What are some underrated scifi kino films?
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What are some underrated scifi kino films?
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pls need movie to watch
Thanks user. Going to go watch this.
Dante 01
^ very underrated
the 80s remake is better
the 70s version of invasion of the body snatchers. Based Sutherland
americanos goblinos are too dumb for it
Patrician choice
>too dumb for "lol bureaucracy dude"
The Boys from Brazil its much better
This movie is ok, but failed execution and wanders off half way.
I saw that movie, it was crap.
It's just a fun concept, but the meme is better than the entire movie.
Oblivion was pretty good
Enemy Mine
>time crimes
>the black hole
>bicentennial man
europa report
I remember trying to watch this. It was well made, and had a great atmosphere, but I got bored half way through. I might try to watch it again some day.
Cold Skin
Altered, the alien movie. It's so good and nobody ever mentions it or seems to have seen it. Solid little alien thriller, excellent effects.
I Come in Peace
The Ruins
Fire in the Sky
Flash Gordon (on drugs)
Altered States
The Fly
The 10th Victim
The Hidden
Unironically an unknown masterpiece
Southland Tales is a fascinating movie. Made over a decade ago but captured the zeitgeist of our time amazingly. Also it's full of weird old school science-fiction references and despite starring The Rock goes for higher concepts than most US science-fiction would attempt.
>The Hidden
Damn straight. Amazing b-movie.
It won me over as soon as they reveal the alien is just there to steal cars, eat greasy food, and shoot people with big guns.
Despite everyone already knowing the twist, watch Soylent Green. You'll be surprised at how much more of the movie is there than the final shocker.
Beyond the Black Rainbow was a great movie about control, drugs and craziness. I strongly look forward to the director's next upcoming kino in which Nicholas Cage will supposedly get into a chainsaw duel.
moon is not good though
you mean "dances with fish"?
The Cloverfield Paradox
I think that Mamoru Oshii's 'Kerberos' trilogy might be one of the most underrated creations in the history of science-fiction kinography. They're smart, creative, all totally different and there are three of them. So if you're interested that's almost 6 hours of kino to enjoy.
The Red Spectacles, Stray Dog and Jin-Roh. The style varies from Seijin Suzuki to Takeshi Kitano to Michael Mann. All three are absolute 10/10s in my opinion.
Am I a pleb if I thought the black scientist was the hottest?
Way better than I originally thought. Very poetic ending, however it did feel a like it jumped a bit over science fiction. I would love more crazy fucking french sci fi.
If anime doesn't immediately trigger your gag reflex 'Royal Space Force' is definitely worth watching. It's another movie which has probably become more timely as it's aged. It's story about lost men looking for meaning in life is probably a lot more relevant now than it was in the 80s. Also even if you don't care about that it's got a cool soundtrack by Ryuichi Sakamoto, amazing visuals and Bryan Cranston so most people should find something to make it worth one watch.
If you haven't seen it 'La Jetee' is actually really good despite sounding like a total meme.
I'm constantly seeing this movie memed lately. Is it actually worth watching for any reason other than seeing a guy fuck a fish-woman?
I liked cold skin. I genuinely thought it was an excellent movie with great acting and production.
Good visuals but a B-rate story IMO
Fuck it then, tonight I'm watching fish-fucking kino. The Shape of Water didn't set the bar super-high.
>Am I a pleb if I thought the black scientist was the hottest?
nah she was pretty manly tho so you are probably into cucking or just femdom
My wife has seen both and she says 'shape' is a chic flick and cold skin is now one of her favorites.
its literally just dances with wolves but with fish people. its a tired done to death plot but if its a plot you happen to enjoy in a "horror" shoot the hordes of murlocs style, it was pretty well executed
Dances With Wolves-kino peaked with 'The Last Samurai' but I'm kind of interested in seeing people shoot murlocs.
Blade Runner 2049
Ever seen The Ice Pirates? It's a very entertaining shitty b-movie.
Sphere is kino and comfy as fuck.
I'm surprised none of you niggers has mentioned it yet.