The guy who made Cute Wendy, Girly, You Suck and made Slipshine tried to commit suicide.
for those of you not in the know the Editor of Iron Comics rejected his comic You Suck due to the fact that there are lost of sex scene of dubious consent in it. Understandable, yes? hos response was to send hateful messages calling her a bad person and a coward over Facebook's messaging system. this isnt new behaviour for him at all. in fact people who worked with him at Slipshine were rather well versed with him sending personal venomous messages to people who ignored his press releases, and other minor disagreements and slights. he did so to friends and artists working for him. but this is the first time he was actually called out on this behavior. he played the victim for a bit, trying to excuse the behavior and whining about how he used to be a bigger deal. but as a guy who had depression who self medicated with booze and burgers he's hard to feel bad for
I remember Josh from my webcomic days, so it sucks to hear how bad things have gotten for him.
I hope he gets the help he needs.
Robert Martin
None of what you said was false, but I still care for the guy. He was one of my favorite web 1.0 comic creators. He's a pretty bi-polar, nebbish, guy, but I liked the "stretchiness" of his art and even his humor was nice.
I hope the guy gets the help he needs. The shit he's got makes life lonely as hell.
Jackson King
If someone doesn't like his stuff he should just move on and find another editor and if no one else wants his work, he should either sell it directly or do a patreon or whatever. Maybe it's easier said than done but he should just do anything productive that will help him in the long run and not screech at the person who rejected him.
That said it sounds to me like he's self-harming for attention whore because someone who wants to be dead plans it and goes all the way and they have bigger reasons than people thinking their comic is shit. He even says he didn't take a lethal dose of ambien and that he called someone to get him an ambulance so it was for attention.
And yes the internet is full of witchunts and toxic people especially social media sites but he got the consequences for his behavior so he has to learn to act like an adult.
He should get professional help and stop acting like a baby and just move the fuck on.
Andrew Thompson
He did do a Patreon. He just never actually updated his comic.
Lesnick has an awful habit of starting projects, stopping them, and then blaming everyone but himself when nobody gives him money for doing nothing. Fuck, go look at his Dungeon Panic kickstarter.
Adam Moore
Nathan Harris
It didn't help that his artist ghosted for a few months. But the updates were few and far between.
Mason Watson
Liam Morgan
But the internet, including the people on it and their bullshit, is important!
Dylan Thomas
>slipshine Shame he didn't succeed
Brody Collins
He's a mediocre talent who couldn't evolve with the times. Honestly this was a long time coming. He's spent so many years at this point crying about how much he drinks, what a failure he is, etc. and as cruel as it may be it reaches a point where you get sick of hearing about it and just want yell "do it already".
Josh just wants everyone to feel sorry for him and this "suicide attempt" is no different. You have to take something like 2000 mg of Ambien to OD and kill yourself and I doubt he took anywhere near that much. That's how most of these "woe is me" fake suicides go. They take a slightly higher dosage of pills than normal, mix it with some alcohol and wait that way there's no real risk of killing themselves but they can say that they totally tried because the point isn't to actually kill yourself but try and get people to feel bad for you and thus give you positive attention.
Ryan Martinez
As someone dealing with bipolar depression and suicidal thoughts and who has an audience...
Honestly this guy just sounds lazy and unmotivated, or motivated for the wrong reasons. He'd be better off making shorts in an anthology to gain more of an audience and not burn himself out, and if he's been doing comics for as long as people say he has, it's pretty sad that he really just needs to go back to basics like that.
If he's worried about money he should just go mooch off one of his fans or friends for a bit and get a job, and do the comic thing on the side. It should give him better work ethic.
Juan Turner
I remember liking Girly, but this guy went nuclear on SA whenever someone made fun of Moon Over June of all things so I'm not surprised there was something wrong with him.
Chase Brooks
Asshole couldn't even do that properly.
Ayden Nelson
I have no idea who Josh Lesnik is and I have never heard of Cute Wendy, Girly, You Suck, or Slipshine.
So I think that I don't really give a shit.
Dominic Lopez
I really feel for the guy, but a small part of me is laughing because he wrote a comic where >girl is mad at her bf for not indulging in her fondling in public fetish >then SUPER mad at him for apparently fucking a DIFFERENT woman in public, right afterwards >doesn't even try to find out what really happened, but quickly discovers HE was actually being raped by a succubus >Oh well I still hate him anyway so it's for the best we broke up >oh and it's okay if I rape dudes either directly or with assistance. They're all cool with it but really that's not TERRIBLY hypocritical. It's not as if he ever had a female character screaming about women being raped. either way, if I wasn't his biggest fan before, I sure am now. The girl from You Suck is just the best. I only just recently found the new site and reread it all.
