Wtf is this Sup Forums

is this legit?

Other urls found in this thread:

To be honest.. Trump looks like he staged this. I've been a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me..

do you think it is

the fuck?!? email is real

this is too much to be a coincidence fuck man

To be honest.. Trump looks like he staged this. I've been a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me..

this is my least favorite meme

First I've heard of the field house. Any other emails with that in it? On mobile so I can't search

The sentence in that email makes no sense
Its only makes sense if they are using codewords

To be honest.. Trump looks like he staged this. I've been a lifelong Trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me..


>handkerchief with a map that is "pizza related"
>caring enough about a fucking handkerchief to have it sent through the mail
>those handkerchief codes

That is no coincidence and this is not a normal conversation, these people are up to something and I fucking hope it's not what we all fear.

If hard evidence is revealed that proves some sex trafficking/pedophilia ring among the US government and global elites I don't see what is going to prevent a lot of people from taking up arms and attacking politicians and rich elites.

To be honest, I feel like you staged this. I've been a lifelong (you) supporter ever since you posted that thread, but you're looking desperate and doing whatever you can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. You lost me.

Hmm dodgy e-mail, but where's the white one from?

I agree the text hints that they're using coded terminology, this makes no sense otherwise.


No. For one, those handkerchief flags are mostly for faggots. Straight people wouldn't use them. Second, you pulled that "white=virgin/pedo" shit out of your ass. It doesn't say that anywhere in the Wikipedia article. Third, these emails seem innocuous. If it's code for anything, I genuinely doubt it's fucking little kids. If it is about fucking little kids, you're at least interpreting it wrong/like a retard.

So in short, no. That doesn't add up. Highlighting words, circling things with red, and adding in random edits doesn't make something true. If you spent 5 seconds looking this up you would know it's a misleading infographic.

>Feel free not to respond

think about that.


Okay, I thought about it. Now what?

Shut up faggot, were breaking the pedo ring. If your not here to help, please kys.

Accept that you're an idiot I guess.

Hmm guess I never thought about it that way, good point.

Is this the new Ben Fish Bean?

Why am I an idiot? What great, sinister plot are you deriving from "I know you're busy so feel free not to respond"? Is it just hard to imagine what it's like to be too busy to fuss over lost handkerchiefs for a NEET?

Man what the fuck are these emails. An email about a piece of cloth, really? "Pizza Related"? something is up


>pizza related

doesn't matter if it's legit.
weaponized autism can make good use of this in any case.

>implying normies fact check shit

>kitchen Island
U missed something by not highlighting that


Agreed user, I bought thousands of Trump hats as backroom donations and with conspiracy shit like this, staging that whole mess in Colorado, I think I'm changing my vote to Hillary Clinton.

I'm with her.

I noted the same, this "could" be passed off as he's just into some kinky gay sex stuff.

HOWEVER the text in the e-mail specifically says "pizza related". Now where has that specific terminology surfaced recently...

There's NO other circumstance where that specific language could apply, people just don't talk like this.

Also if it wasn't linked to some dodgy shit (as the text suggests), the solution would be to throw it in the bin, it's a fucking handkerchief... Mailing it suggests reclaiming evidence.

why are they mentioning pizza then out of the context of acctually eating one? You do know pizza is a pedo term?

is this common? fags are so degenerate what in the fuck

Common' shills. Is this the default ctr copypasta now?

it's a ctr shill they have no morals even when it comes to children. They are like jews absolutely discusting.

filter dumbass

wtf I hate Trump now

Even if it's code, "pizza related" doesn't speak about anything specific. What Sup Forums uses "pizza" to mean is not something that government employees are going to use in email. If they were going to engage in something as serious as child sex trafficking, they're not going to use common internet lingo.

Come on. Think this through. Don't just half ass these to conveniently click in your mind. Actually ask yourself if it makes sense to operate like this.


Here is the email:

pizza is a well known peddo term outside Sup Forums. I have a hard time beliving that noone on ctr is aware of this. They are discusting peddos that think their information was completly safe, that's why they diden't have some code system, this is probaly s prety casual conversations for them. Think about it like this, a drug user will know some different terms for his drug but if the drug dealer suddenly start to use secret codes how will his coustmers understand him? They don't use super secret codes in drug trade to regular coustmers so they won't do it here.

What could a pizza-related map on a handkerchief look like, in non-pedo context?
I am having a hard time imagining it.


I don't know if there ever was a difference between CTR and shitposting.

They are trying to tell us something:

The Hawaii bucket / breaking bad body residue thing? Well, see pic related. This is likely linked to this shit taken from the darknet a few years back.

Keywords: orphanage, villa

These human child sex dolls are made from Haitian orphans.

So these people are literally devious geniuses with a huge web of pedophiles in operation but they can't come up with the idea of coming up with code that makes fucking sense and wouldn't be easily detectable by anyone? They just decided "You know what, fuck it, let's just say CHEESE PIZZA hahaha, you the Sup Forums kids do!"

