Who was in the wrong here?

who was in the wrong here?

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>that one time...

>hard dick vs soft dick

nice jewish revisionist propaganda


jesus, look at the amount of regret in his face

The viewer. For watching and enabling kike subversion of society.

>Muh jewish boogeymen

if you were offered a million dollars. would star in a cuck film with an asian bull?



>white guy isnt even hard
lmaoing at seething chinkboys

the guys for looking at eachothers dicks

>that's the biggest asian guy they could find


All blonde white women belong to asian dick

there are not a lot of things I wouldn't do for a million

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>He didn't get hard with a hot chick holding his dick
Even worse desu

>erect vs flaccid

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I think I speak for everyone when I say all white people should be killed.

Fun fact: Asians are invading Africa to have children with the natives to produce offsprings with high iq and bick dicks.

You'd think so, but it could have been on purpose, he's holding back or he honestly needs a fluffer, which isn't even an uncommon thing for guys to be so desensitized to porn that they need help.

Attached: bwc vs asian.webm (1280x720, 2M)

Race wont matter jack shit once CRISPR technology becomes available to the masses.

Hell yea! I'm going to get a genetically engineered sex slave.


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the funny thing is that the asian is too much of a pussy to fight the white guy, even though the white guy is just as much if not more of a pussy and wouldn't know how to defend himself.

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Literally how my girlfriend grabs me when I'm on top

me on the right

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make your fucking bed properly jesus christ

Hapa got triggered

>my girlfriend

what if their offsprings have low IQ and small dicks

>the chad chink
>the virgin college boi

I love that butthurt azns crowdfund azn bull porn

I get I'm supposed to be mad over these webms or whatever but I don't perceive any threat so I don't really mind if the guy gets laid

>uses smoll girl
>dick still looks small

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*smick dicks

name of the blond?

>which isn't even an uncommon thing for guys to be so desensitized to porn that they need help.
More like guys who aren't used to having to get hard in front of a whole production crew of dudes

this but unironically
