How do we save ourselves from these swine?
How do we save ourselves from these swine?
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wh*Te genocide
is it wrong I want to splash cum on his dumb face and then bully him about it?
But that’s us
>that guy
hshs karaboga xd!! funny
yeah he's not white
The best revenge is to live well.
why only phase 3?
Umm yes he is
Ok, American white, we meant actually white.
How dare you speak, you sickly pale monkey. How dare you open your thin lipped, rim encrusted, menthol cigarette smelling mouth?
You are human trash, wh*Toid. Universally despised, derided and mocked. Your species and skin tone offers no hope to the world that Europe can ever prosper. Crawl back in to the frozen tundra you came out of, you literal chimp.
I hope you decide to sail your grandfathers skip to the Bosphorus and rape some sheep, as is in the wh*Tes nature. It would still be the only pussy you ever had. Give Mehmet and Mustafa a chance for some target practice, your sole use to the world. wh*Tes obsession with Istanbul is hilarious but sad. Coincidentally its the only worthwhile contribution wh*Tes have made to the medical field. The MUH CONSTANTINOPLE sentiment in the average wh*Te dog is both an early warning sign of autism in children, and early on set Alzheimer's in adults.
Take your wh*Te hairy fingers off your keyboard, and never talk about the human species again, you mockery of our supposed shared ancestor.. No amount of semen slabbed on your face every morning will make you BLACK. It's about as delusional of an idea as your daydreams of AFRICAN heritage.
You wh*Toid.
You make a dumpster look like a beacon of civilisation.
You are the blight of the world.
Go rot beneath the Earth's surface you and your families corpses, its the best you can hope for in life. For the first time in your life, wh*Toid, you have a job making an object vastly superior to yourself. A dildo. Coincidentally, it would be the first time a wh*Te "man" satisfied a woman.
Die, wh*Toid. No one would miss you. Except for eunuchs, who now would have no one to make them look good.
stop you're going to attract the big meaty poster
genocide of fa/tv/irgins. It's literally the only way. If you don't shill/watch capeshit, then you have nothing to worry about
BR2049 doesn't belong there though
Someone post the soy one
Yes it does
Yes it does it's neo capeshit.
Most people didn't even go see it.
Broadly speaking it does, if you consider Science-Fiction in general a typically "nerdy" genre.
who the fuck do you think you are saying that blade runner belongs with those.
what is this disrespect
>BR2049 doesn't belong there though
El ogro del Estados Unidos...
so your changing tactics review screw?
It really doesn't. Mainstream soyboys didn't even care enough to go see it while Rick and Morty and Marvel are pop culture behemoths.
Lol these losers dont appreciate the greatest Kino of the decade xD
2049 appeals to the silent majority of soys here with muh luv and muh pathetic vr waifu.
This idiot must be utterly exhausted after watching a 90 minute flick
The fuck is neo Capeshit?
Those aren't soyboys that's the core demographic of Sup Forums. A soyboy is a manchild, not a lonely jaded asshole.
>one terrorist attack per year in all of Europe
>less than 10% nonwhites
Meanwhile in burger land...
>weekly school / mass shootings
>gang crime and shootings
>44% nonwhite population
>muh heritage
>elect literal meme for president
>no healthcare
>penis mutilation
>mandatory tipping
This is legitimately someone with a mild form of autism
>getting this angry at a poorly drawn meme
I thought burgers couldnt handle bants
No, it's an e-celeb making an EPIK REAKTION for his manchild audience.
>watching other people react to a trailer is a common thing now
how did this happen
What gave you the idea that I am angry?
Cumskins will be executed on sight.
Film for people who watch capeshit. Two sides of the same coin.
