Name the last 5 films you saw:
>Star Wars 8 (fuck i hate it, fuck)
>The Grey
>The Death of Stalin
Name the last 5 films you saw:
>Star Wars 8 (fuck i hate it, fuck)
>The Grey
>The Death of Stalin
Mean Streets
Phantom Thread
The Godfather
I watched Passengers last week, and one of the Captain America movies like 6 months ago. Don't remember anything before that.
Alien Covenant
Darkest Hour
BR 2049
Baby Driver
she looks like she shoves BBCs up her anus
this makes my peanus the big peanus
the leprechaun movies
The Disaster Artist
Star Wars ANH, ESB, RoTJ
The Death of Stalin
>Star Wars ANH, ESB, RoTJ
this hurts my brain
just write 4-6
Do you think she has to get a special sized toilet for her poops? That would be crazy
stiemens (1972)
starboat destroyed (1989)
temperation (1994)
blast-off 3 (2007)
juggle boon boys (2011)
The Way of The Gun
The Leopard
Wind River
Nights of Cabiria
>A Dirty Carnival
>Kong Skull Island
>The Boss Baby
>Ingrid Goes West
>Pieta (only great one)
The Revenant
Justice League
The Last Jedi
The Shape of Water
Loving Vincent
Assassination on the Orient Express
this is not patrician
only truly patrician posts here are
Thor Ragnarok
Ex Machina
The Belko Experiment
Tomb Raider
Black Panther
The Fisher King
A Hard Days Night
Something nice about each, nothing fantastic though. There's like a single great film that could be cobbled together between the movies still in the theater
>Alex Garland directs Tomb Raider and Andy Serkis replaces Goggins
'kay but it's kinda embarrassing:
>Iron Man 2
>Spider-Man 3 Editor's Cut
>Iron Man 3
>CA Winter Soldier
>CA Civil War
Donnie Brasco
The Godfather
The Usual Suspects
Midnight Express
>Only mentions flicks
The Rover
Das Boot
Resident Evil
Boogie Nights
The Pirates: Band of Misfits
The Place Beyond The Pines
End of Watch
Only God Forgives
Wayne's World
Demon House (not as bad as critics say it is, solid 7/10)
Natural Born Killers
Africa Blood and Guts
The new Death Wish (also not as bad as critics say it is)
American Psycho
The Black Panther
Ghost In The Shell
Maze Runner 3
I only remember the last 3.
Last Jedi
Terminator 2
All 3 were great.
Sympathy for the Devil
who the fuck keeps track?
That had better not be the one with Scarjo
Human Centipede III
Human Centipede II
i kinda like watching shit while I clean my apartment
Lady Bird
The SpongeBob SquarePants Movie
The Poughkeepsie
The Blair Witch Project
Kill List
Tomb Raider
The Strangers Prey at Night
7 Days in Entebbe
A Wrinkle in Time
she looks like she fucks black guys
The Treasure of the Sierra Madre
Bad Day at Black Rock
Deadly is the Female
Elevator to the Gallows
The Decameron
Fuck you
>Game night
>the fellowship of the ring
>North by Northwest
>Wind River
>Children of Men
>Justice League
>The Shape of Water
>Planet of The Apes
Blade Runner 2049 (IMAX)
Blade Runner 2049 (3D)
Blade Runner 2049 (IMAX)
Alien: Covenant
... i forget
>a boy and his dog
>double impact
Black Panther
Blade Runner 2049
EX Machine
Blade Runner
Jumanji: Welcome To The Jungle
fo sho
Coming To America
Tropic Thunder
Phantom Thread
Conan the Barbarian (2012)
Jupiter Ascending
Perfect Blue
The Wind Rises
Black Panther
i-i usually dont watch this much anime
watch mirror if you havent yet
Rate my next 5 films, Sup Forums
Seven Samurai
The Outlaw Josey Wales
Miracle in Milan
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid
Salvatore Giuliano (Francesco Rosi)
Les vacances de M. Hulot (Jacques Tati)
Morte a Venezia (Luchino Visconti)
Wizards (Ralph Bakshi)
Monsieur Verdoux (Charles Chaplin)
Wings of Desire
Meteor Man
True Grit (the John Wayne version)
Flowers in the Attic
Kiss the Girls
>In Bruges
>Norte, the end of history
>Three Billboards
>The Congress
>Being John Malkovich
Under the Skin
Bubba Ho-Tep
Good Time
A Scanner Darkly
Where'd you watch Bad Day at Black Rock?
Is that Foxy Di, the Russian Ana de Armas?
>Shoot em up
>The African Queen
>Asphalt Jungle
>Three Billboards outside Ebbing Missouri
First time watching all of them
>My Cousin Vinny
>Maltese Falcon
>The Last Jedi
The Cat And The Canary 1927
Idaho Transfer 1973
Stranded 2001
The Enchanted Cottage 1945
Big Wednesday 1978
>The Last Jedi
why do you do it?
Thats ghost in the shell bro
Matchstick Men
The Cloverfield Paradox
Bingo: The King of the Mornings
Disaster Artist
>Wrinkle in Time
>Black Panther
>Shape of Water
>Fifty Shades Freed
>Cloverfield Paradox
I work at a movie theater, I didn't want to see Wrinkle in Time or Fifty Shades, but we have to watch the movies before they come out to make sure nothing screws up.
