Student film

>student film
>starts with main character waking up in bed

Why is this a bad thing?

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Because that's how 95% of JRPGs start.

do you mean films shot by film students or films about students?

The first one

>student film
>ends with a fade to black gunshot

Attached: 1481940133950s.jpg (50x50, 1K)

I think the meme just caught on because anybody who's been to a student film screening can relate

Its also just a bit of a lame way to open a movie

What's your favorite way of starting a movie, Sup Forums?

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fake news footage

main character having a wank

What if idk,like the prot is sleeping and some murderer tries to smother her with a pillow and he has a hidden gun in the bed and shoots the murderer,or prot was masterbating and grabs murderer with cum hand,murderer gets away in disgust and is killed by prot?would it be ok if instead of the protagonist just waking up you get to see a part of his personality in a joke?

mini-adventure that for the most part is unrelated to the major plot, but helps us understand the main character and might introduce us to any side characters that will appear later on or accompany the main character. If your just talking about opening shots then I don't know

extreme close-up of a character's eye

A quote about war with white text on a black background

opening credits with news audio supplying immediate background exposition

Exposition through text if it's some sort of alternate world movie.

A blank screen with a five minute musical overture teasing all the best parts of the music to come, said music giving hints to the emotional highs and lows of the coming film.

A beautifully framed nature shot.

Main character in some crazy situation
Freeze frame + Record scratch
>Thats me.
>You're probably wondering how i got in THIS situation.
Title screen
>The adventures of Man character: Schools out
Exposition montage showing random shit
>Hey, thats me!
>Thats my dog
>And thats
Jazzy slow music
>Main character's love interest

*record scratch*
*freeze frame*

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a comedic variation on the studio logo

Attached: foxplane.jpg (300x202, 54K)

>Why is this a bad thing?
It's not necessarily bad depending on what happens in the bedroom scene. If it's just a scene to establish that your character starts his mornings by getting out of bed though then it's a waste of time. The audience can just assume that your character gets out of bed every morning.

Because movie """students""" are mediocre people who don´t know how to do the things correctly, that shitty beggining aside, their stories are mediocre and a lot are ripoffs of other plots but with a shitty poor execution, what makes me laugh the most is that they´re such a pussies to even make a movie, they always do shorts, I hate Faggotino movies, but at least the first thing he did was a full lenght movie (which was destroyed by the lab, but still they saved over 50 fucking minutes of footage); "studying" the movie art in a college is bullshit, they will charge a lot and they will only tell you the technical things, and only a few things of the written thing (which is the most important thing after all), and they will do it in a bland, mediocre way, the most important movie directors/writers didn´t go to """""film school""""", and I feel pity for everyone who does, rarely any good director/writer came out of those miserable places.

a cold open with the opening credits going in the corner

>"Yup, that's me"