Austin Jackson
Dude they rejected it for the new fictional-rape witch hunt. He had every reason to get mad. Why aren't people allowed to be mad without getting shat on by the internet? why do we have to be perfect little emotionless boxes? You know what though, fuck social media in general. If this guy had a normal email address like a normal person, I would have emailed him the other night when I heard about this shit, and given him my support. Maybe he would have felt better.
Jonathan Young
I believe Lesnick's friends with the person who does Moon Over June which is why he flipped out.
Charles Lewis
so at least he's got a heart
John Lopez
Feel bad for the guy desu. He's clearly mentally ill and in a bad place and those cunts on Twitter decided to blast him instead of acting like adults and recognizing that he needs help. Creating webcomics isn't a very stable profession and if this work isn't enough for him to support himself anymore he'll probably have to either go back to school or accept shitty work for the rest of his life. Hard stuff to face when you can't trust your own brain.
Henry Smith
Lesnick can spend that $14k he swindled off kickstarter on a therapist. Can't feel bad for the bitch when the fucker goes and blasts that chick's inbox with insults. Lesnick's had his second, third, and fourth chances, and he doesn't even produce a comic now to currently give him that forgiveness.
Nicholas Baker
you can't just treat people differently because of what they're guilty of. That just makes people who fucked up go 'well i'm fucked now' and double down on fucking up. that said, did he really do a kickstarter swindle? not cool.
Sebastian Evans
Where the fuck do I find a girl like Anna?
Gabriel Young
it was actually exactly that stuff that got the comic rejected
Carson Peterson
>what do yall think? I think social media will be what kills the human race, not nuclear weapons or asteroid impacts
Chase Stewart
most of the people i saw talking about it said something along the lines of "yeah this has gone on for too long, Josh needs help."
Nolan Martinez
nope, it was only the rape bit. which is retarded.
Brody Baker
>i got really scared Fucking pussy.
Go all the way or don't go at all.
Dylan Robinson
You coward. YOu hypocrite. You piece of fucking trash I feel sorry for everyone who thinks you're a good person.
Daniel Price
Yeah, this.
Jackson King
cant disagree i miss the old internet
Easton Price
Then why the fuck did you post in a thread about a guy you don't give a shit? You clearly gave some shit to do this.
Also even when user you're an attention whore.
Tyler Powell
hey I've never heard of Cute Wendy, is it good?
Jose Cox
>Deli clerk at Cub Foods >in Minnesota Fuck, I'd want to kill myself too.
Kayden Gonzalez
Never heard of him. Pretty decent artist, though. I hope he gets the help he needs.
Cooper Jenkins
wait what? you mean that described josh? ... is it possible I know him?
Lincoln Gomez
As someone who has been suicidal, your brain just does this thing where it starts encouraging you to kill yourself. You consciously don't want to die but you're strongly compelled. I could see someone like him acting on that while drunk and stopping it part way. He probably actively avoids learning lethal doses, etc.
Justin Johnson
Only idiots care. Take this retard topic to Sup Forums
Adrian Powell
It's pretty cute. It's also referenced later in Girly.
>drink a small dose of a product to "kill itself" >tell it to everyone right after
That fucking faggot wanted attention, that's like most "women suicide attempts", if he wanted to kill himself he would shoot himself in the head or jump of a building, way faster,painless and 100% chance of death
Adrian Davis
hey if I make a porn comic that's kinda like this and I don't embarrass myself online, will you guys love me and give me money and attention?
Evan Edwards
I really wish he succeeded. Fuck him.
He's a fucking SJW, he deserves no sympathy.
Asher King
It's a reference to an unintentionally hilarious ad that used to run for Slipshine, featuring this gay purple man. He's not actually gay.
And actually the quote was "for instance, penises".
Nathaniel Martinez
No such thing as tried, you do it or you don't.
t.Guy who didn't.
Joshua Martin
if he is, this is surely how he'll learn better
Ryder Collins
oh that's pretty good
Jace Evans
You can say they dodged a bullet with that guy
Zachary Ward
>look at guest comics page >the best looking thumbnail is from brad and leslie >it's not linked properly, it just recursively links back to the extras page god dammit
Logan Gomez
Yeah but he still likes Moon Over June. He thinks it's got an interesting art style.
