Where did it all go wrong?
Where did it all go wrong?
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Catering to cickb8 "writers" instead of catering to the fucking audience
depends which audience we're talking about
two in the pink, one in the stink.
Cutting all the best stuff
Anybody really hoping for gay sex scene with Jaime and Euron? There was a lot of sexual tension with those two. I feel like we haven't touched upon such relationships in awhile.
Who tops and who bottoms, user?
*loses to the bastard of bolton*
remember how awesome Manderly's speech was in the show? Oh wait
But a sassy 10 year old was better!
Double bottom
We need an official power ranking for characters most fucked up
Stannis (was never portrayed favorably AND accurately even for a moment. every single scene of his has problems.)
Tyrion (good moments but has had other moments whitewashed even in S1)
Robb (from brotherly love and duty to chasing ass)
Yara (had none of Asha's charisma, first character "development" was becoming a lesbian)
Roose (became an idiot and did things he wouldn't do after Red Wedding)
CIA (became an idiot and did things he wouldn't do after Red Wedding)
Jaime (whitewashed after losing hand)
Talisa (from interesting minor character to muh stronk indep wimmin with too much screen time)
The Hound (turning his captive into a side-kick he shares his feelings with, losing to fucking Brienne, terrible one-liners)
Tormund (isn't funny)
Barristan (killed randomly because show skips Ashara storyline)
Jon (suffers from a bad actor)
Arya (suffers from a bad actress)
Ramsay (being turned into Euron)
Euron (turned into boat Ramsay)
Did they end up giving brann autism or what
Not a power ranking but
all got it pretty bad
Well Euron is anything but fucked up.
The man is an actor, the character i mean.
He acts charming when he needs to, like a savage when he needs to, neutral when he needs to, incites when he needs to, Euron is a god damn charisma machine and expert politician who does everything with a precise goal and calculation.
If he's being nasty, he's got a hook and line and sinker ready for you, same if he's speaking sweetness. Knows when to retreat and when to attack, knows when to use scare tactics and when to play mercy or mix the two.
That's how he earned himself his army and followers through his own scheming and power,
that's why he sailed to every coast and culture in order to see the full picture and format himself as a proper leader and conqueror in the future.
Compared to Queen get-raped-to-inherit get-plot-dragons-to-empower, Euron is a pure and proper leader who gained everything with his own bloody hands.
I can't think of a single character they haven't butchered yet
For me it's a tie between Stannis and Littlefinger
What if Jaime got one of these in place of the gold hand?
Hello showcuck.
no he lost to brienne "teleports behind you" of tarth
"so good to have you back"
if you guys were in westeros what would you guys do
Probably die.
Dye my hair silver, put in some purple contacts and fuck mommy Cersei's brains out
Yeah contacts are totally a thing in westeros.
Colored ones no less.
id be a woman knight, and as I went from town to town the men I encountered would treat me as an equal. I would have strong progressive values and even my enemies would be this way. I would have a lot of sex and no one would shame me.
it's so disappointing how they've made tyrion so noble in the show. and the Hound as well, he's a teddy bear compared to what a psycho he was in the books
kill dothraki subhumans
he's too quiet in the show. in the books hes a raving alcoholic madman
book tyrion is Sup Forums, show tyrion is reddit
great (book) character though
Is Jaime going to screw Brienne in season 8? That seems like a big downgrade
no, she'll be getting tormunds giant member
1. ran out of material to adapt. D&D are inferior writers to GRRM
2. they drastically condensed the storyline after S3 & S4, because they wanted to maintain momentum and epic events (the books slow down after whats covered in S3 and S4)
3. feminism
thats about it
>the shocker
I prefer the Spocka
>two for the live long, two for the prosper
cersei seems like the kind of woman who would need at least 3 fingers, probably 4
Fuck the books. Books are for weak men with skinny arms.
power iz power destiny iz destiny lmfao :DDD
Why did Littlefinger spend his time orbiting Sansa when he could have just as easily sexually blackmailed mommy Cersei?
>The part where Dany didn't get hit by a typhoon at sea and drown with her herd of Dothraki
>The part where Cersei AND Joffrey both drink poison wine and choke to death together
>The part where Brienne gets hung from a tree by Lady Stoneheart until death
>The part where Arya gets visted by Jaqen because she keeps stealing from the many face Gods so she gets her brain impaled.
>The part where Stannis wins back Winterfell and torches the Boltons without torching his daughter
Because she would have fucking killed him
I mean Sansa has got to be the most fuckable woman in Westeros now that Bad Poosy and Margery Tyrell are dead. Maybe Mel but she uses magic and if that Glamor fell off you would be balls deep in a 1000 year old hag.
