What are some films similar to pic related where the horror keeps escalating?

what are some films similar to pic related where the horror keeps escalating?

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Amy Schumer's Leather Special.

Have you tried other Fulci?

I've seen all of his noteworthy films

All good horror movies do that either way try pic related if you haven't already seen it

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The Deathmaster
Amityville II: The Possession

Not exactly a horror but 'Braindead' ('Dead Alive' in the USA, google Peter Jackson if you're having trouble finding it) is a zombie movie that goes absolutely insane. Nothing escalates like Braindead.

The Church


inferno and demons are absolute kino

goddamn Fulci made some fantastic films for a while there

he was trash for decades and then he pumped out nothing but masterpieces for 3 years and then dropped off again

Most likely because he was collaborating with Dardano Sacchetti for that period of time and then they had a falling out

probably true, Dardano Sacchetti also worked on demons which is also kino.

And Amityville II.

what are some movies that trigger true primal fear?

freddy got fingered

The Descent
The Ritual

it's reddit incarnate

You shitting on the Descent? Fuck off.

mainly the ritual (but also the descent a little bit)

The Ritual was also fine.

>le popular movie, must hate it
It was better than It and Get Out combined, which were also ok for bigger movies.

I hate all four but I think horror is dead anyway

It (*It* the movie, not The Ritual) was such garbage.

People said the same thing in the 80s.

and they were kinda right