And then Marge takes Lisa's side.
And then Marge takes Lisa's side
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Lisa episodes will always be awful which is why modern Simpson's are terrible because most of their seasons focus on Lisa.
Early Lisa episodes like Lisa the Vegetarian and Lisa's Wedding were nice. She was better as a support character for Bart because their dynamic worked pretty well.
Now it's Lisa everywhere and I think its 1: she's Al Jean's favorite character 2: Bart was the main focus in the early seasons now its her time and 3: they see a demographic like tumblr and they pander to that
>that time when they invited shadman as special guest animator
>they see a demographic like tumblr and they pander to that
Yeah, but that doesn’t even pay off because nobody watches the simpsons anymore.
>dragon ball super and rick and morty have higher ratings and viewership than simpsons
Really makes the chuck turn into sneed...
>bart, no!
>Really makes the chuck turn into sneed...
I wonder what historians will think of us in 100 years. If we manage to last that long, that is.
The problem with lisa episodes is that more often than not, they get serious. While a comedy can be serious at times, having me sympathise with lisa over whatever family member she's usually fighting is annoying, because lisa has it so much better than the rest of the family. Especially bart.
It's also a voice actor thing. Everyone gets paid the same no matter how many characters they voice. Lisa's VA only has her, so to make it worth their money, they make more episodes about her.
Fair point.
>all the VAs get paid the same
This is fucking disgusting when castellaneta voices like a billion characters on this show
It really is. Azaria, Shearer, and Castellaneta do like eighteen characters a piece. Nancy Cartwright does most of the kids. Even Julie Kavner does three. But Yeardley Smith is JUST Lisa. She's the only regular cast member that voices a single character. And she's not even acting; that's just her natural voice.
Half of your post is correct.
Does Yeardley Smith have the best gig in animation? I don't know if she has any creative input but she's not funny on the few commentaries she's in.
>It's a happy fluke. When she was cast back in 1987, I just liked the sound of her voice. She's also a great actress. In general, people who make their living doing voices on cartoons aren't always great for us. Most cartoons want things peppy and cartoony. Yeardley is able to go through moments of great emotion and wring it for all she's worth.
What did Matt Groening mean by this?
She sucked his dick for a job
Until 1998, Smith was paid $30,000 per episode. During a pay dispute in 1998, Fox threatened to replace the six main voice actors with new actors, going as far as preparing to cast new voices.[18] However, the dispute was soon resolved and she received $125,000 per episode until 2004, when the voice actors demanded that they be paid $360,000 an episode.[18] The issue was resolved a month later,[19] and Smith earned $250,000 per episode.[20] After salary renegotiations in 2008, the voice actors received about $400,000 per episode.[21] Three years later, with Fox threatening to cancel the series unless production costs were cut, Smith and the other cast members accepted a 25% pay cut, down to just over $300,000 per episode.[22]
>$300,000 an episode just to voice a single fucking character whose voice isn't even that memorable
Reminder that Simpsons ruined voice acting work for everybody
But Dan played Earthworm Jim and the Genie when Robin Williams got bored
Dan's done some good gigs, but nobody really liked Dan as Genie.
Pig is a shit tier BBQ meat. Steak is where its at.
>$300,000 an episode just to voice a single fucking character USING HER NORMAL VOICE whose voice isn't even that memorable
fixed for added sting
You're not wrong about the latter but pulled pork is the fucking shit
>300k per episode
There is a time and a place for all meats.
Wasn't there an episode where Bart and Lisa think they murder a kid, yet Bart is the one who feels remorse and wants to tell somebody? Lisa basically bullied him into being quiet, and when Neslon started investigating, she tried to seduce him to keep quiet about what happened.
Kind of fucked up.
>What, I'm right here?
don't get it. Why do so many people want to pander to tumblr crowd? They don't have any money, they're a bunch of lazy broke-ass bitches. Why market to a demographic that's broke?
They're loud and that makes them seem bigger than they are, and they're on social media which implies enough income for regular access to those platforms.
The one where she's babysitting her siblings also shows that she's a horrible and short-sighted person, but the townspeople let it slide because they just really want a babysitter.
Bro, you can get on the internet just by going to the library. I see actual homeless people at the library on facebook and youtube. Social media not a good indicator of wealth.
Thanks a lot Lisa. An animal who gave his life to possibly feed a starving family died in vain, just because no one wanted to eat your shitty tomato soup.
Are those figures per VA? Or all of them? I'm having trouble accepting the fact that if it's per person, 1 (one) episode costs millions of dollars on voice actors alone
I didn't say it was smart. I'm just saying that's probably what coked out out of touch studio execs think.
>The one where she's babysitting her siblings
Nah, Bart was a dick in that episode
Meanwhile, the Latino Simpsons dub went to hell after the 15th season b/c they refuse to raise the VAs salaries.
Per person, not even kidding.
They still make a fuckload of money off the series somehow.
And Bart deserved what he got
Imagine what Fox could do if they dumped these overpaid parasites and sunk that money into animation.
>implying talented VAs couldn't imitate the voices
Why do Simpsons fans love Allison so much? She's just a blander Lisa.
