Someone donated 10 grand so they could voice a character in a Goblins cartoon. Who has that much money laying around to donate to a webcomic?
Someone donated 10 grand so they could voice a character in a Goblins cartoon. Who has that much money laying around to donate to a webcomic?
They’re not gonna make it.
That video is definitely voice-actor focused. A bit weird to get all that lined up before you even know if you can do the cartoon.
Didn't the Creator suffer a mental breakdown and draw some pretty insane shit in response?
How the fuck did he get all these famous people to bend over for him? It's not a good comic and there's clearly not much interest. How does this happen? I feel like being completely shameless and obnoxious is the most important factor to success in any endeavor.
Does it really take 465 grand to make a cartoon? The fuck
>How the fuck did he get all these famous people to bend over for him?
Because he'll pay them? Shot in the dark.
... how much do you think it should cost?
none of us are
He can't pay them. He's not rich and there's no interest in this project so he can't crowdfund it.
If the question is "How'd he get all these voice actors to do this?" The answer is he'll pay them. When it fails and he can't, they're not going to do the cartoon. If by some logic defying chain of events it funds, he'll have the money to pay them, and it won't even be the worst cartoon any of them have signed on for.
This isn't rocket science, they don't turn down paying gigs.
how about not hiring a professional studio, but just some talented amateurs? It's based on a freaking webcomic of goblins, it doesn't need avatar-level quality
Pics or links?
They've already devoted hours of their time and their public image to helping him get this off the ground. Why?
Silicon Valley is full of rich nerds. How new are you?
If it doesn't get off the ground they don't get paid. If someone picks up the pilot, they get paid.
Getting paid > not getting paid.
>It's based on a freaking webcomic of goblins
You keep saying that like it means something. If you have a point say it
Bruce Wayne.
200k if the main author does the brunt of the work and only delegates smaller things to other people. If the author really cares about the work he's making, he won't also be greedy or lazy.
>65000 for Goblins
I feel physically sick
His fans bought him a house before. They're really dedicated.
Is this that edgy comic where everyone dies or have eye scar?
Never really liked this comic and probably won't watch it if it gets made, but I really hope it does and is decent enough to get picked up as a series if only to boost the chances of other webcomics getting cartoons. I'd love to one day see Netflix or someone producing an Unsounded or K6BD show or even something like a Rice Boy movie.
>By Matt King
Jeez, you'd think Thunt would insist on managing the kickstarter himself after what happened last time. Fear of a repeat might scare off donors.
So essentially, they're paying to work for them
the art is fucking horrendous
Will the cartoon animation be as confusing as the comic's paneling?
How'd they get those kinds of voice actors?
no,,he drew a horror picture, but that was relatively tame
probably the same way One got Murata to draw One Punch Man: one of them liked his comics and wanted to do something with it
> I don't know how legendarily bad this webcomic is but I'm phoneposting in this thread and getting indignant
this isn't reddit
I've been on Sup Forums for years and people responding without reading other responses is FAR from uncommon.
>tfw you kind of liked this piece of shit until the author started acting like a gigantic attention whore
>it's managed to become more successful after that
>>tfw you kind of liked this piece of shit until the author started acting like a gigantic attention whore
that's what you get for giving a fuck about a writer's blogs/twitter/facebook
hahahaha, nice shilling
Um what?
I ' M S A D
He literally crowdfunded his house because he made up some story about being evicted
> $465k
Nani the fuck
>I'M SAD is the featured image for this
No, it really doesn't. I know the numbers aren't the same, but it's not unusual for a 26 episode anime series to have less than a million dollar budget total.
The concept of needing 200k for a pilot episode is absolutely ludicrous.