Was the Cryptkeeper actually good at his job? Or do you think somebody could have done a better job at hosting the show?

Was the Cryptkeeper actually good at his job? Or do you think somebody could have done a better job at hosting the show?

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Heheh I miss Tales from the Crypt. Crepy keeper was really punny. Would have been odd with someone else as host. Wasn't there an episode where someone else stood in for him? Been so long since I seen it I can hardly remember.

he was litty titty

A real person hosting would have been a bad idea

the Vaultkeeper & Drusilla would've made for a good combo

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I used to watch all the time back in the 90s. The only thing I remember is the Cryptkeeeper and the Demon Knight movie


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He was a real HACK! His reliance on puns really KILLED the tension! They definitely should have gone with someone a bit more CLEAVER! They should have CUT the puppet, and that would have really SLASHED the show's budget!

Cryptkeeper was perfect.
I don't want some dumbass pedophile trying to convince me he is good when I know he isn't.
At least the cryptkeeper knew he was bad and that was part of what him scary.

Does TFTC stream on anything?

I mean you never really saw him keeping the crypt very well, the amount of cobwebs indicates he actually wasn't very good at his job at all.

favorite show ever re-watching it right now, very comfy show. crypt keeper was based, can't imagine anyone else filling the role. was really bummed the reboot fell through a few years ago

one time schwarzenegger co-hosted on an episode he wrote

Arnold was in the episode he directed. It's also incredibly red pilled and would never get made today. Keking just thinking about it.

I’m 27 and just recently started watching this show for the first time. Some episodes are very bad, plot hole ridden or just cut off mid movie.
On the other hand, some are pure kino with my favorite so far being Yellow.
Any episodes I should definitely watch?

Watch everything except the last season.

beyond belief/tftc/goosebumps stream when

He did that on purpose to impress his monster friends. I could have sword there was an episode where he was hanging cob webs on purpose and calling it cleaning.
Heh I should rewatch that stuff sometime.
The sort of randomness like that was part of the good thing of it though, it wasn't just always like straight up monsters or whatever sometimes it'd be stuff like urban legend type of stuff, sort of like that brad pit episode when they were doing chicky runs was cool

Stop it user you're SLAYING me

Attached: the crypt keeper.gif (500x379, 989K)

Do you know how hard it is to get those cobwebs there?

Yeah, we stream it on cytub, come check it out. We'll be watching some at some point tonight.

anybody see the movies? i've only watched demon knight, and i thought it was pretty fun, billy zane is always kino

Yeah, Demon Knight is great.

Check out the Sleepsnug channel on cytub. Streaming all the classics, like Crypt, Darkside, Twilight Zone, Goosebumps, Beyond Belief and more.

They're all good. Bordello of blood is fun vampire schlock, and I genuinely like Ritual, though jennifer grey isn't the same without that nose.

Demon Knight is such a fucking great movie. Bordello of Blood was alright but you'll end up playing favorites between the two movies after you watch them and you'll probably like Demon Knight better. Zane was pretty good in that movie he got cucked in. Not the James Cameron one, the other cuck movie. You'll probably want to start watching some Sadler kino after like Trespass.

What in the fuck, how did I not hear about a third tales from the crpyt film??

I think it was straight to DVD.

Also check out Death Becomes Her and The Frighteners. They were both conceived as Tales from the Crypt movies.

lol theatrical release only in Philippines


I prefer Bordello over Demon Knights, due to the fact that Demon Knight is a siege film with little to no room for humor while Bordello is a murder mystery with Dennis Miller doing comfy banter everyone, including the QT Christian girl who becomes his sidekick in the investigation.

Funny, but for me it's the opposite. Can't stand Dennis Miller and that colors my dislike of Bordello of Blood.

Also, Demon Knight has humor too. The scene where Billy Zane's demon character snaps after he gets exposed as a demon and declares he's going to kill everyone is a great scene that blends comedy with horror.

Yeah; in pretty much every major market it was released straight to video.

IIRC it was only when it came out on DVD that they restored the recorded Crypt Keeper bits.

Dennis Miller was an underrated actor. Wish he had gotten more work.

No shit? I actually like those two. Never knew they had anything to do with TftC. I hate how Jackson used the same ghost type cgi in the LotR films though.Good point. I just thought DK had a better music sound track and I found it personally more funny. Angi and Jada are both pretty though so there wasn't really a tie breaker with hot chics. The reveal when Zane punches straight through a guy was fucking kino

Nice try, Dennis.