You could replace them with soundalikes but they'd never really "get" the characters just like all the VAs who took over from Mel Blanc can never really "get" his characters either.
Most of the Looney Toons stable were based on 1930s-40s actors and radio performers. Bob Bergen grew up in the 70s-80s; he completely misses the whole context of the characters he's voicing, and all the various vocal tics and nuances Mel gave them.
So you could find a Harry Shearer soundalike, but he'd never properly understand Mr. Burns or how to voice him.
Just what he means. Yeardley doesn't have much vocal range but has excellent delivery and ability to emote.
>Most cartoons want things peppy and cartoony. Yeardley is able to go through moments of great emotion and wring it for all she's worth
Actually Homer's (now deceased) German VA was much better at emotion and drama than Dan Castallaneta is.
>listen to a bunch of old broadcasts
Wow that's was fucking hard.
Because bland means having opinions which is generally seen as better than having shitty ones.
We don’t actually care about the her at all. We just like seeing Lisa be put in her place
>I don't know if she has any creative input
No but she sure as hell loves trying to tell the writers how to do their job. Remember when she complained that she went to the writing room one time and they closed the door in her face?
>but she's not funny on the few commentaries she's in
Totally. Dan Castallaneta, Nancy Cartwright, Julie Kavner all say some pretty hilarious stuff on the DVD commentaries but Yeardley is just like "Oh gee, I haven't seen this episode in 10 years." or "You can really feel Lisa's pain in this scene."
I like new lisa. she makes good points on politics and veganism
/u/ shipping.
>She's also a great actress
IDK. Yeardley might be good at voice acting but anything I've seen her in live she was hilariously wooden.
Other than Boco and Cordless.
Leave your mother's sex life out of this. We're talking about the Simpsons now.
>I've never been to a pig roast.
The post.
Pork is best meat if we're talking smoked and roasted, but technically those are different from BBQ, aren't they?
This is spot on. Anyone remember the first episode of The Simpsons about Lisa? Think it was Depressed Lisa (when she met that blues musician). All I remember is that Lisa was just moody and sad for no good reason, like the episode didn't explain why she started off depressed. But because she was sad we were supposed to just care about her and that felt hollow and forced.
8 year olds tend to be moody. I don't know if that's what the writers were trying to convey, but...
Yes, The Simpsons voice actors in general even for the minor characters that keep re-showing up in the series are the most spoiled rotten primadonas of the industry. I'm not surprised other VAs hate them (because they're jealous of the easy wealth they "earn"), FOX suits dislike them, other members of the staff that make the show happen dislike them and apparently their personalities are very unlikable.
I've heard that for instance Lisa's VA is really disliked among the staff in that they refuse to talk to her during off time. If the rumors are true though, she may be a cunt (heard that she once threatened her husband about sicking the cops on him should he ask about she doing the Lisa voice during sex or something like that).
Lyl I dunno but she does absolutely hate Lisa R34 when most voice actresses (Tara Strong, Hynden Walch, Grey Delise, etc) all have a sense of humor about it and get a kick out of making their characters say dirty stuff at cons.
It was always fairly obvious from the get-go that the writers intended to use Lisa as their self-insert to voice their beliefs.
How would Sup Forums write a Lisa episode?
she dies of leukemia
Blame Paul McCartney, not the writers
or maybe blame the writers too for giving into Paul’s hippiefag demands
And movieblob.
Does that include everyone outside of the main 6, or do they work for less?
I don't get why not just change her back the next episode ?
Paul specifically said he’d only guest star if Lisa is forever a vegetarian
The secondary voice actors like Tress MacNeille get paid the guest star rate of $6000 per episode.
What a prick.
Quick challenge, Sup Forums. What's the worst Lisa episode(s)?
every episode where shes the main focus
Every Lisa episode in Zombie Simpsons anyway.
When young adults (I know Lisa is a child but for all intents and purposes she's characterized as a young adult) first begin to develop their own senses of morality separate from their parents and start to become aware of the outside world, they often can become overwhelmed and empassioned by what they see, and many times angry at what they perceive as injustices.
In addition when their newfound morality conflicts with that of their parents, they may feel betrayed or lied to, or distressed and conflicted at how their most respected role models can be what they now perceive as evil or insensitive.
Especially the fact that they are "trapped" in the control of their parents, they can feel they are being forced to be party to things they believe are morally wrong, as is the case with this barbecue.
Lisa lashed out because she felt cornered, and that she was having to witness something she saw as heinous. Remember, these are new feelings for her. At the end of the episode she learns how to deal with that feeling in a healthy way, but if she had been punished for it, she would have likely developed an unhealthy hatred of authority and lashed out even more violently in the future.
Fuck off, autist
This is true.
Kavner gets a pass since her voices actively shred her vocal chords. Hell, she she should get paid more considering that. Or just get a really good insurance package.
She had to stop doing Marge's mom because it was even worse for her.
60 fucking dollars per episode
Lisa episodes are always bad. She cant be funny, if she did she would lose her feminist cred.
What a load if bullshit.
Kind of. One of the biggest revelations anyone has is that their parents weren't always correct and some of their beliefs are pretty silly and that you don't have to believe everything they believe. That doesn't make them bad people, just human.