>sexualizing women is bad
>proceeds to sexualize the shit out of men
Why the hypocrisy?
Some people never outgrow their teenaged brains.
Shiro's cute
Because there actually is no such thing as equality -- only the handle and the tip of the whip.
Shiro is for the sex
It is not a sin but something natural
What's sexy about this pic?
>tumblr is one person
>Sup Forums is another person
Hawkeye initiative was an actual good rebuttle to female comic sexualization. And it was funny as hell
If you wanted Shiro porn you could have just asked OP
We should sexualize animals so that everyone is happy.
Cause sexism goes both ways user
Because women view men as sex objects that only exist to fulfill their needs. A man is only good for:
>The pleasure of sex
>Having a job to give all their money to a woman so that woman doesn't need to work
>Taking out daily stress on
When men don't have souls or feelings, what's the point when they aren't pretty?
Because male sexuality is considered disgusting, while female sexuality is considered attractive.
That's pretty funny actually
>This mgtow shit again
I just wanted to look at Shiro lewds.
Needs pubes.
I believe in equality, I think people should be able to sexualize men just as much as women.
>He doesn't know.
An alarming number of women think of men only in terms of what knowing a man can get them. Men have been harped on for decades to consider women people. Women have been harped on to consider men as either obstacles or tools. Essentially most women have an entirely utilitarian view of men.
>Black widow's face
But can we sexualize trannies?
Good thing I'm a chick then lol
Don't you dare post that here.
>A child's view of sexuality where sexuality across different genders is perfectly uniform so you can just palette swap to get the same result.
>Proving a point.
>not even Ellen Degeneres can get away with oogling women because she's gay and therefore potentially predatory
This game is rigged.
So am I.
So we should both know from experience how awful women are.
neck yourself tranny
Let's see HER getting accused of harassment out of nowhere...
I read yaoi manga. I swear I've seen this shit in my yaoi mangas.
I thought the Hawkeye Initiative was a rebuttal to 'but these female poses look ridiculous on men' like these are literally my yaoi mangas I don't get it.
Also men and women's sexuality and the way that sexualize each are different, why is Tumblr too retarded to see that?
Women don't browse this fermenting pit of degeneracy.
Who do you think you're fooling.
Everyone here is a women user, including you.
>even though the site is full of fujoshits
newfag kun what are you doing.
no one takes this completely seriously. it's funny, but it does have a point about stupid sexualized poses. I love sexy character, but some of the poses are just dumb. That Danger Girl one is stupid, but it works for Danger Girl cause it's a dumb fun comic and everyone gets those stupid poses
They look dumb because they are poses for women acted out by men. What women find attractive in men is fundamentally different to what men find attractive in women.
Beef thread?
Everyone deserves to be sexualized.
It kind of did somce a lot of women made those pics to be hot and found them hot, it wasn't just "oh hahaha that's so funny," that was the reapectable face. It was fap/schlick fuel for chicks. Men say things like "why do bitches masturbate to feminine men or men being feminine or in female poses or wearing dresses," well not all women do, but yeah obviously a lot of women do. I think it's no group is really a hivemind, on tumblr some women think sexy women "are empowering" or they are dykes so fapping to old school Playboy centerfolds is "empowering" or maybe that's just an excuse for dykes to fap to baloon tits. People are different. But usually these bog groups don't fit old stereotypes touted. Like girly uke men getting gangraped, huge fuckin market somehow, that's not the traditionally stereotype of what women like about men but well the proof is in the pudding. Tons of thwm do. Why? No fucking idea. People are just weird and wildly different from others in their groups.
...Impossible, Imma man damn it! A manly man's man!
You can't fool me, I know all this yaoi posting is just a bunch of cigarettes expressing their disgraceful homolust.
It has exactly no points bec- Yes thank you. Exactly.
Some are just stupid for real life character, but it's comics. Then again, some are just stupid bad. And yes, not all those Hawkeye Initiative OG pics I posted are bad. Mainly that Danger Girl and the bar girl one are
And sorry for the obvious drunkposting ny the way. But it's true. Look at actual porn women make for women, there is some incredibly weird fucking shit, and a lot of diversity with one group of bitches not understanding how a different group of bitches can like this or that bizarre shit, Im talking like diametrically opposed in every way porn but all made for and by women, bitchs are all just totally different from each other apparently and don't understand each other
You know, I'm amazed Tumblr hasn't disowned the Hawkeye Initiative. It's one big 'this man being posed in a feminine way is funny' joke.