Cute Wendy is awful and I don't care for it. But it led to Girly, so I'm okay with it existing. >It's also referenced later in Girly You mean like, 10 pages in? Cause that's about when Winter reveals who her parents are.
If it's good and goes super lite on preaching your personal agenda, maybe.
Joseph Ward
oh wait I found it on the tumblr. my personal views don't go well with porn anyway. Like how action works better if you pretend it's always best to solve problems violently. But on a meta level, anytime I make porn and don't forbid depiction of anything, that's a personal view I suppose.
Ian James
he probably took aspirin. i only hope they performed stomach pumping on him. and as the other user said, when you do this kind of stuff and immediately go around telling everyone, is because you were striving for attention.
Dylan Sullivan
Maybe. This is what he looks like.
Thomas Murphy
huh. vaguely familiar. In any case if I meet the guy Ima tell him I like his work
Jackson Rogers
Maybe not while he's at work? Might embarrass him to be recognized verbally. Slip him a note when you get your change.
Oliver Rivera
as a suicidal person i feel like i can give my 2 cents on the whole "looking for attention" thing. in short it's not mutually exclusive, you want to doe but you also want people to hold you back. you're looking for reasons to keep going, and if you see a lot (hopefully) of people wanting you to stop then that's a reason to keep fighting. not to say you're not going to try or you're not prepared to kill yourself, it's basically giving yourself 30 minutes to see if you want to back out.
in this case it's not to weird to fail and then tell people. the deed is done and if you're leaving you owe people an explanation. it's also a way of getting more support, depending on how much social media you close off.
in short, it's probably not attention whoring exclusively for the sake of attention whoring, it's probably still genuine
Lucas Morgan
the deli at my cub foods is either overpriced or shit anyway I mean he could have been a lot more dramatic than a few plain straightforward tweets
Isaac Perez
*you want to die
i accidentally created a new dance move
Hudson Bell
exactly, so it's probably genuine
Angel Diaz
Being real her, Girlyyy was one of the first webcomics that I got into. I've been following his stuff since and it's pretty depressing to see he's dropped so low. Especially since I have him on discord and stuff. Makes me wish I'd reached out to the guy more.
Jeremiah Hill
Did anyone get their free car from him?
Lincoln Collins
>what do yall think?
He sounds crazy, he doesn't need to be suicidal to have a severe mental illness, being an asshole and an attention whore can be part of a mental illness.
Here's where people say "being mentally ill doesn't excuse being a jerk" and so on. I hate to say it but there are people so crazy they really can't help but be assholes. It's not an excuse but a sad reality. Only solution I can think of that I've seen work is extremely strong heavy meds sometimes.
Jordan Sanders
Daniel Turner
Well that doesn't look like it's for attention at all, talking about it so very much on social media.
Cameron Long
and it's not like he's a gigantic jerk, just kind of a mild one. We've all met people like that. they're too fucked up in the head to ever really get along with people
Juan Gonzalez
i feel bad for diana nock! shes probably had to pull him outta this kinda shiz a lot.
Thomas Brown
i also feel bad for josh because he has john k syndrome but he never accomplished anything much in his prime so he doesnt even have good memories
i feel sad for all other webcomic people also
Jeremiah Ramirez
Well, at least this gives me time to work on the next Dumbing of Age censorship.
Robert Torres
I think this is giving me tunnel vision I grew up with this guy's work and it shaped me (kinda) and now to see he's kindof a little shit is It's surreal man.
Henry Johnson
Could be worse, could be Wisconsin.
Jeremiah Scott
it's not exactly rare for webcomic authors to be a little asstastic. As long as it doesn't end up in their work, I don't care. Lookin at you, Neko the Kitty and Twisted Kaiju Theatre
Aaron Foster
>is because you were striving for attention.
Actually having made one or more "cry for help" type attempts is the biggest predicator that you'll kill yourself for real and in a way that can't be stopped or saved. Basically people who are really sick in the head often flail around trying to get some help, people have a survival instinct that kicks in even if they want to die a lot, if that doesn't work though they'll often proceed, this is a last shot flopping around trying to save itself like a drowning animal. the myth that people who "cry for help" won't really kill themselves is part of what drives the successful suicide rate up because it's just not true, it usually means either some desperate last ditch help attempt or some sort of trial run or practice for the real run, of course some people either get their help or the trial run shows they will "chicken out" before they do it for real but the real option is on most attempters' minds
Ryan Young
William Bennett
Just wanted to chime in and say that Lesnick was my introduction to Sup Forums via a link on Girly back in the day, so in other words hearing that he made a massively incompetent suicide attempt does not surprise me in the slightest.
