
Let's talk about worst gem.
What the fuck was her problem?

Other urls found in this thread:

She was created to appeal to footfags.

She's a neon cyan rapist with no redeeming qualities.

Instead of her getting a story and rarely any development, she just shows up occasionally now, getting little character development besides Gem Harvest and The New Crystal Gems. In that episode, we learn something new about Lapis. She's an asshole, I mean look how she treated Connie in the first half.

>I mean look how she treated Connie in the first half.
Like every other character should treat her?

Fuck man, she gets episodes and a story arc. What about poor neglected, yet central, characters like Mayor Dewey?

too many donuts, apparently
she needs more cardio

"I know gems can change form, but I didn't know humans had the power to shrink?

thats all semen. she has her own way of trying to calm corrupted Jasper

How would she react if you asked to suck on her toes?


>tried to kill steven right after he saved her
>fusion raped jasper for a year because she pissed her off and wanted to take her anger out on someone
>broke peridot's tape recorder and complained about her living in the barn even though she was there first
She was always an asshole and never does anything for anyone but herself while everyone else bends over backwards to make her happy and comfortable.

lapis... lay off the pumpkins...

What are you talking about, there's nothing wrong with her.


She's objectively the best looking one

Crewniverse just couldn't follow through on her arc and now nothing can repair her narrative

I'll post a little something for you.

You got more?

Yes. Here's another Lapis.

what the fuck is wrong with her hips

When are we going to get that weight gain episode?

No one but Sugar knew what to do with her because she was that personal of a character.

Is Sugar still involved? It feels rudderless enough


How was she not a rapist?

Because shes a cold emotionless bitch who acts like a total cunt to everyone

Because fusion isn't sex

Nobody can help being fat any more, suggesting that it's unhealthy to eat too much and not exercise is ableist, user.

this and Jasper consented to fuse.
Also, Jasper was an evil person and completely deserved to be imprisoned at the bottom of the sea.

shes the most niggardly character in this show. she uses the excuse of her being trapped in a mirror to get everyone to put up with her being a helpless, abusive, selfish asshole and get everyones sympathy and gibsmedat.

Why do you keep posting this?


we knew that though. she's been an asshole

>Steven can be a fat fuck and eat whatever he wants
>Lapis can't

It hurts.

she cant eat anyways. even ish she shapeshifted a stomach she likely couldnt taste it or gain any physical benefit from it.

If she really wanted to make jasper suffer, she could've not been an idiot about it and used water powers to drag her underwater and torture her while she watched instead of inflicting it to herself and doing nothing for months. I'm guessing it's just a half assed attempt to make the viewers feel sorry for lapis.

I called it when she was first created, but nooo she's muh perfect gem an shight.
>The only time she is useful, when her powers come into play.

