Try to be a moderate Muslim hoping to instill a more liberal version of Islam

>try to be a moderate Muslim hoping to instill a more liberal version of Islam
>the left thinks you're anti-Muslim
>the right thinks you're a terrorist in sheep's clothing

Poor guy.

he might as well become a isis member and embrace the true unadulterated version of islam

This is gold

>moderate Muslim
>liberal version of Islam
This guy is no Muslim. He's like one of those people who call themselves Christian, then go to drunk college parties and hook up with one night stands.
As a Muslim myself, this guy disgusts me and I hope he kills himself

Feel free to go home to the sand. I don't care if you're a terrorist or not, I don't want Muslims in my country. Btw I don't care if I'm being racist ;)

The issue is the culture doesn't marginalize its own extremists the way other "religions" do...
If the kkk/westboro Baptists were hanging people on YouTube they would be immediately arrested (if not shot on-site by local authorities)
God is love
Fuck ALL religion
>but Especially FUCK ISLAM

">the right thinks you're a terrorist in sheep's clothing"

No they aren't

Just don't be muslim ok

What's a moderate muslim?

I agree with you op, but these faggots are too stupid to realise how important his project is

>moderate Muslim
Yeah I'm a white nationalist who wants all Jews exterminated and all non white out of my country but I'm moderate


The only thing i agree with Muslims on is their treatment of women.

Muslims can fuck off otherwise.

Kys religious nut

>Muh modesty

shut up faggot. this is a paid neocon shill

I agree with their hatred of jews

thats it

>Btw I don't care if I'm being racist ;)
That's why you're part of the problem.

>instill a more liberal version of Islam
You're assuming that isn't the usual form of Islam. Prove to me that the suicide bombers aren't part of a "radical" form of Islam.


Fuck Islam in any form, fuck it right into obscurity.

Really showing your true colors, get the fuck out of my country.

YOUR country? I'm sorry, who died and left it to you in their will?

I actually quite like Maajid. I don't agree with him on much, but he seems reasonable and means well it seems.

>Poor guy.

fuck him and fuck you

You first, faggot. But don't do it in a crowd.

I find it funny how the left hates Muslims for wanting Islam to be more moderate like Christianity

Im also pretty sure some Leftist bitch called this guy a racist on par to White supremacists or something because he doesn't want Islam to be about stoning women & gays, how dare he

To be honest, trump looks like he staged this
Ive been a lifelong trump supporter ever since he went down those escalators, but he's looking desperate and doing whatever he can to gain attention. Very narcissistic. He lost me..

I respect ISIS and such who don't shy away from their roots, and fight for what they believe in with conviction and zeal.

Both of you are heretics.... But not all heretics are equal.

God will deal more swiftly and harshly with Marxist luke warm scum, then he will with a bunch of barbarians and savages.

That really corrected my record.

I mean

why can't we agree on both?

t. Degenerates