How do you go from this

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Other urls found in this thread: this?

Attached: john-boyega-spotted-jaeger-pilot-armor-the-set-pacific-rim-2-53.jpg (612x332, 54K)

It is pathetic how such a downgrade the new one is.

I don't understand, is the point you're trying to make a posed photo looks better than a random image of a person walking?

In HD still looks like spandex with pieces of cheap plastic attached.

He's saying the costume in the new movie sucks. And he's right. It looks like cheap power rangers shit

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Much as I hate Del Taco, I had to admire his passion for Pacific Rim. He went on this whole spiel on how he wanted the effects team to treat the ocean as a character in its own right, with a personality of sorts.
He didn't half ass Pacific Rim, and while it was a simple story, that whole-assery made sure it was well told.
Amid wave after wave of complex stories shittily told, all I want is a simple story that's told well, and Pacific Rim delivered.

the ocean has character in the movie?

I think what he was trying to say in his autistic way was to make sure the team paid attention to how the waves moved during fights, not make the ocean just part of the backdrop.

>our pepperoni pizza was a success!
>to make even more money on our next pizza we're going to remove the pepperoni, the cheese, and the sauce.

If you think about much attention to detail was put into it and the presence the ocean has in the movie, then yes, it does.

why the fuck would you hate del toro??

His last couple of movies are shit, and I hate any entertainer who has a strong political slant in any direction. I watch movies to avoid politics.

he talked shit about daddy trump

And this is why I hate when political bullshit gets shoved in modern movies. You faggots used to have your own boards, but now that entertainment decided to go full CSPAN, Sup Forums is deader than ever before.

sort of like a Chinese knockoff, oh wait..

by going WAR READY

It even looks like the virgin walk

he did?
fuck that fat piece of shit then

Its no wonder he and Kojima are friends they both have some autistic love for details

Not a coincidence that a Mexican immigrant filmmaker got the most nominations this year, despite just making a worse version of Edward Scissorhands, and it wasn't because of the movie.
There needs to be a separation of film and state.

Not him but I’ll always resent him for backing out of the Hobbit; basically foisting it on to Peter who had to cobble something together due to great studio pressure. He is a big reason why we got the nonsense that was that trilogy.

They just wear Spandex with hokey pad parts glued in. they are literally wearing spandex with those plastic parts sewed in... what a disgrace

it killed Cherno Alpha and the other Gypsy Damger pilot

I’m pretty annoyed by his Hellboy adaptions and the fake geek crowd glomming onto them. The latter isn’t his fault, of course, but turning such amazing source material into the OG quip fest with unnecessary love stories will never stop upsetting me

absolute downgrade

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>Del Toro conceived the film as an operatic work: "That was one of the first words I said to the entire team at ILM. I said, 'This movie needs to be theatrical, operatic, romantic.' We used a lot of words not usually associated with high-tech blockbusters … We went for a very, very, very, very saturated color palette for the battle for Hong Kong. I kept asking John to tap into his inner Mexican and be able to saturate the greens and the purples and the pinks and the oranges." The classic Japanese woodblock print The Great Wave off Kanagawa by Hokusai was a common motif in the ocean battles; Del Toro recalled, "I would say 'Give me a Hokusai wave' … we use the waves and weather in the movie very operatically."[70] The director asked that Knoll not necessarily match the lighting from shot to shot: "It's pretty unorthodox to do that, but I think the results are really beautiful and very artistically free and powerful, not something you would associate with a big sci-fi action movie." Del Toro considers the film's digital water its most exciting visual effect: "The water dynamics in this movie are technically beautiful, but also artistically incredibly expressive. We agreed on making the water become almost another character.

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It takes a severely low IQ for someone to criticize Trump. Not being able to see how great of a president Trump is unquestionably undermines the artistic validity of anything that the criticizing individual does. It's sad really.

Isn't Pacific Rim 2 just some money laundering scheme for chinese?


How did we go from this

Attached: cherno.webm (1280x720, 1.84M)

to this

Attached: heavy.webm (1920x1080, 844K)

Yes. Its not working out how they planned though

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Attached: Gipsy Danger.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)


Attached: Character Selection Screen.webm (960x540, 881K)

to this

Attached: WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING.webm (640x360, 468K)

and keep in mind, we used to have this

Attached: fall.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Those were necessary movements to stop the apocalypse

What episode of ReBoot is this?

>people ever cared about this shitty Eva ripoff
The dark lighting was great and the design was solid, but that's literally all the original had going for it.

Attached: AauNxrf.jpg (700x483, 28K)

>He killed THOUSANDS

and this

Attached: Gipsy Danger vs Leatherback.webm (640x360, 2.94M)



Honestly I'm just glad we had this much. It could easily not have happened at all, and I was so happy to see it on a big screen.
How the fuck it lost to Grown Ups fucking 2 in the box office still baffles me.
Movie theaters, especially these days, are for seeing spectacles this insane on the largest screen possible.
How the fuck did people prefer to watch a CGI deer pissing all over Adam Sandler?

and what about this

>watching cartoons

Attached: salute.webm (1280x720, 2.94M)

>daddy trump
go back

>the quality of a story is influenced by the format it's presented in, durrr

how could I forget this

Attached: rocket.webm (640x360, 2.94M)

this is where the theme song should be sounded, not in a stupid montage.