>Thor Ragnarok
>Blade Runner
>Blade Runner 2048
>Amadeus uncut edition
>King Kong Skrull Island or something
Cinema is dead, you killed it OP.
>the disaster artist
>Blade Runner 2049
>Roman J Isreal esq
pretty good
starts out good but gets boring
>game night
pretty good
Mean Girls
The Breakfast Club
Rosemary's Baby
All About Eve
just saw that a decent quality of it was available and thought why not..
it was alright, visuals were great...everything else was bad
how do I get a gf bros?
>Blade Runner 2048
Shit, I never saw this one. Is it just two and a half hours of K doing his regular Blade Runner work?
I'm a buyfag I have the bluray
be urself ;)
Muse (2017) - 9/10
Veronica (2017) - 6/10
Annihilation (2017) - 6.5/10
Bent (2017) - 3/10
Jumanji (2017) - 2/10
>The Thin Man
>After The Thin Man
>My Man Godfrey
>It happened one night
>The wages of fear
Found out about and became a big fan of William Powell recently
I'd say you have fine taste. That's a great movie.
Thor: Ragnarok - 5/10
Annihilation - 3/10
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle 6/10
The Killing of a Sacred Deer 5/10
The Return 7/10
You don't want one, trust me
Wonder Wheel - 7/10
Red Sparrow - 6/10
Bad Genius - 8/10
Batman: Gotham by Gaslight - 7/10
Invasion of the Bee Girls - 10/10
I know, I wasn't talking to the poster who said Akira. Also you better have gone subs, dubs a shit
id love to see her get BLACKED tbqh
this but triply penetrated
what does a girl like this butthole smell like?
find a below average girl with no selfesteem on tinder and be kinda nice, but also a dick to her. And stick around. Listen to her shit. And fuck her properly.
that's it. You probably don't want a girlfriend tho.
>Power Rangers (2017)-6/10
Was actually very impressed by the intro and all of the "teen" drama, but didn't like that it occupied 75% of the film. There was only one actual scene of the rangers fighting, which is hugely disappointing. If the film featured another scene of the rangers fighting Rita before she summoned Goldar it would have been a 7.5/10 or so.
>Bone Tomahawk-7/10
Liked the blend of horror and Western. Good characters, plot is solid but it lags both at the beginning and near the middle. The West provides a good atmosphere, but there really isn't much tension until the end. The mutilation scene though, holy shit.
>Red Sparrow-5.5/10
It's refreshing to see a post-Cold War espionage film, and the intrigue in this one was actually very well done. That being said, the first 40% of the film builds up the protagonist to be a master of seduction and a specialist, and then the movie just forgets about it and she becomes a completely normal spy. It seems like they just put that segment in there to sell an R-rating and some nudity. If that entire sequence was replaced with more conventional training this movie would be a quality spy thriller.
Just an all-around great movie. Loved the soundtrack and Emily Blunt's character especially. Her final confrontation with Benicio Del Toro was an amazing scene. Have significantly lowered expectations for the sequel given that Denis and Blunt are not involved.
>3:10 to Yuma (2007)-7/10
Loved Russell Crowe in this, but Christian Bale has turned in better performances (I thought his character was not the best written though, so it's probably not his fault). Great action sequences and excellent pacing. The climax was highly satisfying as well.
Are you trying to make me erect?
>It comes at night
>Blade Runner(MotY)
>Social network
Sturges was one of the best with directing and blocking/staging ensemble casts.
Transformers 3
Batman v. Superman
The Cloverfield Paradox
Despicable Me 3
Pirates of the Caribbean 5
masochist huh
>Werckmeister Harmonies (2000)
>Hell or High Water (2016)
>Three Billboards Outside Ebbing Missouri (2017)
>The Sunset Limited (2011)
>Yojimbo (1961)
Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
Black Panther
Vivre Sa Vie
The Shape of Water
The Last Jedi
The Disaster Artist
>Darkest Hour
>Three Billboards Outside Ebbing, Missouri
>The Matrix
>Double Lover (L'Amant Double)
>Black Panther
The Return
Death of Stalin
Annihilation (megashit)
>We Were Soldiers
>The Shape of Water
>John Wick Chapter 2
>MURDER on the Orient Express (1974)
>MURDER on the Orient Express (2017)
I was so astoundingly dissapointed by The Shape of Water it made me want to vomit.
>I had to quit detective work. It interfered with my drinking.
I nominate this user as best 5 films itt.
>Premiers désirs
>Sara (1997)
> Star Wars: The Last Jedi
>John Wick
God I want this on my face bros
Stir Crazy
Dog Soldiers
In The Mouth Of Madness
Blazing Saddles
The Big Short
The Third Man
A serious man
Dear Zachary
just realized i dont watch many movies
i think the last thing i saw was space cop, like half of bright, both at a friends place, and br2049, i dont even remember anything before that
oh yea i saw dunkirk in theaters too
miss_olsen87 on instagram
1986 one, just remembered there's some chick flick with the same name.