holy shit why is boss baby so visually stunning?
Holy shit why is boss baby so visually stunning?
All the imagine spots.
this movie will never be taken seriously because its based around trump
but its funny and looks good some scenes have samurai jack tier contrast
because they still want to compete.
>Movie has shit dialogue and jokes, but gorgeous visuals
What's her name, Sup Forums?
/R9K/ here
>Be me
>Got guilted into taking my little sisters to see this
>Saw hot girl
>She had 2 little girls with her two
>offered to pay for their tickets
>next thing I know I'm sitting next to her in the theaters talking about better movies while my sister and those other girls were watching Boss Baby
>Movie ends after a long few hours
>The only thing that got me to stop talking to that girl was the Elvis scene which was the only thing to get a genuine smile out of me
>She said I was a good brother for taking my sisters to the movie
>I said the same to her but she corrected me
>Not her sisters
>They're her twin daughters
>A fuxin 19 year old mother
I hate movie theaters.
almost anything by sony pictures
every second dreamworks movie?
You should of still hit those loose flaps user
>>>next thing I know I'm sitting next to her in the theaters talking about better movies while my sister and those other girls were watching Boss Baby
What kind of an awful shit do you have to be to talk in a movie theater?
>Whispering isn't allowed
I was lucky enough to be in a room where there were just straight up no other people besides me and my family.
It was probably a later showing where the theater was empty.
It's not.
'cuz you said so?
Like a lot of Dreamworks movies, this is based on a book
which might have been based on trump
Pretty much every German movie except that one Wickie anime adaption.
Slightly more awful than those fuckheads who look at their phone during the movie with their brightness settings maxed out.
What german movies have gorgeous visuals?