She can kill me any day if you know what I mean.
What did he mean by this?
>Most fuckable
It's stupid cheeky shit like this that ruins the fan base. Obviously they meant the audience at large.
Season 2.
>old lady boobs
>pussy wreaked by 3 children
>biggest milf in the seven kingdoms
>has had jaime's cum inside her upwards of 1000 times
The funniest part about Sup Forums memes is when they spread to the other boards
based pokebros
>tfw winter was coming
>tfw "Was it rape?"
>tfw Storytime with Old Nan
>tfw verts and reaction images everywhere
>tfw "Hi Sup Forums, this is Edward Starch"
>tfw you didn't know Dagmer's real identity
>tfw no chain
>tfw it fit
>tfw merlings were everywhere
>tfw CLEGANEBOWL was just one guy and he'd wish you merry CLEGANEBOWLs
>tfw frogfu was just one guy doing a countdown and he never got firsts
>tfw Rickon and Dickon become gay emperors of Essos
>tfw you were haeving problems
>tfw Mummy Dorne
>tfw "Friendly Reminder with Ros"
>tfw /TDQR/
>tfw Talisa was a spy
>tfw Roose finally got loose
>tfw "Promise me, Ned"
>tfw "Was it rape?" Lannister Edition
>tfw Double Daggers
>tfw bad pussy
>tfw Stannis isn't dead guys!
>tfw /got/ was put to the sword
user, I dreams I was old.
Why would that make it any better?
Does anyone else remember the S6 Jonsa user? They had a copypasta for every new general about how Jon and Sansa were Ned and Cat 2.0 and "literally, figuratively" ice and fire. They also pretended some Ned and Cat art from the official comic was Jon and Sansa
take the black if you know what I mean
You gotta go 1 in the pink 19 in the stink.
The trick is to get your feet involved
No wonder he needed fresh sheets.
Perhaps Game of Thrones went wrong when it decided to become the dullest show in television history.
Each episode following Jon and Dany and their pals from Westeros as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the edgy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make life seem unlivable, to make action seem inert.
Perhaps the die was cast when George R.R. Martin decided he would never finish the books before the end of the series; he made sure the tv episodes would never be mistaken for a meaningful work of art that meant anything to anybody beyond the most, and I say this wholeheartedly, plebiscite of consumers. It is just ridiculous profitable cross-promotion for his books. The Game of Thrones series might be anti-Theistic (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-Lord of the Rings series in its refusal to present true danger, adventure and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.
>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the books were terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character was injured in some fashion, the author wrote instead that the character was “red with blood."
I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several hundred times. I was incredulous. Martin’s mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that he has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish review by the same J.K. Rowling. She wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Game of Thrones at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Harry Potter." And she was quite right. She was not being ironic. When you read “A Song of Ice and Fire," you are, in fact, trained to read J.K. Rowling.
>actually typing this out
Move to the Vale, fuck and marry Mya, unironically work as an merchant and moneylender
>he forgot about Missandei
And even Dany looks better than boy george
>actually being this retarded
Jean-Paul Sartre
Putting post-modern garbage anywhere other than shit tier... the maker of that image should be ashamed of themselves.
Seriously, fuck off. /GoT/ is already shit and we don’t need you around to make it worse
I give bump
who's the biggest cuck I can root for in got I'm about to watch it
why what happens
Sam. Unironically "my wifes son"
he gets his dick cut off
>"my wife's son/brother/uncle"
I like this cuck more just saw he's fat
can finally live out my fantasy
I usually just give the ol spit n slam with my thumb while i am fucking her doggy style
Darkstar when
when vicatrion shows up
or quentyn
Bend the Knee to Stannis and die as a no name peasant. Content at having served the one true king.
same tbhomo plus if I knew shit going in stannis would have no need for the red priest
Good job brother. I'd gladly fight side by side with you until one of the false kings' men cut me down.
Wish we could go back to the days of was it rape? and just start all over again.
We need generals back. It’s the last season, let us have this mods
how can reylo gens stay up but got can't?
Reylo mods
huh, he reminds me a lot of Ragnar in this scene
Why does reddit love Stannis so much?
read the books cunt
snuggle up in my inn and run it until I die at 43
this was the moment i quit the show
ahahaha when they said that on the show I actually laughed out loud
Is there anyone here who has an actual raisin for hating stannis the mannis?
There's not a character ever written better than Stannis. Someone who does what they believe is right to a fault even with everyone hating them. Cum every time I read him gritting his teeth.
when did it all go so right