What does Sup Forums think of Lasagna Cat?
What does Sup Forums think of Lasagna Cat?
I think that right now...I'm in the mood to party
Best comeback of the decade, I still can't believe it fucking came back and with such force.
I've watched the pipe strip video like 6 times and listened to it in the background when doing something else or trying to sleep at least 50 times, send help
It's a brilliant deconstruction of what happens to a comic strip after dozens of years pass by. The humor stagnates and become surreal, and the channel debates if it was ever even funny in the first place.
Has anyone ever watched the Sex Survey all the way through in one sitting?
Anyways, the shampoo bukakae was the hardest I’ve ever laughed in so long.
This is the best YouTube video in history
It's high art and also the funniest thing I've ever seen.
PS. But honestly I don't like much of LC content besides this one that much.
I have and noticed a couple of mistakes.
It's a miracle.
Not in one sitting - I watched it in 30 minute intervals over the course of a weekend, back when it came out. A lot of hidden gems in it if you're willing to kill about 3 hours of your time.
I want to see John Barrymore in more stuff, dude could read a phonebook and have it be interesting
its almost likee if he is talking about loss
At first I thought it was overly simplistic, but that's where its brilliance lies. The more avant garde later projects were both appropriate and hilarious though surprising.
Which is the Band Geek Odie watching explosions video?
The most bizarre part was that some of the "new" videos were actually uploaded to youtube in 2008 and only recently made public.
I really regret not calling in for it
I tried calling but I live in Eastern Europe so it didn't go through.
>mfw realizing the Home Computer video was actually uploaded on youtube back in fucking 2008 from one of their shows
>mfw those god tier Garfield and Odie channels they created have actually been around since at least 2012
Goddamn they planned this for so fucking long
Sup Forums here
the pipe one is true youtube kino
Interview with Fatal Farm, the guys behind Lasagna Cat.
It's especially amusing when you know all those analysis videos about it since they all get proven wrong.
The crazy ending of the sex survey for example doesn't have any deeper meaning and they just wanted to finish the entire thing in a surreal art film style.
How the fuck?!
Now where could my pipe be?
>called in
>they got my name wrong
Fuck me
Holy shit it actually was from 2008
The In The Club one was from then too
why didn't you use Skype? You could call in for free
Oh, I really didn't know.
Fuck. Never used Skype to call ever.
Yeah, Fatal Farm (the creators of Lasagna Cat) said they made some of these shorts from the span of 2008 through 2010 (or 2012 minus the Sex Survey).
After most of the short were done, they were stuck on a dilemma, they were almost close to deleting all of the videos from the face of earth completely because they were concerned if there were people who would still be interested in new lasagna cat shorts in 2017, pretty much a do or die situation for them.
The explain it better in the interview they did.
>tfw there's an alternate universe where they deleted all the videos and we never got to see them
Those poor fuckers