Was Freddy Got Fingered simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

Was Freddy Got Fingered simply too deep for modern audiences to understand?

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>terrible low brow C-list Hollywood garbage
>some time goes by
>now it's meta

>Tom Green is a meta genius, jay. His work is DEEP.

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It was always a pure work of art.

Daddy wasn't ready to know if he wanted sausages yet.

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yes and why its by far the most admired comedy of that era 20 yrs later

It was always kino, but now reddit leddit media claim its deep, tv contrarians will now hate it

Why can redlettermedia fans never form their own opinions?

>people are talking a movie you like...
Hey that's great I'd just like to say...
>...because they saw some youtuber talk about it recently

Fuck off.

Why was Tom Green's career destroyed by one """bad""" film when other comedians can put a lot of shit out there and still not suffer any backlash?

Hey now, Chris-chan's brother liked it too.

how do you know its not rlms paid viral marketing team, fag?

if Freddie Got Fingered is a genius masterpiece, so is Movie 43

For every Adam Sandler or Kevin James move that gets panned by critics there's still an audience that likes them.

>i liked the part where the guy freddy is skateboarding with fucks his leg up and rip torn comes outside and throws a skateboard directly onto his open wound
>i liked the backwards man part
>i liked rip torn in general - he made the movie imo
>i liked the part where freddy is working at the sandwich store and loses it while making some dude a sandwich and keeps piling cheese on top of cheese

the roadkill bit was so over the top and stupid like most of greens shit but it did have some genuinely funny moments

> In 2018, the popular website and YouTube channel Red Letter Media discussed the film in an episode of their retrospective video series re:View. Co-host Mike Stoklasa interpreted Freddy Got Fingered as a meta-fictional parody of gross-out comedy movie tropes, as well as a satire of Tom Green's own career and comedic style.[23]

when you believe in ghosts, you'll believe anything

Not only FGF is a complex work of art, it's also highly influential

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What kind of autism does Tom Green have?


Don't talk shit about Mike.

Mike > Jay >>>>>>>>>>>> Rich

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>makes a movie that's successful
>starts working with adam sandler who is in a slump
what was he thinking?

I was confused by this Re:View. I've never heard them repeat the obvious so consistently throughout. He was making fun of comedy movies and not taking it seriously? No shit. Pretty sure everyone realized that from the very earliest days.

>Not mentioning the infamous horse dick scene, or the swinging baby with the umbilical cord

Anyone who enjoys this film has either completely shit taste in movies, or completely incredible taste. There is no inbetween.

normies are impressed by meta commentaries nowadays

The riot scene had me in absolute stitches. Never laughed so hard in a theater in my life, my friends and I were doubled over, tears streaming down our faces. It comes out of absolutely nowhere, and transitions from the montage so beautifully.

I used to like RLM now I think it should be an auto ban to mention them. Like ecelebs on Sup Forums should be

It wasn't. Tom Green's career was killed the moment he couldn't do his skits any more because people kept recognizing him on the street and ruining them. It's why he went to Japan, so that he could do his skits without being recognized, but by that point, it had been so long since he'd done anything new that he was pretty much over.

Bonus, here's a skit that they actually aired where he gets recognized immediately (and they tell him to "go back to Times Square with [his] MTV bullshit"): youtube.com/watch?v=IFgRd3c3pyA

>Pretty sure everyone realized that from the very earliest days.
Nope. Read reviews of the movie. Critics weren't in on the joke.

So does this mean Not Another Teenage Movie can get some respect too?

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the one guy from New York times was. I think that's the only good review it received

These movies are just like hot shots/ naked gun/ airplane.
But because it's not dumb down to retard /whole family should be able to watch level (which makes airplane bad for 50% of the movie), people can't handle it. But it's basically all the same type of humor and movie. Parodies of situations/movies.

same rule applies,Freddy got fingered and Hot Rod are just superiour

Critics not included because critics don't like comedy films. But I distinctly remember way back then everyone who'd watch it would take as a given the fact that Tom Green was just playing around insteda of trying to make a serious film. The opinion of, "oh, he's trying to make a good film but he just can't!!!" is so absurd

Have you actually seen the movie?

I think the problem for normalfags is that they can't relate to the characters in any of these movies. They can't think "Haha that guy's just like Bill from work!" because the movies aren't a vehicle for that bullshit, they're nothing but well-crafted jokes.

alot of people like to project themselves on any piece of media

Which is fine but it's stupid as fuck how many people have such a problem with COMEDY being purely absurdist or surrealist.

i think the problem is that anyone can make the argument for something being absurdist or surrealist especially bad movies when really its just a bad movie

no not really
freddy got fingered is obviously far more absurd than the other grossout comedies of the time

This is one of my favourite films of all time.

>now I don’t like them, no one should talk about them


in his defense these threads are usually nothing but cancer and schizophrenia

i think normies just want structure
and anything that breaks from that
is gaffed off as something silly or stupid


Went completely over my head.
Could you explain the significance of the dead deer scene?

He mocked his own movie in his own movie. What an auteur, very cool.

...to get inside the animal

Mike and Jay seemed to be working under the assumption that Tom Green was taking the piss because the movie was more enjoyable for them that way.

