We haven't tried to have one of these threads in awhile.
Raisins thread?
We haven't tried to have one of these threads in awhile.
Raisins thread?
Other urls found in this thread:
If you want.
>we're in the cookies you hate to eat
>an unpleasant surprise when you trick or treat
Been trying my hand at greentext if anyone's interested.
I made Raisins Girls my weakness, but I don't notice much difference fighting them. They're just a really weak enemy type I guess. I suppose I'm weak against them in ways besides combat.
I wish gender actually affected the combat mechanics of FBH. Raisin girls charming Wendy or New Kid (girl) was kind of stupid.
I purposely drew out the fight to hear all their dialogue with every playable character. Good game.
Try the zingy tingy wings, Chris.
If Timmy can take over people's minds and teleport, I don't see why Raisins girls can't cloud minds with the smell of pheromones, overpriced hot wings and fake smiles, straight or not.
Go away Dan, your Nickelodeon empire is crumbling
Batman's shields can't repel cuteness of cat magnitude.
If weaknesses made that big a deal, everyone would just choose vampires since there aren't any.
Batman has a know weakness to cats.
Batman might have a thing for pretty kitties.
I wouldn't pick Vampires in preparation for the DLC, assuming I couldn't just change it when the DLC comes out which I think I can somehow.
But if I couldn't, I think I'd still pick Raisins or Old People since those two are not encountered too often and are relatively weak. Unlike say Crab People or Ninjas who can hit super hard or Sixth Graders which are very common, and get an upgrade later.
I was wondering when we'd get another Raisins thread.
Have to be careful. Mods are assholes and have started banning me for them. I started a more permanent Raisins thread on 8ch's /delicious/ board, though that's not really going anywhere.
Gawd dayum
I could post something there if it could help.
Episode where Nichole goes to work at Raisins when? I need my some itty bitty black titties.
Nichole seems kind of stuck up. I wouldn't put it past Bebe though. I'm glad the Raisins girls stuck around as background characters.
By the way does Butters have any special dialogue when fighting Lexus?
Bebe's tits are too big for Raisins.
I don't know. Bebe might barely squeeze in under the bar.
Almost forgot to hide this minor spoiler.
I'm betting that's the bouncer's sister.
Has Fractured But Whole revealed who runs the place?
Likely one of those 'toddlers and tiaras' judges.
Does Wendy have any dialogue about the Raisins girls if you use her in fights against them? Can they try their flirty charm lines on her, or do they just hit male characters with them? Just curious.
Charm is a game mechanic that works regardless of gender or sexual preference. Just think of it like Raisin girl hypnosis. I haven't heard specific lines or replies from Wendy when fighting Raisins girls. She's pretty busy railing against internet trolls most of the time. You'd think somebody shopped a dick in her mouth or something.
Continuing for a bit.
Yeah. Actually, that's her over there.
>She motions to a very attractive woman with short black hair and glasses, getting VERY friendly with a Raisins girl with brown hair tied into a ponytail.
Ms. Chase really turned this place around. Before she came along, this place only had kid customers, everyone had the same vapid personality, tons of make-up, and all the girls had luxury car names for some reason.
>"What was your car name?"
>You stifle a laugh
Hey, it's not my fault all the good one were taken.
But that's a thing of the past, thanks to Ms. Chase. No more car names, wider clientele, varied personalities, and best of all, no more make-up. She said that if she wanted to run a business full of pint-sized whores caked in make-up, she would have started a midget clown brothel like her brother.
>A midget clown brothel would sound amazing, if not for your crippling fear of clowns.
Oh, but that's not all.
>"There's more?"
Yup. She also added "special events."
>"Like what?"
Scheduled theme days where all the girls where different outfits like bikinis, sexy halloween costumes, or a hula theme where we all wear grass skirts with leis tapped to our chests. Or competitions between the girls, where we have things like dance competitions, car washes, mechanical bull riding, or jello wrestling.
One time we had basketball game. We accidentally ordered basketball jerseys and shorts that were too big. The shorts wouldn't stay on, but since the jerseys were so big, we decided to just forget the shorts. Then the loosing team had to work in the jerseys without showering. Man, we reeked of sweat.
And some days we'll randomly change up the uniform. We could be wearing mini-skirts instead of shorts, go barefoot, or our special skimpy uniforms.
>You swallow hard.
Yeah, even closer to underwear than these saucy little numbers.
>"Well, I'm sorry I missed those."
>Part of you is sorry, but the part that's thinking rationally is saying that if just listening to this stuff is giving you a raging hard-on, actually seeing them would probably kill you.
