Why is the media pushing ass eating all of a sudden?

why is the media pushing ass eating all of a sudden?

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because it's emasculating

You should try having your ass eaten

this and that jews want to emasculate all men

It's not you dumb virgin

Sounds like a perfect fit for white "men"

What's the best Jay Sin kino?

Because the pharmaceutical industry wants to increase the spread of gastrointestinal parasites in order to bolster their humatin sales. The antibiotic scare in recent years has put a damper on revenue. We're entering the age of the media-pharma-industrial complex.

as political and economic rights are restricted, sexual license is usually increased. It's the primary instrument of social control.

this but unironically

Pretty sure he is eating her pussy in this scene.

If they were pushing it, wouldn't Sup Forums have more than this single image of it that they use over and over?

This. And on a bigger scale that people are not ready to be awaken to, the same parasites can trigger homosexual urges in their hosts thereby increasing their survival and spread. So it leads to even more diseases.

He's eating her out with his nose in her ass. That's why he wipes his face off when hes done because he has cum on his face.

Learn to sex.

drug use must go hand in hand with this

OP doesnt even know where the girl's ass is
try the back of the knee

They cant show conventional pussy eating on hbo for some reason my lez friends joked about all the butt eating in blue is the warmest color for the same reason

Because it ironically taste better than pussy, if they wipe correctly and aren't a fatass

media is full of shit, it wants to condition its viewers to embrace it


More and more articles have been showing up this year on it. I agree with OP that more of it has been at the forefront. But why for they do this?

I have a scent fetish. I fantasize a lot about smelling a girl's ass.

That's not better, pussy eating is linked with mouth cancer.


And the spread of certain fecal related diseases and infections.

Why would anyone do that?

Even if you shower your ass starts to smell 20min later also thats were shit comes from

The media pushes degeneracy

Do women even get pleasure from it? Wouldn't it be more sensible to do it to the man?

Are you saying you wouldn't live with your tongue in this ass you fucking limp-dick faggot?

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Because the media only follows trends. Faketaxi has a lot of ass eating and as Faketaxi is popular, they wish to ride that wave as much as they can.

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pussy eating is fucking gross. those disgusting holes are meant for shagging with your dick, and shagging alone

And you unironically don't have the self-awareness to realize you like the taste of shit. Disgusting fuck.

looks fake desu

>would you eat shit
you clearly would, and should, and furthermore die

The people who create media are perverts, and it is in the nature of perverts to evangelize their perversions when and where they can get away with it. It's as simple as that.

Kek you wouldn't no virgin

>all of a sudden?

Here is a movie from 2006. It has been around for a very long while ...

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>why is the media pushing ass eating all of a sudden?
it's not. you're pushing a narrative.

I don’t know, people weren’t hype on ass eating in the 90’s

Yes it is, and this includes anything that involves giving women pleasure while not receiving any. I wouldn't expect a millennial soyboy to understand.

I know based on your post.

>i-i-it's ok if they w-wipe c-correctly
*votes for hillary*

was it rape ?

This. How do we know he isn’t just eating her puss from behind? I’ve done this before


the same people who push this are the ones who shill the le brap XD meme in here

you are beyond pathetic dumb virgin. I know robots don't understand how society and men work but in the real world, men like women's butts.

/r9k/ calling anyone a soybot it's ironic.

I thought the HPV vaccine would prevent that.

You know, this is a thing I've been seeing a LOT recently. People I know casually talking about eating asshole, something I'd never hear people talk openly about 10 years ago. You can even say the same thing about anal, but scale it back another 10 years.
But the strangest thing, is how butthurt these people get when you question it. They immediately accuse you of being gay or a virgin, and go on to talk about how great it is, and how much the girl loves it. If you stand your ground they will get a little defensive and you'll hear things like "well, as long as they shower and stay clean, you don't taste anything". But these are the same people that fuck drunk whores in the ass in bar bathrooms, so I'm a little doubtful their standards are that rigorous..