Because people in that mind set are fucking crazy...or women...
Same situation as people saying "don't label us", then turning around and calling themselves 20 different things under the sun. Seriously I still don't have an accurate clue on what a cis is, but the very word angers me cause it sounds like shit an idiot would come up with.
as a man, I found that I prefer women made porn. It usually has a bit better scripted (but just as cliche) setup and story Yes, I want some setup for my porn goddamnit, and it always has some sort of weird angle. But it makes sense cause the women I know IRL who are open about sexuality are much weirder than men and think about it much more indepth
>Because people in that mind set are fucking crazy...or women
>or women
I just like it cause it looks sexier it isn't 3/4ths closeup of the dudes grimacing face or his cock and less gross slobbering choking noises
>Tons of thwm do. Why? No fucking idea. People are just weird and wildly different from others in their groups.
A few contributing factors. Just plain being a fetish is one, naturally. Beyond that, women feel physically safer around a man who is not a great deal bigger than they are. A factor aggravated by the modern tendency to fear monger over how a men only refrain from beating women silly because they can't get away with it. While there is a cultural meme about tall men, women will inherently steer away from incredibly tall men for such reasons. Further, 'emotional vulnerability' feeds in to this need to see men as a nonthreat. So a man acting in a manner the individual views as 'disempowered' also makes them feel safe. Sexuality is difficult to express in a situation where the individual does not feel safe. This goes for men too, of course, it's just men are not indoctrinated in to a cult that tells them they will be beaten and raped just for going outside.
Also skimpy dresses/skirts are just plain cute and sexy in a lot of instances. Just accept it and things will make more sense.
can we just have everyone sexy?
This image is so confusing
The entire MO of social justice is selective and purposeful hypocrisy. Which is also why Tumblr cannibalizes itself so often as well. If the cognitive dissonance stops working, they instantly turn on the perceived slight.
women need material to fap to with their girlfriends - the only that should surprise guys who've been getting off on female on female fantasies is that these girls actually want to bump their metaphorical uglies in tandem, via the interwebz, instead of by their lonesomes in the quiet, secret shame of their dank empty basements.
>iceman be like PROMOTIONS!
What's confusing Iceman is gay
We can, and the whole system works when it's left up to equal opportunity offense. When you start setting up little NO YOU CAN'T DO THAT's, everything just breaks apart. Cause if you disallow one thing on moral grounds, you have to examine everything based on moral grounds. It can't just be fun anymore. It has to be political, and when EVERYTHING is forced to have a political stance, it's not a story anymore.
Then it's just propaganda. Often hypocritical propaganda at that.
Tumblr's actually turning on this artist pretty hard iirc.
I can honestly confirm this, I once approached the scans daily moderation team in thoughtful conversation. I can't even remember what the debate was over, but I was like "but this isn't equality", and the response was something to the effect of "well, things will never be equal, there should be restitution"
They literally just want gimmedats, not equality
I'm still disappointed it wasn't "The Nightwing Initiative"
Lol they turned on him/her? Source?
well...it used to not be uncommon for boys just as puberty to masterbate together or tell each other how to masterbate. Women were always more open about it though, and I have never had a girlfriend who hasn't 'tried out' on a friend before
>"rape is bad"
>proceeds to write and draw borderline or flat out rape between self inserts and men or between men and more men
You can't expect logic from a group of people who act purely on their emotions.
I'm not shocked, but I am dying to know over what specific piece of bullshit triggered tumblr in to cannibalism this time.
>The Nightwing Initiative
but that already exists, so they couldn't have used him cause it would just be posting ass pics. Which they already do
women and men don't have one opinion each. Talk to those women who do porn and they have an entirely different take on this
>Shipping Loudcest/Ferbessa is wrong!
>Proceeds to ship Bajeetford/have trans headcanons for Lincoln and Lynn
Mostly I've seen people talking about how their art is really overt fetishization that denies the identity of trans people. Like, the artist is basically saying "here's trans captain america but he still has huge boobs and thick thighs".