This is why I can't take you guys seriously. You believe these people to simultaneously be extremely intelligent and extremely stupid when it's convenient. You come to conclusions and then work backwards to try and make everything fit so you wind up with these really inconsistent devious masterminds that make all sorts of insane blunders that a toddler could spot.

A used handkerchief being a mess/looking like a map with the stains on it. Something like that. If it is code, it doesn't point to anything specific. Either way it's vague enough that it's not pointing to pedohilia unless you make huge leaps in assumptions.

I've been following the whole #molesta thing since it broke, and pretty much everyone agrees that there is lots of sketchy shit going on that COULD be interpreted to mean that the elites were/are running an occultist child sex-trafficking ring, but there is no HARD proof. Until we get pictures, or videos, or a receipt for hard candy, this will be just another "nasty Republican conspiracy theory"

Even the Marina Abramovic #spiritcooking connection will likely be rationalized away by Hillary's most die hard supporters (white women)

Not to say that anons shouldn't keep memeing both of these on kikebook, twatter and plebbit, but realize that we probably won't have the FBI riding in.


Pic sounds fake tbqhwyf.

Jesus fucking christ



Me these past few days:

>lol conspiracyfags wtf go back to /x/ lmao u srsly think elites are occultist pedos? top kek faggot I'm rational

>okay yeah it's a bit weird to reference pasta and pizza this much...and specific ages that's a bit weird





You know how the world laughs at Sup Forums but you Sup Forums always seem to always be right?

Well, Sup Forums laughs at /x/, but /x/ always seems to be right.

Its time to swallow the reddest of all red pills.

careful - you might sound like CTR if you are talking about violence. They are more than willing to birddog Sup Forums for points so that they can get the extra bacon from brock


Go back to your risotto, John

a peddo ring isen't some super inteligent hive mind. As i sayed before pizza is a peddo term used evrywhere not just at

i will put i down easy for you ctr.

1. They thouget they where safe

2. In casual talks some super secret codes are inconvenient

3. The coustmers have no idea wtf you are talking about.

4.They don't use super secret codes in drug trade to coustmers so why would they do it here? It's just to inconvenient when there is some new govnor of florida that want a loli to send him a spread sheet in the mail of different codes before the purchase.

this is only the beginning my young padawan


Again with this fuckin' post. CTR fuckin' shill, fuck off.

top kek

don't worry m80. knowing is half the battle. next step is to make sure hard evidence is collected. once that happens, alt-media will pick it up immediately. we have a million circumstantial pieces of evidence, but not one true smoking gun (though the spirit cooking video is probably enough for the election) ---- and once we have the smoking gun, due process may commence and we will get our long await day of the rope.

this is in west texas MIDLAND of a man's attic
a childs toy was found in the hvac he believes theres a tunnel under his house leading to the home depot behind it and they use his house as a storage ect
look into more for yourself!

check it out for yourself
they tried to kill him and make it look like a accident and he lived!!!
its in the bush's hometown!

when I text my dealer I always use codes that are a little weird but simple

this reads exactly like how I secretlyy ask my bros for weed

That pic is more likely a sick faggot role playing. I'm sure something this vile has happened before but still.

I've read so much shit that wouldn't shock me if true

Just sad , really really sad

this is the man that found the toy in his attic
GO to facebook and find the profile of buddy.webb.353

Nigga I ain't clicking that

screencap it

so much stuff on his proflie go check it out buddy.webb.353

I'm sure there is. Screencap plz


previous thread

yeah sure ctr you sure do.


and besta right there! is that hole shopping center in on it?

I was skeptical about all this pedo/satanist stuff before but who can honestly say they enjoy pizza enough to talk about it this often and frequently in contexts that make no fucking sense.

and to have this realation you need to know your dealer well and had sevral disscusions about this topic before. If they are a peddo ring they deal with more then one person.

These people are so fucking twisted. What kind of sick fucking timeline do we live in where the elites are pedophiles?

>literally devious geniuses
Nobody is suggesting this, they're powerful politicians communicating over what they thought was a secure medium. They have no reason to be worried about other people listening like how you might not have any issues making blatantly racist jokes in your own home.

Regardless normies wont believe it until they see solid proof like a recording so maybe they just dont give a shit?

>kitchen island
Literally what

Elites have always been pedos, what are you talking about

A kitchen bench that isn't continuous with the walls of the kitchen

Focus on the island, sandlerfoundation and podesta's whereabouts a month before this email, not the handkerchief.

Maybe in the Berenstain universe.

I've been a trump supporter since late 2017 and to be honest.. trump looks like he staged this
I've been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me.

It's Berenstein and Berenstien not Berenstain and Berenstien.

i posted this the other day and got called a fag

Still nothing, fag.


No cake quite like Louise Bourgeois'

Spirit cooking up a cake?

Would be interested to know more about this

well they also didn't foresee their emails being shown to the world, either, sooo...

Brilliant one.

shit, sorry, responded to wrong post. whoops.

If these emails are authentic, why are they not getting main stream media coverage of the alleged pedophilia?

You've really gotta be hardened to be FBI.
I can barely look at this stuff without feeling sick to my stomach.
On top of that they've gotta chase this with Hillary "my enemies suicide" Clinton watching in the wings.