>if you hate America you must be European
Every time
You do realize reaction videos are most popular with black people right
That's the go-to because only Europeans can make fun of America without making it look like pure jealousy.
but black people are literally the only "people" that buy menthrol cigarettes
Blad Runner requires people to be desperate for meaning, so while most people know its a bloated tedious self important pretty pile of homo turds they like to think somehow they are special and see it for something more. Rick and Morty is ok, but the cultish following should chill.
your reply and its contents
>Rick and Morty is ok
worst bait in years
Its a sad attempt for a meme and OP is samefagging you. Pathetic really...
Can you point to a specific part of my post that conveyed any emotion at all, anger or otherwise? I only listed some facts.
>rob ager
>in all of europe
>frog posting
Haha fuck off with your youtube stupid faggot, nobody cares what you think.
>lol youtube reviews are cancer
>here's this youtube review to prove me right
>>one terrorist attack per year in all of Europe
>Youtube e-celebs
>Rob Ager at that
Fucking lmao you may as well post Razorfist too
>This level of samefag
If you're stupid enough to take such obvious bait then it's on you
>Rob Ager
Is this the holy trinity of mongoloids that hate this movie?
>bloated tedious self important pretty pile of homo turds
Are you describing the movie or its fans?
The graffiti says "Antifa zone". Antifa isn't concerned with refugees, they're anti-right wing. The FPÖ is a right-wing party.
This is straight-up murder over political differences, not a terrorist attack.
>The German media has been criticized for its stanglehold [sic] on the media [...]
Redundancy is redundant.
>The rate of violent rape and murder [...] has skyrocketed [...]
Big surprise, given that it was basically nonexistent before the migrant crisis.
Haha btfo moron. No samefagging here, everyone thinks you're a loser.
Thinking men also hate it Sup Forums tourist.
Holy shit how new are you
What legitimately makes phase 3 worse than 1 or 2, aside from the total number of movies increasing? Please present an argument other than "market saturation"
He's so bad at pretending excitement.
this guy is too woke for Sup Forums
That's true. They usually start to make weird monkey noises.
Is this the best documentation of the soy cuckface?
>Armond 'almost exclusively loves shitty movies and Capeshit as long as Zack Snyder is involved' White
what? How new are YOU?
>migrant beats woman to death
>"s-see, it's totally like our weekly mass shootings, Eurofags btfo"
Also, one crucial difference between guns and Syrians - guns aren't flooding your country on their own, retard. You can stop this shit, we can only do damage control.
Surely there has been an edit of the trailer being changed into something like BLACKED, no? Seems too easy. If it's been done please post.
All the soyim I know hated BR2049
Still haven't refuted my post.
>I don't read armond reviews save the ones posted on Sup Forums
2014 posters are cyclic and sickly.
BR2049 being soy is a meme
burgers btfo
>every movie works for the MCU, not for itself, it's basically a tv show now
>amount of quips has sky-rocketed
>every movie introduces a too many new characters, bloating the cast to its limit
I've got you user,
And there it is! Just by that I can tell your that Lav Diaz poster that claims anyone who liked this movie isn't Sup Forums or came here when fucking Star Wars released. Get some new shtick, it's getting old
Daily reminder that this guy defended black Heimdal and black Valkyrie cause diversity, but simultanously defends the blatant black nationalism of black panther, in other words he's a defender of one way gene flow
Thank you user, it's better than I imagined.
I wish someone payed me for acting like a retard
I'm not refuting it, cause you don't have a point. You literally answered user's claim of one attack/year with a clipping saying "an attack happened once".
Not a single one of those arguments detract quality from a specific film. You're simply parroting the hive mind
I can sorta get it if he sacrfice chances of getting laid cause of his hobbies, but why not at least get a decent haircut, decent glasses or wear contacts and shave?
>min white genocide
maybe in america
>ask why people hate a series of films
>say what I think about the series in question
>"no, SPECIFIC films"
Please tell me then which of the things I pointed out doesn't detract quality from every single one of phase 3 flicks.
When people quit socializing and going out so much.
But user, the soyboys are the ones getting women
Based TURK poster.