>You're choosing to ignore the rational part of your brain.
You should sign up for newsletter. That way you'll never miss a thing.
>You immediately pull out your phone and sign up to the newsletter on their website as fast as possible. As you put your phone away, you notice the posture Gwen has taken. She is sitting with one leg perched up on the chair, and her hands resting on her raised knee.
>You also notice something about the shorts she's wearing. While they are (wonderfully) tight around the pelvic region, the legs of the shorts seem a bit baggier.
>This bagginess, combined with her current pose, allows you an even better view inside of her shorts.
>You can now see even more of Gwen's wonderfully shaped thigh.
>And you're close, so painfully close, to catching a glimpse at the panties hiding behind those shorts.
>You stare intensely, as if trying to will those shorts to the side with you mind when your concentration is shaken by Gwen's voice.
What do you think you're looking at?
>You nearly have a heart attack when you quickly move your eyes from her crotch to her face. A face that's giving you a playful smirk.
If you're hoping to see my underwear, I'm sorry, but you're out of luck. I never wear panties with my uniform.
>Before your mind can even process the erotic bombshell that was just dropped on you, your attention is grabbed by a nervous sounding voice.
H-here's your order. Uh, sweetie.
Not bad at all user. I prefer to imagine Gwen's new design instead of the one with more fanart.
I strongly disagree with your preference, but do not judge you for it.
well he did end up marrying one.
boys in raisins uniform?
Don't add hat kid
Woah there buddy, that’s what we got Peckers for.
Peckers; Freshly prepared cock spiced to perfection!
Oh my what's going on in this establishment?
>Rich as fuck
>Still get busted for Cheese Pizza
I always wondered if it's rich people getting more brazen thinking they're untouchable that gets them caught or if they somehow slipped up despite having enough money for secrecy.
South park Episode
I'd wager it's the former. There's almost a folklore cycle of rich people getting away with whatever they want. It's a cliche that runs all through American media, so when poor people find themselves suddenly in money, they tend to do 2 things: 1, they buy unnecessary bullshit because they dont think of the importance of 'buying more money' buy investing It. And 2, they tend to start doing whatever illegal shit comes to their mind because they were raised to think that being rich is a get-out-of-trouble-free-card.
Lots of fatty foods. No place for you.
It was the same way that Serial killers get nailed. He brought in others that were of the same mold but not as savvy to keep it quiet.
>This guy never heard of Raisins before
Sheesh. Next you'll tell me you've never dreamt of going to Unteralterbach before either.
Wait, does Unteralterbach have a Raisins restaurant?
Gooble Gobble
Don't be 'that guy'.
Oh I'm sorry, which one of the dozen variants shouldn't I be?
her character sheet says genderfluid which makes no fucking sense since her hero name is call GIRL.
wouldn't she want to be call person? or have moments where she turns into call man?
don't underestimate how fucked children protection is in this country. milo longlastnamewhatever got basically ruined by defending molesters.
UAB is the shit my dude, don't judge.
no, but they do open a loli store at the end. plus there's the cheese pizza restaurant run by pedro behr so i mean...
Calendar of Sup Forums lolis titled raisins in the sun featuring wet tshirt contests, carwashes, orange and white Christmas, and stupid spoiled whore Halloween when?
commission it my dude.
get incog if he isn't done writing over 9000 pages of filler.
>loli store
The irony would be needing ID to enter/buy.
Christ somebody else remember Mike
>waitress ogled by Hal isn't Arisia
Missed opportunity
Do I want to know what that is?
I still like her, her voice did things to me when I was a kid.
>he hasn't played unteralterbach mutiple times
Get a load of this guy
You could save yourself the trouble and just look up the gallery on exhentai
>Be me
>Playing against this guy
>Don't know what his attack does
>Curious about it
>He attacks wendy with a fucking subway
>Have various revival potions
>Revive her
>He attacks her again
I'm sick
are you fucking mental? the game itself is great even without the porn.
but did you spare him?
Couldn't fap. Laughing too hard.
Underrated post...
Unlike the guys, the girls are shown to know a little about sexual stuff.
My guess, is Wendy knows EXACTLY what call girl means. And she choose it knowing it.
It's from an episode where Cartman pretends to be transgender to use the ladies bathroom
I'm so sorry no I'm not
fuck fag
>triggered by shad meme
Fuck that shit, that's a good picture.
>toothpick poking through the condom
you know why
>something shad made gave me an erection
Give in
>the loli Clinton comic had her in braces
Do not cry for me, for I am already dead.
Oh that got me too
This is the exact subject matter I expected, but with much more effort put into it than I had expected, so I was still surprised.