Is Community telekino?

Is Community telekino?

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Up to season 3, definitely. Then it becomes kind of hit and miss to me.


Still haven't finished the Yahoo (fucking kek) seasons

first couple of seasons are good by american tv comedy standards which is like being one of the smarter downes syndrome children


I don’t get why consensus is season 1 is best. I thought S2 was best by far
>characters are pretty much cemented in their roles without being flanderized (Jeff is mixed between aloof confidence and caring about his friends, Britta is goofy but not a retard, Troy isn’t just a dumb jock or a total manchild, Abed isn’t up his own ass)
>good mix of concept episodes and regular ones, feels less like a generic sitcom
>group dynamic is more interestingly explored than S1
>Jeff/Britta will they won’t they is intelligently resolved by revealing they’ve been hooking up

Yeah, characters really came into their own on season 2. Season 1 you can clearly tell how they're working with cliches and Jeff is a lot more one dimensional in my opinion.

Season 2 feels like them relaxing from the strict roles they had imposed on the characters from the writing room.

i only made it through s01e01

Post Gillys

Its probably the worst ep imo.

>stopping at show pilots

The only outright bad season is 4, the first three are kino, 5 is alright, 6 is good.

The pilot is pretty much completely different from the show, like most television pilots

Season 6 is the third best one though.


This show is so Reddit, but It's the best friendship Sim

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Somewhere out there beneath the pale moon light.

I miss how much music the first season had. There were so many great songs and for whatever reason they stopped doing that after S1

show got worse as bully chang began transitioning to insane chang

>the episode where they turn the whole thing into an advertisement so the rest of the season doesn't have to have product placement
Season 6 is kino. The ending is kind of iffy though.

Insane change was great though, the end of season 3 with him going full dictator was good fun.

pierce is /ourguy/



season 3

I hated the first episode and didn't give the show another chance until about a year later when everyone was talking about how good it is.

This is legit one of the comfiest moments of Community and one of my favourite episodes.

The raps were so good
So was the 90s rock song about partying

I love Jeff’s line at the end
>Yeah, they got us.

Attached: brittafeet.jpg (1050x700, 451K)


Why is Britta so much better than shitty Annie?

Played by Gillian

it also had portuguese gramlins

If NBC gave it the level of support they gave to that show about the bitch and her fag roommate, then it would have been the best sitcom of this decade


The ending is fucking fantastic compared to most comedy finales and it's fucking brilliant considering how much of the cast they'd lost.