>"I could have given you the world"
>"James Bond 007: The World Is Not Enough® All rights reserved."
wew, they really went to far with that scene
>"I could have given you the world"
>"James Bond 007: The World Is Not Enough® All rights reserved."
wew, they really went to far with that scene
Other urls found in this thread:
This thread and your joke suck ass and will get you nothing in return but this reply calling out your idiocy.
Bumping this so everyone sees how fucking stupid your thread is.
is me.
You don't deserve those gets.
literally one of the best scenes in the post-Moore Bond movies.
More than you'll ever get stupid boy.
>giving a shit about gets
>bumping bot threads
>What is this place?
>This is the The Hobbit(r): The Desolation of Smaug(tm): A Middle-Earth Story directed by Peter Jackson 1080p a10 v10 thanks YIFY
>n-n-not t-thicc en-ough
you ruined the joke what a shit post literally,visually, and figuratively
honestly, that movie could have been one of the best bond movies if not for a few very stupid additions
like everything, literally every god damn thing about pic related
>not liking the sexy and hilarious bimbo scientist in the Lara Croft outfit
fag, she was one of the best parts of the movie
I fucking love this website but it sucks and I hate it
Elektra is the hottest Bond girl.
>"Who are you"
>"I'm the Tomb Raiderâ„¢ (2018)"
This line really stood out to me, very bold.
like said, she wasn't even the hottest female in her own movie, and her character was completely idiotic both in terms of writing and acting
>her character was completely idiotic both in terms of writing and acting
which is what makes her hilarious
intentional or not she provides great comedic relief, and some additional eye candy despite not being as sexy as Sophie Marceau
had they fully focused on making the movie more serious it would have been better for it though
Elektra was one of the more interesting bond villains
>getting buttmad about a thread on Sup Forums
i hope in the future there will be some chip inplanted in human babies so that if your literally an underaged cocksucker it wont let you access various sites
I don't care, I think this thread is funny as fuck
I disagree, it works because Christmas and Elektra share almost no scenes together, so the serious parts still work splendidly. All in all one of the best Bond films
that's an incredible line though tee bee aich
How do you think this works?
>line is in the script, make it the title
>it's the title, make it a line in the script
cast your votes
>line is in the script, make it the title
this probably
>heho big boobie lady am very pretty and so are good movie make me happy smiley cummy :)
>the world is not enough, but it's a good place to start
absolute quinaogropahy
either way the line is fine, it makes sense that he would say it considering it's the Bond family motto
yes, big booby lady does make me happy
fuck it, posting bond kino
You realize her implants are a botched tijuana procedure that look absolutely terrible. Watch Wild Things.
still would
It empowered me as a woman