Did the guy who almost kill trump work for CTR?

did the guy who almost kill trump work for CTR?

what is this wikileaks list of names? from which email batch is this from?

Other urls found in this thread:

search.wikileaks.org/?q=austyn crites
datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/USNV19921026361/CompanyName/SIERRA SPRINGS RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC.
datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/USNV19831010535/CompanyName/PROMAG, INC.





Okay, so this is a little strange. I did a search for "Austyn Crites", the alleged gunman who just caused a bunch of shit at Trump's rally in Reno, Nevada.

> mfw there are search results

His name (Austyn Crites) comes up SEVEN TIMES on WikiLeaks as part of the "Global Intelligence Files" released in November 2013.

search.wikileaks.org/?q=austyn crites

The emails titled "RE: Additional Order" contain an excel spreadsheet of hundreds of names of various people (for an unknown reason) and one of the names is Austyn Crites (line 55) with an address in —— you guessed it —— Reno, NV.

Pic related.

> Is this some kind of MK Ultra list of operatives or what? The fuck?/

That's him

bump for wtf

birdogging motherfucker

we winter soldier now

Awwwwww shit.....RED ALERT ctr shills incoming this thread t-minus 4,3,2,1......


Bumping. Is this actually a false flag?


ctr is sliding this thread

Everybody focus on crites. Not the guy who yelled "gun".

le bump

His address

1035 Munley Dr, Reno, NV 89503


The list he appears on what looks like a list of people who ordered the book "The Next Decade." Who was collecting that information, and for what purpose, is unclear...


I dont mean to be the bearer of benign news, but I'm pretty sure this is just a spreadsheet of people who have purchased "The Next Decade"


Notice it is sent to a Barnes and Noble email address.

My theory
To show how violent Trump supporters can be...
Sneak in ctr crites with hidden sign. He pulls out sign while undercover ctr yells "gun". He gets beat up by crowd.

Had opposite effect than desired.

found that he owns a business named Panberri - listed at this house address. Also other companies and people listed there. A little strange for a residential house.

He is an undercover CIA operative.

His parents house looks as gay as him.

Austyn Crites name appears in spreadsheets from 2011 because he ordered a fucking book.

And you retards think that makes him part of your spirit cooking bullshit.

Smoke more crack

Shits a year old.

Totally backfired

Everyone thinks this guy tried to kill trump, which gives trump more votes


Wasn't there an email where Hillary spoke of getting advice on, berries?

He is in the Stratfor files. Stratfor is a CIA front.

This affiliation would confirm the CIA for Hillary vs. FBI for Trump agency divide.

WTF is this list from/for?!
Serious, my uncle's name is on the list and the city is right, but the address is incorrect. Has been Pro-Trump since day 1...
wat is happening!

Ok, NOW we're getting somewhere...

The company appear to have a website, but it seems broken or intentionally left that way

What scares me is i've bought guerilla warfare handbooks to go along with the guns i lost in a boating accident. I'm definitely on a list then I suppose.

like, a friedman book? lightweight bullshit?

But WHY is he in these files?

Is it just because he bought a book?
No? There is something more?
What exactly?

meant to include this


do we need to mobilize the team?

Was this guy meant to be the Jo Cox of this election?

How fucking dumb is CRT? We wait all day for a happening, nothing comes, then they go and stage what's supposed to be a false flag but apparently forgot their guy's name is in Wikileaks and now we have material for all day tomorrow.

Yeah he bought a book but how many people bought that book that are not involved in that community, and even less people bought it directly from Stratfor as he has. This list isn't people who bought from a bookstore or Amazon, but direct.

That plus the fact that he ended up involved in a major disruption like this = total false flag.

This email is sent FROM Barnes and Noble TO Stratfor


What do you mean he bought it directly from Stratfor?

Prove he had a gun.
He only had a sign and that was it.

Friedman, who wrote the book was founder of Stratfor. It was probably sold directly through them.

ah sorry, didn't realize that. still how many people bought the book? there's 2000 in the spreadsheet but I can't imagine it sold that many total.

Look, I'm not saying this isn't weird.
It is weird.

Who the fuck is reading this psychop shit?

Crazy shaved-head motherfuckers that wanna rush the stage, thats who.

property was Sold for $41,077 Apr 18, 1975

SIERRA SPRINGS RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC looks suspicious datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/USNV19921026361/CompanyName/SIERRA SPRINGS RECREATIONAL PROPERTIES, INC.
datalog.co.uk/browse/detail.php/CompanyNumber/USNV19831010535/CompanyName/PROMAG, INC.

i think its interesting that Rockzip has been dead
no twitter activity, and website (rockzip.com) inactive for over a year

I orig. thought Panberri LLC was for Rockzip
but he also owns Rockzip LLC
and prev owned (with his parents?) International Negotiations Corp. LLC (existed for 4 years)
If he was paid for this, it was probably through Panberri I would guess

it stinks

But all we *reaaaaaally* have right now is that the dude bought a book.

people that bought a book

It doesn't tell us anything useful about this guy but it does show his address.

What did Rockstar mean by this?

That's a interesting hypothesis

we also have someone who purposely collected the information of all those who read the words that were spelled in that book

ever wonder why you spell words

>we also have someone who purposely collected the information of all those who read the words that were spelled in that book

The email is from B&N.
They need that info to SHIP THE BOOK.,