The more obvious conclusion is that he's a fucking terrible comedian and there's only so many ways you can film a man jerking a horse off that comes off as good cinema.

That's obvious, where does it get deep?

it doesnt.

Whether or not they like comedy movies doesn't matter because they weren't in on the joke, as proven by a majority of the reviews that completely missed the joke.

Can you prove audiences were in on the joke?

Why the fuck is this getting so many threads? I can't recall FGF ever getting so much attention

I tried to watch it but stopped after he started jerking off a horse.

Even if he really was being ironic it's just too much.

lol bitch

Because RedLetterMedia just made a video about it.


red letter media just released a ReView about FGF today.


Green is that uncle no one in the family likes nowadays but the Tom Green Show was and still is brilliant.

>Jewtube personalities do a thing
>Sup Forums now has to express their opinions about it

he is finally getting the recognition he deserves
in a world where eric andre is considered cutting age Tom deserves the props

This happens every time there's a new re:View. Mike and Jay are the most powerful tastemakers on Sup Forums.

K I N O ?

They're jews, Betty. They're jews

lol newnigger

I jerked off to the topless foriegn exchange hottie a lot.

The movies hidden subtext is about how Tom Green got money to make Freddy got Fingered.

The characters he draws are the characters for Freddy got Fingered.
The man in the office he's pitching his "cartoon show idea" to is the Studio Executives.
The check he receives to make these characters come to life is the actually the check he received to make Freddy got Fingered.

It's essentially 90 minutes of him deliberately fucking around, wasting the studios money, and making a parody of what the movie should've been.

That's why he doesn't make movies anymore.

If you rewatch the movie he gives hints about it throughout the entire movie

Actually watch it, guys. The skinny one is being too hard on it. It's funny without meta awareness.

Everything Tom Green did was garbage.

It's by no means a masterpiece but it sure was ahead of its time. Some years had to passby for the "lol so randumb", "lol so cringy", "lol how uncomfortable" became more popular. I like how the movie plays with the human desire to do weird shit in our everyday lives, kinda like the feeling of jumping down a cliff.


How can one person be so wrong



No, that movie is for the lowest hanging fruit in the tree of cleverness

How many people on Sup Forums do you think fapped to the horse and elephant scenes?

His webshow was pretty enjoyable.

I'd be pissed but, you know what, at least people are making threads about actual movies, and not capeshit or other bullshit. At least people are actually discussing film.

That was the opposite of Mike's estimation, it was too SHALLOW for audiences to understand.

woudln't that be so zany exxdeee?

Oh come on
is anyone here seriously going to tell me they AREN'T just a little bit aroused by massive horse erections?

no, back to e621

Not deep, the average audience member at the time just was out of touch. It's certainly not one of the worst comedies ever made. You'd have to be retarded to actually think that. Comedies that dare feature anything perceived as cheap shock humor are automatically low hanging fruit for critics, so they can just discard everything else. It's certainly "deeper" than some shit like Epic Movie though, but critics take them to be on the same level because Tom Green was simply too weird for them to look even an inch below the skin.

Trips confirm the truth

Even if you don't buy into the idea of the film being some kind of metaphor for the making the film, I'm not sure I do, self-awareness has always been part of Tom's shtick. The "proud" gag wasn't invented because Tom thought the word proud sounds funny.

He...fingers him

this is bullshit youtube revisionism. it's like how that one youtuber got everyone to think that ocarina of time was never good.

I dunno, go watch the rlm review.

fuck off

eat rich's diabetic dick cheese, aidsmoby.

>video game shitter gets pissy because he was told to go back to his containment board
neck yourself faggot

Sonic has always sucked, get over it

>tfw watched Freddy got Fingered on opening weekend and it was considered a cult classic even then

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Tom Green was only hinging on being famous anyway. He was considered very low brow and very stupid even in the era where Adam Sandler was considered legit and funny.

He started on a shitty Canadean public access show where he could basically do anything, and basically kept that same shtick.

Tom's material was always completely random absurdity that's about:
>90% waaay too stupid to be funny, like him saying a word in a stupid way 20 times.
>5% funny.
>5% epicly hilareous.

It's forgotten mostly now, but he did do some pretty great sketches that usually involved fucking with people in crowds, old people, or his parents. The poop on the mic sketch was golden, he just literally would interview people in crowds with a little bit of dog shit on the microphone. Him fucking with his parents was usually consistently funny, like when he pimped his dad's ride and had nude women airbrushed all over it.

But admittedly, a pretty weak shtick grew old after about 5 years and he went the way of Andy Milonakis. I actually liked his home talk show that he did for about 10 years after. Mostly just him having drinks and chilling with washed up celebrities for an hour or two. The audience call ins were always a lot of fun because Sup Forums would prank him relentlessly.

Sup Forums doesn't watch that garbage. Go make a Pre Rec thread and they'll get mad.

No one cares what you Sup Forums faggots watch. Fuck off.


more hipster contrarian bullshit trying to push mediocre films so they can get the credit for making a shit film popular again.

how did it work for Joe vs the Volcano? RLM is shit.

>The audience call ins were always a lot of fun because Sup Forums would prank him relentlessly.
Those were simpler times youtube.com/watch?v=cmUO_F30Uso

Tom Green's reaction to the awful memes are much more better than the memes ever hoped to be