Achieved by doing this

Attached: rim.webm (640x360, 2.72M)

instead of this

Attached: john-boyega-flees-fallen-jaeger-new-pacific-rim-2-set-photos-53.jpg (640x408, 83K)

A shame that Kojima is a mediocre hack who should retire from doing movies diguised as videogames.
Of course he will not do it, after all he knows that he has no chances in the movie industry

>he didn't like eva
Are you lost, young redditor?

>he didn't like eva
just didnt watch it, thats all

I know the blind plebs complain about it, but shooting in the rain seems to be really smart. You can really tell the scale of it based on how water reacts to it.

Fucking hell I had no idea how much of that set was real.

Normalfags can easily swallow Adam Sandler shit, but giant robots punching monsters doesn't make sense to them so it's harder to swallow.

My bad.

>he didn't watched eva
Are you lost, underage redditor?

it's literally motocross equipment. Sup Forums found almost the exactly same shit (even the format) in different colors when this trash was announced. they just slightly altered it.

It's good, you should look into it.

somebody post the webm where they drop the entire set for the opening sequence

it was on purpose, its why fights took place at night as well, Del Toro knows his shit, and having CGI in a dark place helps the eye fill in the gaps
just not interested

>giant robots punching monsters doesn't make sense
And yet mentally uploading yourself into a giant blue alien is not only perfectly sensible, but desired by billions.
Mentally Pacific Rim was a couple of steps down from Avatar for audiences. I don't buy the "audiences wouldn't understand it".

Attached: Avatar.0.jpg (1600x900, 275K)

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I haven't seen the movie, but what happens to the Jaeger "November Ajax" He's the big blue Jaeger that chases the civilian Jaeger piloted by the girl.

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>just not interested
It's kind of like Pacific Rim if all the mistakes were corrected and it were more psychological. You're foolish for dismissing it because of the format.

eva is way different than Pacific rim. One's about saving the world, the other is about some kid's fucked up life caused by shithead adults that treat him like dirt.

It's not about the understanding, but the hostility towards the concept of giant robots. Most likely an average normalfag who doesn't appreciate giant robots sees PR to be a undesirable concept since lelrobots are for kids or see it as immature presentation.

Not saying Grown Ups 2 was mature, but you know what you were getting: Adam Sandler shit.

I can see that. They associated PR with Power Rangers, which is a pretty huge normie-filter past a certain age.
That just makes Avatar even more confusing, since Jake Sully was basically also stepping into a giant robot that happened to be organic, and ended up fighting other giant robots.

Attached: the-giant-robots-are-equipped-with-equally-giant-knives.jpg (780x439, 74K)

It's weird how the art style of Guy Davis is similar to the Men in Black and Godzilla shows in the 90's, but apparently he didn't work on them

Avatar was pretty colorful compared it to PR's bleak and dark tone.

I could've fucking sworn he did just by looking at that concept art.

Attached: hqdefault.jpg (480x360, 15K)

Bleak and dark was in style.

Attached: GalleryMovies_1900x900_theDarkKnightRises_52abb72631b910.23880325.jpg (1900x900, 203K)

>file name
this always bothered me. why wouldn't the robots have big knives? they are up against fucking dinosaur monsters, having a big knife if your gun fucks up/you get caught on something/whatever makes perfect sense.

Yeah, I saw that. Considered changing it.
I mean if they're gonna put intricate detailed into a representation of human hands, it's only logical that they'd use larger versions of human tools.

Gipsy Danger has so much more "personnality" than Gipsy Avenger

I mean, it has a cool design and all, not so far from GD while being different on it's own but they never made him as bad ass as GD in this scene

Glad I'm not the only one who noticed that. Slattern concept art is just so fucking similar

Attached: Unused_2.jpg (1052x600, 237K)

Eva was inspired by fucking Ultraman in the first place.
Kaijus vs Giant robots is not exactly new, what makes PR great is the obvious love of Del Taco for the genre and his art direction, even if the movie had obvious flaws (seriously it takes like one fucking hour to see the Hong Kong fight)

Just saw it, it was alright

from blatant homage to evangelion
to boyega's bayformers

Seems really inconsiderate to kill all the people watch from stories 19-21 so you can jump your robot off the wall like a Matrix movie.

"Obvious love" and a good visual style aren't enough to make up for a cliche story and unbeliavably awful, meaningless characters. It was a big, dumb movie dressed up to trick you into thinking it was more than that.

I don't get it, why do they commit so much destruction in the city.

Originally they took the fight to the ocean and only fought in the city when they got pushed back or because it slipped past them.

Just got back from it, I actually really liked it. It was kino, much like the first one. Not as grim a tone though.

How do I achieve this look?

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CGI water cost more than CGI buildings I guess.

fuck off boyega

>only one of them is over 6 feet

Fr**gin' alienlets

the point is that is looks way better than what they used in the new one.

What in the goddamn
Steven what the fuck, this ain’t Daredevil

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Is in metric. You puny humanlet.

I'm not boyega, I liked how it was in the open daylight instead of the rain as brainlets such as myself had trouble seeing stuff. The inside of the Jagers weren't as nice, the Jagers and Kaiju weren't as memorable, but I felt we spent alot more time with the secondary characters this time around. That being said, yea, sucks they used a bluescreen.

Giant robots vs Kaijus isn't exactly the most complicated genre you moron

And if you take EVA for example again, it's more about the psyche of the characters and self-insert of Anno's depression than mechas. Which is what makes it different from other mecha animes

I loved when Gipsy stepped over the bridge in 1, and now I see this. Fuck China and fuck Boyega.

God, you are pathetic.
>high IQ drumptards
>Great president
Fedora men autismo is high

I don’t Del Toro knows how to half ass anything