In short, idk whats going on, but it seems like another meme to keep men occupied with instead of actually having procreative sex. And as another user said, it is emasculating and yet another way to keep us underfoot of women.

>Eating pussy is for soyboys
Well by that definition there's no way you could be a soyboy. You're safe

Yep, I googled for 5 seconds and confirmed


it´s hard being such a virgin

>tfw your girl's pussy is too far towards the front to effectively eat from behind at this angle

It's almost as if a generation raised on easily-accessible porn has become so sexually burned out that they need to find increasingly depraved ways to arouse themselves

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They are trying to eliminate us with ass bacteria.

*does a think*

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they want to be progressive and they think this is some edgy sexual stuff, most likely. if only they knew about floor tiles and ohio

Do you not receive any pleasure from eating a woman's ass/pussy? Are you gay or something?

>and this includes anything that involves giving women pleasure while not receiving any

How much do you have to hate women to say something like this? The you will cry about chad and stacy.The problem with the soyboy meme is that robots think they are above soyboys, you are not,

Chad > Stacy > normies > soyboys > Incels/robots. A nigger farmer with a family in africa has more social value than any incel.

desu to me, it is pretty arousing to make your girl cum from oral
also as you get older, you can't just plow in raw as easily, you gotta get that shit lubricated as well as get the vagina ready for it or no one will have a good time. I'm talking married person every night kinda sex, we are just trying to be efficient ya know?

>and confirmed
That eating pussy requires you to vaccinate yourself? What's next, a hazmat suit? HPV and transmittable diseases should not be tolerated at any cost.

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>A nigger farmer with a family in africa has more social value than any childless Westerner


>ass eaters actually argue "wiping correctly" is enough to stick your tongue in there
>when even a fucking enema isn't enough
Why are american mutts so brainwashed and disgusting

I always assumed Lena Dunham wrote this scene in because she was jealous of alison and wanted to make her do something humiliating.

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nigga will get corn on his nose lmao

He lost ten pounds though, gay dudes will be lining up to eat as now

They look like 90s hookers.

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Don't why they needed a 12 y.o. for that photo, but eh

because it's a good source of protein

its good when its a bit dirty. love the flavor and stuff

I actually agree.


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in africa the problem is too many nigger kids, how can you guys be this dumb?

Just a pro male submission and escherichia coli contagion campaign.

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I love eating my gf's ass

Hookers in the 90s dressed like that? Only in Last Action Hero!


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fuck i feel like this a lot its frustrating, especially when i try to choose my words carefully

dehh, not really into this meme

You are the only one pushing it op. Get the fuck out.

must be a black product psyop

got cha?


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this, giving head is submissive thus beta

no matter how Millennials spin it, it is what it is

you should read - most women should already have the vaccine since it is worse for them to get HPV. Most men get HPV vaccines anyway. Or are we operating under the assumption that vaccines are a globalist plot?

the vaccine only prevents limited strains, regardless stop eating pussy to be safe

uno farto

Nah I'm going to keep doing it. Thank you for looking out for my safety though bud. I do plenty of worse shit for my health so it is whatever.

>literal scat porn became mainstream
absolutely mental
makes me wonder if bug chasing will ever be pushed with what California did for it

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Damn you're Alex Jones level woke.

the vaccine does not cover every HPV strain

To fuck, not to lick you faggot

eating a slut's ass, nah son.
eating a wholesome virgin's ass, yah son.

only fucking virgins crew

Hey virgins. Just thought you should know you can eat pussy from behind. The puss and ass hole are neighbours. The trick is to get the nose into the anus while you suck the box. This is one of those cases where the jews are not wrong and its you.

you realize ass is full of ecoli at all times? you can't just magically make it sterile, you absolute degenerate

>jasper sparrow
Is that the gayest name ever or what

this is bullshit but I believe it