What are some movies where the villain uses brain washed children to accomplish their goals?

What are some movies where the villain uses brain washed children to accomplish their goals?

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Americans look like THAT?

school of rock

>autistically screech about how you're ready to 1v1 the u.s. military
>get defeated by children

Attached: well-regulated-militia.png (622x773, 59K)

>underdeveloped 20-something Jewish actors

>has mainstream media backing
>accomplishes nothing at all
>all that changes is that their school forces them to use clear back packs and they bitch because thats "lame"

>ugh, why don't they like OUR rallies?!

Attached: article-charlottesville-4-0811[1].jpg (750x500, 49K)

PRAISE KEK my fellow Kekistani! We are so based! 1488! Shadily!

Editor's note: this is how Sup Forumstards actually talk and look

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Rat Race desu

Attached: rate race.jpg (630x1200, 164K)

Imagine hitting a perfect straight right on that little goblin's nose

why are you so upset? Im asking for movies

Damn, OP sure touched a nerve.

They're just getting started, sweetie. Sorry you won't be able to stalk and murder a black teenager for wearing a hoodie or launch a violent insurgency when the government raises taxes on billionaires or whatever it is you rightard 'pedes consider "tyranny"

Mao’s cultural revolution

>Sup Forums is losing

Enjoy your 3 days off, fatso.

why is that a one chick barefoot?

I wonder how other kids at that school who actually lost friends feel about these striver weirdos capitalizing on a tragedy to jumpstart their political careers

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t. pussy gungrabber faggots

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Any good movies about that?

to appeal to Sup Forums

What's the occultic reason for the barefeet

Nothing was stopping them from getting this going themselves.

>t. pussy gungrabber faggots

Attached: my-cold-dead-feet.jpg (425x319, 24K)

why isn't she wearing shoes

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this shooting convinced me that if i can't protect myself nobody will

Hahaha holy shit is this official? Great way to implode your gun control movement in one easy meme

She was probably wearing heels, but they thought the liberal base they're pandering to might interpret that as not being progressive enough and demeaning to women.

If I didnt know better I would say Emma was a Sup Forums strawman
>half mexican, half jewish lesbian who literally looks like those “El Goblino” memes
It’s just too much for me. I can’t take the parkland shit seriously

>if i saw it on Sup Forums it must be true!

Morning Sun (2003)

and To Live

>i hate the bill of rights

There are a lot of documentaries

this is the gayest post I've seen in a while

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>t. pussy gungrabber faggots

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you mean other than the media completely ignoring them while shilling the gun grabbing kids fully?

Well it was filmed in what appears to be a professional studio so

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i love this movie too

>posts a picture of a new york gungrabber faggot
good one retard

>believing that's ever going to happen

Attached: brainhelment.jpg (645x729, 48K)

>We need to arm our teachers with assault rifles and give our students kevlar backpacks

The taliban warzone state of america.

The Greeks knew a thing or two about women, such as giving them no power or else they'll fuck up civilisation to satisfy whatever instincts they have jumping around in their heads.

Attached: Hoplite.jpg (739x1077, 437K)

>completely ignoring them

Meme magic will make it happen, faggot.

And the text appears to be copypasta'd onto whatever she's tearing. Retard.

there's 1000 kids at douglas
david hogg and this bald head girl have been front and center all the time
not sure how many other kids are actually contributing

But her feet are revolting.

>provide evidence for a negative

She is Jewish? No vey!

>stupid americans. why won't they just come to their senses and abandon their rights like we did?
kill yourself euro/ausnigger subhuman