Post yfw this happened

Post yfw this happened.

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what the fuck is that

Post yfw this scene comes on

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Were they eating people?

What was that red mist they were spraying everywhere?

What was with the red plants? Were they blood plants?

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Seeing this in theaters as a 13 year old scared the living shit out of me

you are mothers' arsehell

Cracking post lad.

The tripods use humans as fuel for their bioreactors.

Imagine an alien planning an invasion for millions of years only to get btfo by bacteria

what a bunch of retards

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someone post this on the screaming feminists face

In their most wild calculations they never predicted tyrone would fuck a chimp and make aids.

Thank you based nigs for saving the earth ONCE AGAIN...

you were a pussy. probably still are.

what hotkinkyjo vid is this from


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>Come from a dead, desolate, red planet
>Go to a lush, bountiful, green planet
>"Hey guys, lets paid this shit red"

For what purpose?

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This movie still legitimately kinda scares me probably because how easy it is to self-insert into a scene like this and how horrifying it would be to actually be in that stampede of people most of which are going to die and there's nothing they can really do about it.

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Fucking hell

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kys samefag.


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what is this even in response to?

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>the aliens getting ill turns the shields on their machines off
>the aliens didn't bring biohazard suits

Still makes no sense to me.

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It's so Spielberg can compare them to the Nazis

They thought conquering earth would be easy and let their arrogance blind them to a fatal flaw.

It's a metaphor for the islamification of the west

Based philosophical poster

it's called Sup Forumssplatter. they vomit on everything around them and some of it splashes over into other forums.
this movie was fucking terrifying. I saw it when I was 10

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They liquified humans into fertilizer for the red weeds.

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But that doesn't explain why their shields turned off.


I don't get it

Could have been biotech that movie aliens love so much, and hence vulnerable to hostile organisms

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>They thought conquering earth would be easy and let their arrogance blind them to a fatal flaw.
So you mean the hundred thousand year plan was made in arrogance of microorganisms?
That's shit writing

Are the microorganisms in the air the same as the ones a hundred thousand years ago?

The devil's anus

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson

The tree later died because Americans lacked both

The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants. - Thomas Jefferson
Damn I replied to the wrong post

You know what he looks like older Spielberg

I just don't get it.
These tripods mean they had been here before, and their plans were spot on
They planned to water the plants with human blood. They must have had taken microorganism into consideration.

So how could they miss the simple microbes?
Besides what microbes work so fast that turn their dead bodies gray in a few seconds? I don't think humans actually coexist with such a fast germs.

first time this stupid shit has ever made me laugh

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It looks like an asshole


Really that's it

But is this literally their first invasion and contracting disease from foreign bacteria never occured to them. You cant deny how stupid this is.

In the book it was mentioned they had erradicated disease so long ago they didn't even remember it was a thing factor it into their plans. The movies always fail to bring up that point.

Thats honestly still retarded
>hurr durr we got rid of disease on our own planet so all planets dont have disease
Yeah nah

>when your jew masters demand you post some shitty libcuck images to reach your quota but there's no good politically incorrect threads so you get lazy and post it wherever

Once again?

I mean that the very concept of pathological microorganisms only existed in their history books at that point. I'd also add that WotW is usually seen as an allegory regarding the collonization of "primitive, lesser" races by Europeans with their unstoppable technological edge and the kind of blundering ignorance that often came with it.

If I were in charge of this I would say the unanticipated germ was added by a third party
But since they used Morgan Freeman's voice to read that aloud that god put it there I would quit

Human mutilation always freaked me out as a teenager. Even the silly disintegrating scenes in Mars Attacks spooked me.

considering how hard it is for a disease to jump species, the whole premise seems kinda dumb. diseases aren't malicious, they just multiply at the expense of their host. To do this they need to be compatible enough with the biology of whatever they are in to actually take advantage of it. A virus cant hijack the dna of something that probably uses a completely different system.

>the state of modern 'culture'

Yeah but cultivating plants with firtilizer...
Anyway if you insist. Hell I have ideas about germs but they still get me from time to time

That's basically how immigration works.


But still, they come!

>their unstoppable technological edge and the kind of blundering ignorance that often came with it.
>muh tree worship
European colonization has without a doubt been a force for good in the grand scheme of things.

I'm really suprised the meaning is going over everyone's head. No matter what kind of technology humans or anyone else can create, God still wins with his microscopic little bastards.

The Flu is still the number one killer of humans today.

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It fucking baffles me how is it even possible to die from flu. Just eat some garlic and onions go to sleep for a few hours and wake up fine.

Yeah Will Smith flew that ship that saved us from those big ass ships back in 1997.

Remember me?

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underage detected

I unironically consider this to be one of the greatest SciFi movies

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bravo /leftypol/


>he still worships colonization and modernization and haven't try to develop a postmodern eco friendly culture


either that or you're a disgustingly ignorant adult

The tripod was probably run like a tank. You had a segment controlling the shields, a segment for movement, a segment for the heat rays, etc. What happened is that the aliens controlling the shield do no shield.
The National Guard soldier said that the tripods were “acting irrationally going in circles until it went down on its own about an hour ago” pretty much every ay lmao was dying inside so the whole machine lost control.

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I think that the aliens represent the human race. Conquering the world killing everything in their way. The landscape being transformed by red vines are asphalt roads and pollution

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>not alien tentacle action on the little blonde girl
I wish that movie was japanese

Literally what happened in the Prometheus movies

"mmm pungent."

I vant to drink your piss

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>heat rays don’t vaporize the clothes at all
the fuck? i get that it’s a stylistic choice, but still. and you can’t say shit like, “oh, they only vaporize organic matter” because last time i checked cotton was organic matter

>bury tripods and wait a million years instead of just taking over earth then for some reason

It's more like a dehydration ray, if that makes any sense at all, with how people exploded into dust.

I think bacteria could thrive in an alien body with weak defenses, as long as the aliens are organic

That movie was one of the biggest wasted opportunities to make a memorable scifi horror I've seen.
>mfw supposedly bizarre and incomprehensible proto human alien species turn out to be nothing more than a bunch of incompetent space niggers.

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>It fucking baffles me how is it even possible to die from flu. Just eat some garlic and onions go to sleep for a few hours and wake up fine.

You've clearly never had a bad case of the Flu before.

he's an underage coward

>all these people discussing the 56% adaption of a victorian novel
the book is unironically better sci fi and has a better plot despite being written over 100 years ago
