Time to say adios to the Bat books. I've never seen the line in a more dismal and uninspired state

Time to say adios to the Bat books. I've never seen the line in a more dismal and uninspired state.

King has a strange talent of shitting on every character that he touches.

I thought the last line was said by the horse for a moment too long

Why is the horsey dead?

Wow Batman #33 was incredibly bad. Batman handing Catwoman a shotgun to kill a horse,

El Topo?

Why is it wrong? He loves her, she loves him.

Are you one of those "WonderBats" cunts I keep hearing about?

Ignoring the fact that the issue is extremely bad, I want to claw my eyes out every time either of the couple say Cat or Bat.

Yeah, he should have just strangled the horse.

It reminds me of a series of fantasy books where the protagonist and his love interest go:
"Love you, X."
"Love you, Y, honest word."
Chapter after chapter.

It's bad because it's fucking bland and boring and Tom King's idea of a "relationship" is two people just calling each other by their pet names back and forth monotonously like two autistic robots who never evolved beyond middle-school understandings of love and caring.

>Yeah, he should have just strangled himself.
>Yeah, he should have just strangled himself.

-suicide couple- lol king sucks.

I really dislike his writing style and so far his arcs are nothing special.

"I love you"' in response to her shooting that horse. A romance comic featuring R2-D2 would sound less monotome and robotic than this.

And likely more humane. A horse was just shot after carrying your asses throught the desert so you could do whatever, you selfish pricks.

On a technical level, you got to wonder how much of this is pretentious tripe. Certainly a good study case.

It's been dead, people like OP won't stop hitting it though.

The calling each other Cat and Bat thing completely takes me right out of the story every single time. The dialogue has been my problem with all of King's run so far. I like the stories and what he is doing, but the dialogue and repetitiveness has been so bad that it is sometimes hard to read. All of the little 1 or 2 word sentences back and fourth, half the time with the second character repeating what the first character said, just doesn't sound natural to me. The Cat and Bat just makes that even worse. Art looks pretty good though.


Selina gave the horse HIV.Batman with a gun! Selina killed the horse! Are camels unavailable?


And yet it's still better than anything the other two Batwriters are producing, guess it must suck to be a batfag today

See you next month

He did meet his wife in middle school.

>King subversively destroys everyone's ability to take the BatCat dhip seriously for an entire generation
For real though, they should've let Genevieve Valentine write this romance.

I want to agree with you, I really do, but with each new issue, King gets worse and worse. Snyder has at least been putting out the same consistently OK material for years now. Not good enough that I'd ever want to buy it, but I'll read an issue or two if it gets storytimed. Not only have I dropped King's Batman from my pull, but I'm practically forcing myself to read the issues from storytime threads and even then I'm not sure I can keep that up.

the BAT
the CAT

I think Tynion's book (X-Men starring the Batfamily) is good though.

I thought this issue was great. It was a lot of fun in the parts with Alfred and the Robins. Great art, cool setting, entertaining cameo with that guy from Nightwing, and a good cliffhanger. I really enjoyed reading this one, talked to a few regulars at my lcs and they liked it too, mostly they liked how the characters felt like a family.

I think it's going to be a good arc, probably better than the "I Am..." trilogy.

I haven't really been enjoying Snyder's and Tynion's stuff as much. Snyder's Metal feels like it's constantly referencing cool stuff without doing anything interesting itself, and to me Tynion's Detective Comics is one of the most bland series DC is putting out.

The only good parts about that book at the small moments with Cass and Basil, everything else is just boring and the roster isn't anything to write home about

>I thought this issue was great
Agreed. I wasn't big fan of this run at the beginning, but I slowly stared to like it and I'm interested in what happen next.