Sebastian Lopez
I've heard horror stories from a former roommate who used to work at copps (now pick-n-save) deli in WI
Long story short - It sucked.
Lucas Sanchez
He always got really REALLY angry when people made fun of Moon Over June. That porn comic with the REALLY bad art. It was funny.
Oliver Cruz
i have always said if only the art wasnt so grotesque it would actually be a pretty hot comic
Camden Brown
i wonder if he really believed that it was only homophobes and trolls that hated it or if he just stuck up for it cause his friend made it. it was bad at being porn and it was never genuinely funny the only two things it set out to be
Luke Diaz
Wait theres a new eitch hunt? Didn't we just get out of a holywood witch hunt.
Lincoln Gonzalez
Sounds like a decent job to me.
Connor Thompson
it's not very new really, i shouldn't have said new
Noah Martin
Wisconsin has far superior taste in cheese and cured meats.
Zachary Russell
>As someone dealing with bipolar depression and suicidal thoughts and who has an audience... fuck off cunt
Easton Lewis
>be one of the first popular webcomic creators >create comics that people enjoy for many years >create porn comics and a premium service that charges membership to see them >proceed to scoop up shitty artists and focus on porn primarily for women and lbgt community >surprise surprise it ends up becoming a failure as better artists get all the acclaim and money doing porn people actually want and are willing to pay for >patreon makes it even harder for slipshine to succeed >continue being an sjw jerk off that can't figure out how to make his site profitable
Josh you stupid poor bastard just give me your shitty site and I'll spin gold!
Tyler Walker
>sjw jerk off Man, I remember when he tried to signal-boost EVERY LITTLE FUCKING THING about Black Lives Matter on his Twitter. He kept adding shit like "SOMEBODY has to document this so something can be done about it" and kept acting like lack of interest in those things was the same as active oppression.
Gabriel Rogers
>>create porn comics and a premium service that charges membership to see them >>proceed to scoop up shitty artists and focus on porn primarily for women and lbgt community >>surprise surprise it ends up becoming a failure as better artists get all the acclaim and money doing porn people actually want and are willing to pay for
Not surprised at all
Dylan Rivera
>As long as it doesn't end up in their work It almost always does, it's just a question of WHEN.
Sebastian Foster
What happened to neko the kitty?
Aaron Reed
Why is it a retarded that he broke their rules and they rejected his comic? Are they required to take his work on?
Jacob Carter
I started reading girly soon before it ended and was reading QC around the same time too. It sucks that the guy's going through tough times but I can't help but feel he brought it upon himself. Yeah, I liked the tone and style and yuri of his comics as a teenager but I grew out of it. Life's too short to be worried about SJW shit. Hopefully he finds some actually productive passion.
All that being said, I'm still thankful to Lesnik for introducing me to The Refereshments -- I still enjoy Banditos.
Caleb Bell
good for him, if he's unhappy he needs to take action. suicide is a step forward unironic, grow up, be an adult, don't pretend to love every life when you're a petty fucker on the internet constantly
Aiden Allen
Yeah, he didn't take very much.
Josh Lesnick is a stupid asshole. In recent years he's lashed out at friends, collaborators, colleagues, fans and even complete strangers and burned nearly every bridge he had built. He completely ruined his own reputation and career by being a dipshit and "attempted suicide" (5 pills? really? give me a fucking break) for attention. He may have been an innovator but he never changed with the times and grew into a major douchebag who nobody wants to associate with. I know people who had a lot of help from him years ago and they like to dance around it by "he used to be a nice guy so I can't REALLY say anything bad about him" and having empathy for him but they can keep their empathy to themselves. Dude's a fucking jackoff and has deserved everything bad that has happened to him in the last year. I wish he had genuinely tried to kill himself but he's just an attention whore instead.
Hunter Cook
Oh, I was once this guy Alienated a lot of people because I was a manic depressive and was real attention seeking and self destructive I was lashing out at people because I projected my own securities
That nigga needs help, it took me 2 weeks in a psych ward to get out of it and now I'm just an alcoholic If he DOESNT want help or thinks he's above it, then he deserves for his work to fail
Justin Scott
>i laid down, waiting to die. for about 15 minutes, then i got really scared and told diana to call the ambulance.
top kek at the half-assed-ness and selfishness of this, presume diana is his girlfriend he was just going to let find his body in the next room to her
Alexander Cox
Even worse, ex-girlfriend. They haven't been dating for years now.