suit. Gym membership, & trainer paid by studio can fix this.
Chuck's alright and all, but I think he's got the wrong build for this. He's a thin fellow, easily confused with Jon Krazinski. Captain Marvel is big, broad chested, and kinda triangle shaped.
Unless by Shazam they mean he's playing the Wizard?
Does anyone know if he's even in Thor 3?
Wasn't he Arcade Gannon?
His last two movies were generally liked, and have made big money for New Line, plus he's close to James Wan ... he's much more likely to get to do what he wants.
TV actors are more gullible enough to sign multipicture contracts and sign their likeness away for merchandising.
I don't hate Zachary Levi he's cool but the sheer fun aspect of having John Cena play Shazam while having Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson play Black Adam
would have just been great
Yes, he is also Flynn from Tangled
>Zach Levi vs The Rock
That sounds embarrassingly one sided.
They tried, Cena wanted too much. Also fuck that. Cast a real actor.
>easily confused with Jon Krazinski
Jon was going to be Captain America tho
>*650 million at box office*
There is a reason Freddy Krueger merch doesn't look like Freddy.
>Cast a real actor
TV's Chuck!
>Captain Marvel is a lantern jawed pulp hero
>let's have him played by a skinny Jew
Yeah. Great choice.
Apparently John Cena turned down the role, Sup Forums didn't meme hard enough.
>They could have had Cena as Shazam
>They could have had The Rock as Blackadam
WB is fucking up HARD.
Good enough for Rocky but not BMJ? Hm.
great smile, but not the bust bone structure he needs to bulk
fuck off wrestling hick
no one cares
>no John Cena
Levi is a great actor but he doesn't look the part
Sweet, can't wait for Captain Marvel. Definitely my most anticipated DCEU film after Nightwing.
He's having to do his family comedy penance before being allowed to do action.
If he ever gets that far being a sub level Hulk Hogan Face type.
Dip shit. No one that watches wrestling likes john cena. He's yours now.
Man, that John Cena rumour was fucking HYPE.
Chris Pratt was a lard ass who made his break in a sitcom, keep that in mind before you say this guy isn’t the right size for Shazam
Well, at least he's got the look for pre-serum Steve Rogers.
>No one that watches wrestling likes john cena
Spoken like a true r/SquaredCircle man
I'm quite happy with this.
He can definitely pull off the 'child in a man's body' vibe, he's a big comic fan and he's tall.
All he needs to do is bulk up and he'll be perfect.
They love "Big Match John" ever since he started showing up exclusively to put other people over and then disappearing for months, all that smark hate is on Roman now.
>not John Cena
The real question is who's gonna be Billy?
John Cena would have been fucking garbage and you know it. The only thing he has going for him is size and that's it.
My complaint isn't size so much as type. Levi is really ectomorphy.
looks alright to me.
They could have had Fred as Billy Batson.
He's a tad older than what I would have liked, but yeah, especially know that he has a resemblance to the guy who will play Big Red.
I am pretty confident in his ability to play what a 12 year old thinks a cool adult who's beating people up would be. It's been his job for like a decade and a half.
He was one of the warriors three? what
And he's wonderful at it.
Now if only we could get Yvonne Strahosvki in as well.
>mfw you're being this wrong
John Cena is actually a pretty good actor, he was the only redeeming thing in that steaming pile of shit "Trainwreck"
Yeh, he played Fandral in The Dark World.
>captain marvel
Hate it to break it too you
so that's why they killed him
Wait? What??
Isn't Shazam like Superman? With the look?
Well this is not Chavil
The guy who played Fandral in the first movie bailed out so he replaced him in Dark World for like, two scenes.
Yeah, he was Fandral in the second one, after being cast as him and then having to bow out due to a scheduling conflict in the first one (and then his replacement got another gig)
You probably don't remember because the Thor movies, especially 2, did a bad job with the Warriors Three and Sif.
hate to break to you but her movie will get pushed back as soon as they acquire F4.
Look, you can't seriously use a fucking Amy Schumer movie as proof that John Cena is a good actor. It's just not fair. Anyone would look good next to Amy Schumer.
Why the fuck does Brie Larson look like a completely different person in every goddamn picture she's in!?
literally my first reaction
I actually like it. Would have preferred Alan Ritchson but he's set to play Hawk (as in Hawk and Dove) so this should be good enough. He's also pretty sympathetic so it should definitely work
oh fuck, he made Anabelle Creation? I'm hyped
Nobody has the chin to play Shazam.
He's pretty tall. So if he can gain some weight and mussel he should look the part. Not a bad choice.
>>You probably don't remember because the Thor movies, especially 2, did a bad job with the Warriors Three and Sif.
To be fair, user, Jaime Alexander was supposed to have a bigger role, but she hurt herself on set and they had to cut her role down. Granted, she was supposed to, allegedly, be in a love triangle with Thor and Jane, so maybe it's for the best.
>'Rasslin' Shazam
I hope his costume is the shoulder cape.
>Nobody has the chin to play Shazam.
In case you forgot or fell off, I'm still hot, knock your shell off.
>You probably don't remember because the Thor movies, especially 2, did a bad job with the Warriors Three and Sif.
The third one is doing a bad job with them since they apparently die
What her name?
I hope this isn't real.
Nothing of value was lost.
I like them in the comics, but there was simply no place to jam them into the movies satisfyingly.
I don't know, a mediocre love triangle would be better than requiring spinal surgery, even if she WAS eventually dumped for a less attractive rival who didn't even want to be in the movie.
>Implying DC aren't going to call Billy Captain Marvel just to fuck with Marvel
Read more than just one reply next time friendo
I want to kiss his jaw
I mean, it's not like it would have made Thor 2 any worse.
Sure there was, it's the space they jammed the Hulk into.
>mfw you aren't getting what you're whining about.
Nah, i think they could've been handled WAY better, especially on this third one :/
Cena doesn't look so bad now...
Did Chris Pratt get this kind of shit?
Well, Hulk IS a much bigger draw than all of them combined.
That's okay. Marvel likes free lawyer money.
I don't remember people being so upset over it, then again, statuesque physique and one of the few well-define faces in comics are not concerns for Star-Lord.
Listen kid, you are just going to have to face the fact that your favorite hack has-been of a "rassler ain't going to be doing any real acting any time soon. In 5 years, he's going to be the next Ric Flair by which I mean fat, drunk and unemployable.
No comic reader gives a fuck about Star Lord.
What's your beef with Cena
t. not a comic reader
Star Lord fans give a fuck about Star Lord.
Pratt had a competent studio and talented director
Why are you reveling on not getting something good just because other people wanted it?
Yes, because they can never change their physique.
>strike gold with casting The Pebble as African-American Adam
>cast some skinny heeb with a misshaped head as Billy fucking Batson
>and one of the few well-define faces in comics
Jesus, the guy is a twink, he needs to be at least 100 pounds beefier.
He's a hack actor. He's not even as good as the Rock is and that's saying something.
>John Cena
Pick one
DC better fucking hope Justshit League bombs and all future movies are cancelled because that's just embarrassing
>"This is it! This DC movie will flop!" said the nervous mouse shill for the 80th time this year.
Needs a broader chest
Enjoy your scrawny TV actor then, I guess.
Fuck off /woo/ he's not even an actor