waifus, husbandos, otps, harems, anything in between
psychoanalyzing is welcome
Chart Thread
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Rate and psychoanalyze pls
he cute
My waifu/husbando harem.
Psychoanalyze me pls.
You waste too much time making stupid shit
I'd probably love to live there.
You like big girls.
Who's that beneath Misato and above Max?
Pls no bully...
Who's the lizard on the bottom left?
So like are you a boy or a girl?
>God Empress of clothing
I see you’re a person with some class and culture
whats up misatobro
She is the only woman I love, and she always will be.
Yiff in hell
but....for who?
R8 or H8
Butt taste
I regret clicking that spoiler
That bara Xavier artist people keep spamming has such a shit artstyle desu
maybe some day. but for now I will love my brown blue eyed waifu
Bobbie Draper from The Expanse. Hard science fiction space politics show, 9/10 would highly recommend
can't say I really like your list all that much but you are my still my man
I updated mine a bit
One of the best scenes
for you
As usual. Still haven't found any waifus that even come close.
Oh boy, this faggot again
autosage lol
Source of the six eyes girl please
Back at it again with muh harem!!!! How cringy is this?
>Alakshmi Verma
good taste, brother.
Which one?
>Replying to a thread stating that you've reported or "saged" it, or another post, is also not allowed.
Second one from the right below the main picture.
>guys jaywalking is illegal!!
Still too lazy to complete
True, it looks like a weird mix between Shadman and tumblr. Rv's are the only decent ones, but everything else looks like cookie-cut aheago hentai.
Nice image editing software asshole, why did you put me in the middle of that seven out of ten taste. Nice mix of women and perfection
I cant SAY I know most of these characters but I can say they look nice. Or at least there hair is colorful
Basic, I would say the only way it could be more basic is if you added... ah fuck you already added Peach
You are going to lose a kidney on the third date
Well you encompass one side of Sup Forums, the other side being anthro girls made in the 80's drawn by ex-pedos (however that works)
If it wasn't for Josuke I would have thought you were stuck in 2006 (I'm ignoring the shante girl for this joke to work)
You guys must enjoy fine additions to your collection, also two of you have Venom so thats neat.
Anyways, a weekly reminder that flesh is weak
Best one in the thread
I don't
>Nice image editing software asshole
What did you expect me to do? put effort into it?
will look if I can create a better one tho. I'm just really lazy right now.
Just for you.
here you go, trick me into thinking you have photoshop
fuck that shit
where is the cartoon version
I want to make a full chart but it just feels forced when I try to add more
Are you retarded? That's just the site's name, you can insert whatever images you want.
You can find a more complete version of mine here: autism/10
we share some good taste there
picked Best EVA girl, nice
Rocko is too pure to husbando
qt variety/10
finish it or GTFO
I like your taste, a lot of those remind me of a couple of exes of mine
Where did you get that picture of me?
that was a crazy gundam chick, she got nothing on Haman tho. I also wish I had seen any kim possible, Sheego is 10/10 in the aesthetics department
The best Eva girl is approximately as good as three of my ass hairs, because they're all complete shit waifus anyway.
GTFO off my board. I ain't using no anime site.
You are a gentleman and a scholar
Any other Sup Forums material that contain /gs/ ship that I could look into? Euro comics, webcomics, etc.
The older guy giving off "cool older bro" vibes.
Masturbating to anime is the same as masturbating to comics and cartoons
Absolutely not. Anime comes from a different culture. I am not Japanese, and have no particular affinity for Japanese girls.
>faggot pedophilia
nice taste
>not using the gaylord detected one
This is almost as bad as picking Misato over Asuka. If you're gonna pick a shitty waifu, at least pick the one that's not a hebephile or an emotionless meat hunk.
They're both not real and they'd both never want to get with any of us user
So? Doesn't change my point.
>Rei over Misato
I can kinda agree Asuka, but not Misato
Picking Red or Blue is a common mistake made in the youth, Misato is for grown ups
Oh no, user. You misunderstood my intentions. I'm saying Rei is just as shitty as Misato because Misato is little more than a fuckdoll, just like Rei is little more than a functioning set of organs.
daigaijin a shit
Two hours is too much?
>448 page commissioned comic
Even assuming a dirt-cheap bulk commission rate of $50 a page, that comic cost as much as a fairly good car, and I'm pretty fucking sure it was more than $50 a page.
I didn't think the combination of that kind of autism and that kind of earning potential was possible.
>all those short hair qts
Why do we keep on making theses threads?
Also rate me!
He charged $150 per page when that was first commissioned
$250 by the time it was finished
a lot of the loaded kids I met in college felt autistic
>I didn't think the combination of that kind of autism and that kind of earning potential was possible.
All the Fox x Falco macro art is commissioned by a single Korean doctor. What makes you think autists cant get jobs? The cyber field in general is filled with autism.
So, realistically, anywhere from 75K-100K
Ten years ago, that kind of money bought my dad half an acre and a house in a cheap neighborhood.
Wait whats going on here?
This is my WIFE.
Sup Forums said cartoon characters are NOT "waifus."
fuck off faggot
I love this crazy cunt
>tfw you will never go hunting with Purdy
Daigaijin was commissioned to draw a huge fucking Kung-fu Panda r34 comic.
It's not hard to find, called Better Late Than Never.