Actresses you liked before they become overly popular and Sup Forums started wanking to them

Actresses you liked before they become overly popular and Sup Forums started wanking to them.

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When do you think she became popular?

Y'all niggas didn't even know here before GOT.

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Gone Girl

When I first read that she's going to be in the new Blade Runner, I knew it's over.

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>Sup Forums didn't talk about her
>that means nobody but me knew about her

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dat Cowboys & Aliens

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Well, I had an eye on her since she appeared in Bond

I remember being more excited about her than The Rock in Doom.

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I've always loved her tits

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I love her since the day that nietzsche wept

>It's funny because this is all of them

Well played OP.

I used to love H.E.R

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She seems to be a bratty cunt in real life.


though she really blew up here around knock knock

Ol' flicky nips at it again

my favorite porn star

Also Rosamund Pike for me.

I liked the Poots since way before Sup Forums tho

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The thumbnail kinda reminds me of Faye Reagan, its the only reason i clicked, no idea who this bitch is though.

This is now a Faye Reagan thread
Come back when?.

>This is now a Faye Reagan thread
No, it isn't. GTFO


no it isn't she an STD riddled heroine fucked whore

Thats a lie and you KNOW it

>he has never watched Minoes
how embarrassing

I remembered her from that shitty Evans spy film. Found her so cute then.

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what about now?

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Jokes on you pal, as a bonger I've been into her since she was in this cosy miniseries and was cute as hell

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Sally hawkins ever since fingersmith ages ago, so fucking cute.

Knew her before /hr

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since 1994

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The year was 1998. Saw the 18 year-old Rachel Weisz in an arty film at the cinema. Watched her take her knickers off with the appreciation of a connoisseur. Claimed her as my waifu before literally anyone else. She's mine, you faggots. M-I-N-E

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Form a mental a image.

forgot pic

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ew lol
that cracker is ugly

>Andrew Davies bonnetshit
Each to their own, I suppose.

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