They're vague about it, but it's really clear they're talking about that artist in particular.
Never underestimate a woman's lust for rape. Just look at yaoi, nearly every cover is one man asserting himself on the other with his massive yaoi hands. You thought those things were just to give foot rubs?
Normal Captain America has huge boobs and thick thighs, though.
From my experience those are two entirely different and separate groups with battle lines drawn who are constanly and loudly at each other's throats. Sometimes literally. I mean huge disagreements over porn leading to actual violence.
I do think the "rape in fiction = rape in real life" argument is just as retarded as "if you harm or kill video game characters, you will inevitably go on the mass murder real people because that's all you think about, slaughtering your community" or even "your hurting something in Warcraft/Mario/Pokemon is morally exactly as bad as killing real people" arguments.
>scans daily
The fate of that site is truly depressing
I've known many women who get off on rape porn. They don't understand it either and actually hate that that is what they masterbate to.
But there was a recent study that came out that showed that it is a biological response. When women watch rape they get wet, just like other mammels. It's thought that this is (again like other mammels) a response that is to prevent damage to the vagina. Even when being raped most women lubricate in response, this prevents damage to their bodies. This same study showed that showing sex with monkeys makes women get wet, even if their brains aren't stimulated. A very interesting study.
Don't be retarded, user. I know you can do better than this.
Or are you also going to claim men are prone to love violence and killing because they play video games?
Rape roleplay is very popular with women as well.
>talking about how their art is really overt fetishization
Wait, so they're angry over something that's true for once? Nice.
Well, humans are a rape species, we did it so much it affected how our junk evolved, so...
Last I checked it was still farting around, I see scans on it sometimes?
Let me remind you of the controversy of the Tomb Raider reboot video where it looked like a split second that Lara was going to get raped. You change that guy into a skinny vampire and suddenly you're raking in cash.
Women love rape... but only on their terms.
how is it a rebuttal if it looks good?
I didn't get the outrage to that considering she fucking Mercs that dude in the next second. Like she's afraid, he gets handsy, and she nails his groin with her knee and escapes IIRC?
Well and paint guns and laser tag are popular, so are roller coasters. I don't think it makes sense to assume that everyone who plays those games just has to get shot at in an active war zone with real bullets by people trying to kill them or be in a plane while it crashes for real. I mean by definition if a couple is playing pretend that there's rape after agreeing and planning for it beforehand, it is not rape. This is a strange discussion.
You mean the controversy only feminists (who bitch about everything) complained about?
Also, in that case it had nothing to do with sexualization but rather an act of violence. I don't know if that part was ever removed/changed/whatever in the game (I don't give a shit about it), but that wasn't done to sexually appeal to people like rape pornography...unless you're going to say that's the male equivalence to yaoi or some shit, then wew.
The type of rape women fantasise about is very different to rape rape also. Attractive men, being taken advantage of. As opposed to when men fantasise rape. I think when men think of rape they think of the type of shit in a NTR/cuckold shit hentai. Women want like an romantic rape of Persephone. Or the Twilight/50 Shades. Rape without degeneration.
Are there any studies of how male/female sexuality differs? I know there are 'all women are more bisexual' studies, so I'll go off that and say that female sexuality is more focused inward on themselves. It's about feeling sexy (which is why women can 'not be in the mood' and men are almost always up to fuck). So women have positive rape fantasies based on wanting to feel sexually wanted beyond reason by men.
This dude can say it's a protective measure
But to me it's obviously that women like dominate men, and that wanting to be sexually desired beyond reason is incredibly attractive to them. Some of them just can't admit it to themselves for some reason.
t. woman
Lara ends up being a more brutal murderer by the end of the game. I doubt any of the people she killed had a higher body count then her.
Not rape but I remember another controversy for the second Star Wars movie where that one girl was shown in her underwear and people said she was being sexualized. Never mind there's plenty of movies with naked guys running all over the place and the Thor movies have Hemsworth walking around topless and he even had that "bathing" seen where he just washed his abs.
Long story short, women are hypocrites.
Some people who get offended have trouble distinguishing fiction from reality or have wierd double standards where brutal torture, murder, racism, and brutal child abuse are just peachy but any hint of sexual assult is never allowed even if it's treated as a monstrous act. It's very strange.
