When you would rather die childless than adopt

>When you would rather die childless than adopt.

I'm all for adoption over having your own kids in general, but it's a pretty rough process. Legally and financially.

Not to mention that 90% of orphan kids aren't white.

You're right, I won't mention that.

I dunno. I don't really think it works.

It costs more than their house cost to adopt. They couldn't even afford a vacation.

That's the biggest thing.

Seems like all domestic babies available for adoption are already addicted to drugs. Do you really want a baby that is probably going to grow into a fucked up vegetable or make your own home-grown organic spawn that is half you?

The system fucks over the people trying to adopt, social workers try anything to get them to keep the kid after they find out that he has drug problems or something like that because they operate under the philosophy that a crappy home where the parents hate the kid is better than no home and when they bring a kid back they get stuck with him until they can process him back into the system since the kid can't be left alone
Also once you adopt is legally your kid so you are legally putting him up for adoption again it's not like bringing him back to the store
Seriously read about what people that go through that he'll have to say

I love it when Sup Forums invade.

People would rather pay for a white baby or abduct him from a poor Eastern Europe nation

I like it when Tumblr leaves it hasn't happened yet

You're still childless, but now you're a cuck.

most people on this site can't even hope to adopt due to shit lifestyle and low amount of money.

My brother is a fucking psychopath who will amount to nothing. The cost of entry for raising that little bastard was next to 0. Imagine putting up the cost of adoption and having even greater odds of a garbage human be your child

I think it's better not to bread in the first place. I feel sorry for the garbage kids that never asked to be born, but not my job to clean up that shit

>poor Eastern Europe nation
>white nigger baby with aids is totally better than black nigger baby with aids

At least Russian baby's don't have the gay gene

I bet you're black.

Why the fuck would you even want to adopt someone else's jizz stain?

I bet your mom's boyfriend is Black

Isn't adopting older children significantly cheaper?

Struck a nerve, huh?

Only the rough ones survive that long


>oh no, they're the wrong color!

don't bother adopting then. we don't need more racists in the world.

with this attitude, I have to wonder what was the point of even making this thread since it has nothing to do with comics or cartoons.

But it's the black kid who is going to die

Yeah, cause they're guaranteed to never think of you as their real parent. That's why everyone wants the youngest ones. If they are adopted young enough they don't know they're not yours.


[citation needed]

>he says despite almost definitely treating other races differently because of their behaviour and 'circumstances'
One way or another there will be a great snack barring.
The blood is on your hands if/when you extenuate the damage via sanctimonious complacency and guilt.

>ebin kek shit
>not youtube-tier
Sorry boss, you've confused your Sup Forums reddit and youtube again. You need to keep up with who's subverting what.

>wanting everyone to think you're babysitting / a cuck
>having a higher chance for raising an aggressive / low iq spawn regardless of upbringing

Don't act like there are no downsides.

I bet there are plenty of downsies up for adoption
How come we never see black children with down syndrome well now you know


>What the FUCK is an Argentina???!?!!?!?
good post, it IS rightful Brazilian clay after all.

Wow r00d

You should try having. Fun at least once, you have no idea what you are missing

This. You could also adopt young if they're special needs, but that's a whole 'nother kettle of fish. Could be pretty good if they're mild enough.



Honestly, why eat the cake if the batter isn't yours?

Also, if you cucks keep adopting jamal's, tyquan's and juanjose's little aids ridden proto drug dealing criminal turds, then they will keep over breeding like the plague they are and you'll have a worse and yet even worse country.
It's a vicious cycle and you folks need to break out of it by both shunning them and cease supporting them.

At least it's honest that the "norm" is just less extreme leftism.

Alpha male lion spotted.

>Color is race
Your wrong. And should kill yourself.

Whatever, black, and yellow are not different races. Dumbass.

German, English, Italian, Irish, Japanese, Chinese. Those are races.

Sup Forums is a bunch of disgusting degenerate faggots as usual. Thanks Sup Forums for making this thread unsalvagable shit.

To /thread and answer your question, OP, they had a lot of financial problems. In addition to being incredibly expensive, even with say older kids, it's a big thing they look at (a couple's financial situation), a couple with an actual coin jar they need to keep dipping into might not cut it.

Maybe they tried but were rejected.

>German, English, Italian,
All Germans
Celtic proto-human
>Japanese, Chinese
Came from the same chinko with some variations of genetic additives.


Children are overrated.
I'd rather spend my Saturdays sleeping in.

>Thinks Italians are German in anyway.

Kys. Ever see a German tan? Ever see an Italian Tan? Not the same genetics. Sure at some point they shared a something but it's clear that country and cultural borders have given the 2 more than enough differences to be different races.

Thinking all Asians are the same race while stating that they have genetic variations......

Yeah I bet you and your 2 cats and 1 dog love it

it's honestly fascinating to me that you consider this an insult lol

>I must pointlessly propagate muh genes

You're easily impressed then

yeah me and my 1 dog and 2 cats all are

Man hands on misery to man,
It deepens like a coastal shelf.
Get out as soon as you can,
And don't have any kids yourself.


how hard is it to adopt a little girl?