>It's about feeling sexy
Not necessarily. If that was the case, than yaoishit and what not (that doesn't involve yourself or even women) wouldn't be anywhere near as popular. We're also a visual species.
Personally, I hate seeing women in my porn but I'm pretty sure it's because I strongly prefer 2D and it's difficult to come by hentai that doesn't focus predominately on the female.
>(which is why women can 'not be in the mood' and men are almost always up to fuck).
Are you retarded? That's due to sexual drive differences, that's basic biology.
Mmm, how convenient you're brushing off the oppression asymmetry that heavily skewed on women for the past centuries. And now you try to bait with fake oppression suffered by men. Nice try sweatie.
>(that doesn't involve yourself or even women)
I meant women's internal sexuality. Their sexual view of women/their role. Men don't care as much, women can extensively.
Yaoishit is mostly about power dynamics, not visuals. It's why 'uke and seme' part of it is the MOST important.
The rape in porn is a lot different than actual rape. I still think it's one of the worse things to fap to but it's popular for a reason.
I'm also guessing that study showed the test subjects porn as opposed to the real deal because I can't imagine any decent human being getting wet seeing a person suffering and hearing all that screaming.
I've read some studies that for men, them (the men) being raped was actually an incredibly common fantasy, also. One theory was just people, men or women want to be wanted and to feel attractive, for both groups it was that "the hot but super considerate 'rapist' is overcome with lust for the incredibly sexy person" fantasy. Another theory was both men and women like to fantasize about their partner doing all the work because they are lazy. Another was that it avoids performance anxiety or guilt or shame if one person does everything and makes all the choices, the fantasizer has no choice and all. I know some studies expressed surprise that some male and female fantasies were pretty alike. I think just basically things like wanting to feel atttactive and laziness motivate lots of people no matter the gender though.
I'll never forgive Peter David for killing the first incarnation of s_d. It was all downhill after that.
>for both groups it was that "the hot but super considerate 'rapist' is overcome with lust for the incredibly sexy person" fantasy
Thats called "Ravishing" and it's in pretty much every Harlequinn romance
Seriously thought what do you mean? if you mean the copyright strikes, yeah that sucked, but they're still around
>I've read some studies that for men, them (the men) being raped was actually an incredibly common fantasy, also.
That's interesting. But also unsurprising with the betafying of men in recent years.
A lot of people on Tumblr did complain about it and called it transphobic. It pretty much died out after that.
I think there are different groups though. Some women who fantasize about some male model "ravishing" them might not see the appeal of yaoi. Some fujoshits might self-insert into the dominant guy and fantasize about having a penis. It's pretty hard to generalize everybody to be fair. Tastes can vary a lot.
>I meant women's internal sexuality.
Women are more likely to be submissive, news at 11 etc.
Nevermind that men aren't likely to be submissive either, granted (from what I hear in the sub/dom community) finding a male sub is easier than a femdom. Still an exception to the general populace, unless we're talking about Japan.
>Yaoishit is mostly about power dynamics, not visuals
The visuals are important too, man. Go look at all the pornography that isn't just the most generic semexuke #2342 shit.
>people being taller than me
When will they learn?
>they're still around
The corpse may move now and then but the soul is dead, user.
Ha! Predictable. I'm still fluent in SJW it seems.
50 shades is terrible, we can just get that out right now and move on. I really don't care to understand the stupid people who like that cause they don't like /lit/ either
the women sexuality focused internally is very interesting...If you could link some studies I would like to save them.
The whole men always up to fuck is bullshit prepetuated by both men and women. I have dated a nymphomaniac who would break down crying and begging if we didn't have sex 7 days a week. It's extremely tiring and a major turn off.
> it's obviously that women like dominate men, and that wanting to be sexually desired beyond reason is incredibly attractive to them
which is correct for most women. I personally prefer a woman that is sexually assertive. The sex is FAR FAR better when she just tells you what she wants your tongue to do
Men who are CEOs or in other powerful positions going to pro dommes is overstated but it does really happen. It has for as long as that has been an option. For some people who are always very powerful and in control giving that up is a big turn on because it is novel, maybe just for a little while though.