My little sister is adopted and my parents basically chose her from a list of approved children that would feel most at home at our household. But when they said they wanted a girl the worker told them with that mindset they weren't suited for adopting. So i mean they were able to choose my little sister but you might get some guilt trip if you're too picky.

I guess they didn't want to go into too many details and ruin the feel of the montage but this stuck out to me as weird, too.

That said it's actually pretty hard and super expensive. But the movie shows that Elle and Carl are willing to go the distance, and have extra cash, so that doesn't really explain it away.

The easiest way to adopt is to become a foster parent, then apply to adopt your foster child, assuming they've been permanently removed from their home. Babies are in high demand and expensive, but not many people are willing to take in older kids that have been sucked into the system, unfortunately.

It's literally the only objective metric by which a life can be measured. It's the only objective purpose that exists to give meaning to existence at all.
Who are you fucking kidding, hole?

They don't have any money, you fucking idiot that was part of the problem


>Not adopting a future NBA or NFL athlete and living the easy life after he gets drafted.

Suit yourself.

But then everything changed, when Sup Forumsand attacked.

>its Sup Forumsmbr crying from Sup Forumsboogieman

I'm actually highly progressive

I want to see the human race advance and leave behind the trash

>the worker told them with that mindset they weren't suited for adopting
>"I guess you don't want some kid to have a home then, bitch"

In the movie it is implied that she fell into depression after the abortion, this is why they never adopt a child, courts don't allow couples in which one of the two is mentally instable to adopt children.

>Life has an objective purpose.
>Not spending time testing and picking the values in life you think are best.
>Genetics are more important than passing on those values.

Wew lad.

She didn't have an abortion idiot. They were told they couldn't have children. Why did you infer she had an abortion?

Thats not an objective, that's a distraction and your values don't mean shit.

>Life has an objective goal.
>Life is something else but meaningless distractions that only get true value because humans chose for them to have value.

Wew, jim lad.

>I want my adoptive kids like I want my M&Ms
>Only if it's the right color...

Wait, you eat orphans?

There is no human value, simply biological programming.

Because he doesn't understand that infertility and miscarriages are things that exist.
Not sure if you noticed, but the population here is quite large, and loaded with ignorant motherfuckers.

Why would that make it any less significant to us?
Just because you know why something works doesn't mean it can't be special.

Its not special, that would depend on some amorphous, immeasurable and indefinable existence of a soul. You either complete your task or you are a defective machine, if you make excuses you are a defective machine that tells itself it isnt.

There's no such thing as "objective purpose to life," your genes are nearly identical to the others of your species around you anyway, whether the few that aren't hold on over time is pure chance and if our species doesn't wipe itself out in a few generations we'll just engineer code anyway. Nice job choosing an extra meaningless "goal" that will be swallowed by the sands of time so quickly, but if you actually believed that shit surely you'd be working your ass off the become an ideal sperm donor by earning advanced degrees at Ivies not shitposting here, right?

And who gave that task? What purpose does it serve? Mankind will die out one day, there is no doubt about that. Does that not make us all defective machines by default in your eyes?
And why should we blindly reproduce ourselves without choosing if we want to do things we think are better? Why can't we chose to pass on our ideas and information instead of only our genes?
Reproduction is as meaningless as anything else. It only gains meaning when we give it.

Just for that, I'm going to adopt a black baby and raise him to be SUPER racist against other black people.

There's also no intrinsic value in just following your evolutionary programming, e.g. humans evolved to eat as much sugar as we can since it was a scare resource for most of our existence but if you don't go out of your way to resist the urge to do that in this day and age you will get fucking fat and unhealthy and miserable and die.

I mean not to fat shame or anything.

Eh it was a stretch

Machines are built on purpose for tasks. Species that exist just do, until they don't any more. Some require some members not to personally reproduce like some social insects for group selection purposes. But even that language implies too much intentionality. Species just are until by some quirk of the environment they are not, rinse and repeat, there is no purpose or goal there.

No one, it's a product of evolution.
There is none unless you mean to have children
>mankind will die out
Nice projection
>things we think are better
Irrelevant, you are a broken machine
>ideas and information are more important
Also irrelevant and rather presumptive anyone will even be able to comprehend you in 3 generations

And it is not as meaningless as anything else it is the only meaning or purpose there is.

Show me that it has meaning.

It has purpose, idiot. Meaning has been corrupted to be some nonsense about the human condition that broken machines like yourself used to try to fix themselves without actually doing anything.

>Meaning or purpose


>the intended function of something
That was hard.


asian babies are super cute i see why people adopt them

conversely i have no idea why black or muslim babies get adopted because they look like rats

Are you being intentionally retarded at this point "machine"?

And why should I fullfill that purpose? What possible obligation does anyone have to fullfill that purpose?
I don't care if I am somehow "a broken machine" since there is no obligation to reproduce that is not created by subjective standards.
I'm not fixing myself, since I am not broken. There is no purpose, there is no meaning, except for what I chose there to be and I can uphold my values just fine.

Your values are nothing and will be ignored. Who would trust broken things to tell functioning things how to work?


Who would trust a machine to know it's function?


we are all of the human race. The only different race that exists among us is the Neanderthal, and they've largely been bread out.