Mike > Jay > Rich >Jack > Josh > Canadtions

Mike > Jay > Rich >Jack > Josh > Canadtions

Also what happened to grill?

Was her name Jesse or something?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Jessi left because some obsessive fans made a subreddit about her and it got real stalkery.

reddit.com/r/jessinakles - it's closed now though.

Looking back through some of the older vids now. I was aware of them in 2015 or so but didn't really watch them.

The quality has improved a LOT

They should do more Rich prank calls though


based reddit

BOTW improved a lot, Re:View is better than Quick Cuts

Half in the Bag overall declined in quality tho


Glad they got more content out of Nerd Crew though

BOTW is a legitimately good show now.

They should do TV series reviews more often, seems like an obvious area for more content. Vidya reviews never made too much sense imo

The only people who don't hate Josh are people like Josh ie people who should be hated.

I'm having a hard time deciding whether Suburban Sasquatch, The Last Vampire on Earth, or Star Wars Holidays Special (both of them) is my favorite BotW.

The SOS episode of Wheel of the Worst is the best of those, obviously, followed closely by the one where they just give up, and watch the whole wheel.

Mike and Jim are a God tier pairing of miserable cunts.

Hey, I don't hate Josh

>BOTW is a legitimately good show now.

Totally agree. I came for Plinkett reviews, and stayed for BotW. I give no shits about Half in the Bag, aside from the big ones like Ghostbusters or Jack and Jill.

So much this.

I thought he improved a bit last ep he was on

But I generally find him to be an offensive bugman.

If he
>shaves his head and beard
>loses 15kg or so
>dresses better

Then he might be an acceptable screen presence

He's got to keep the beard, because he looks like a chinless freak without one. He could probably stand for a head shave and a beard trim though. I'm definitely getting tired of having to look at his man tits too.

Yeah the beard would be fine if he pulled a Jay and just totally unJUSTed himself

Rich and Mike can stay fat, that's fine.

I'm in two minds about Jack. He has his moments, but on the other hand:



Rare RLM

Why have I never seen this absolute garbage before

It's not his look but personality. Rich is offensive to all senses but he's likeable, almost endearing.
Josh is the annoying autist who hung around you and your friends, uninvited. Everyone hates him but not enough to tell him to fuck off.

As someone who was a diehard Cinemassacre fan for years, I'm glad that RLM swooped in to fill the void once AVGN and Monster Madness started turning to shit.

Thread theme:


putting Jay before Rich is proof enough of your retardation, just fuck off you autistic fuck. Jay is lowkey autistic. Enjoy trash is a talent for 2nd degree autism. Muh Shlock

>THE TROUBLE WITH HER UTERUS is the story of Doyle (Jesse Sorgatz), his girlfriend Lily (Lisa Renley), and Lily's insomniac brother/former pedophile Tyler (Jay Bauman). Tyler's leper girlfriend (Bev Piggot) has a son named Little Joey (Rich Evans) who's goal in life is to make sweet love to an infant. And what a coincidence! Lily and Doyle are about to have a baby! Trying to live vicariously through Little Joey, Tyler feels it's his duty to steal the newborn infant from Doyle and Lily for Joey's sick desires. Nominated for 4 REwind Media Festival Awards.

>Retarded, pregnant prostitutes! Jesus Christ's thoughts on abortion! Pedophile jokes galore! Social Satire! BSC has never been this filthy or offensive before or since, so for those that truly aren't offended by anything, check this controversial movie out.

>Approximate Running Time: 45 minutes

What did Jay mean by this?

The sound the Sasquatch makes in that movie sounds like something from fucking Morrowind.

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I'm guessing this was Jack's brainchild

Odd appearance from Nadine as well. Was she with one of RLM for a while or something?

Literally nothing has made me laugh as hard as vienna sausage nerd crate episode

god i hate the stupid fucking dunning kruger expression jay, mike, and jessie are making
>ugh, really? movies are so shitty huh guys
perfectly visually encapsulates their whole shitty ironic existence

BeardFat meanwhile looks like he's about to explain to you how there's really 72 genders.
Rich looks like he's in the middle of a silent fart and is contemplating how to tell the others.

Strucci is fat

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Are they ever going to make another movie again or have they given up on being filmmakers?

I think they've just accepted that they're bad at it

I doubt it, they'd have to set aside a few months from producing online content and I doubt they're going to stop riding that gravy train.

Mike tore apart a stupid romantic comedy that she liked and she was never heard from again.

And women wonder why they get paid less.

no that was Gillian

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one day I'll understand these posts

for now they haunt my dreams

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She wanted Jay's dick soooo bad.

It seems like he's going for a Tim & Eric vibe, on the other hand, he is probably being legit

>josh better than the canadians
>josh better than anyone

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They don't need to, they can influence the movie industry from behind the scenes

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why the hell would you use a Joe Brolly reaction image?

Was the Lauren Jay was trying to fuck Lauren Southern? Was Mike really fucking a 16 year old Lauren?

Why does Josh insist on being called The Wizard

What's the deal here

When you reach level 3 wizard status you prefer to be called wizard over your birth name. I'm at level 2. I'll be asking people to call me Wizard in a few years

>Lauren's from Canada
>Bois are from Wisconsin

It genuinely might be possible

hot take: I think Josh is ok.

The overreacting hyperbole about him here is fucking ridiculous.

I miss Jessi

Their vidya reviews are weird, they're a weird mix of either playthroughs or discussions, they're not really reviews.

Also Rich without Mike is dead air. Jack is great, he seems to bounce off everyone equally well, but you can almost hear Rich thinking 'I wish mike was here to call me names'.

wtf I love Jack now



Josh is FAR more tolerable than Rich or Jack. Rich is fucking insufferable.

Entirely correct

Rich is way worse than Beard and AIDS combined
>morbidly obese manchild
>always wears comic shirts, but cant answer ANY comic question Jay or Mike have
>has a video game show, but says stupid things like 3D mario games shouldn't have controllable cameras and is blatantly bad at video games in general
>thinks being a cynical, nitpicking autist is the same as intelligence
>flat out didn't understand basic character motivations for Civil War despite being a huge MCU fan
>starts REEEEEEing when chat constantly BTFOs him
>nostalgiafag who only likes shit from his youth
>has an obnoxious "I fucking love science" attitude
>can't pronounce words
>forced catchphrases
>meme laugh
>actual plebbitor
>confused by Sup Forums
>has a tranny fiance
>allows Mike to bully him on a daily basis
>doesn't oppose people being tracked by the government with chip implants
>only ever funny by accident when he fucks up and gets made fun for it, his real sense of humor is "lel so randumb XD" tier
>claps at the end of films
>has never had actual fruit in his life and is convinced he'll hate it because he doesn't like sodas with fruit flavors
When did you realize Rich was actually worse RLM and is the embodiment of amerifat retard?
I'm gonna go ahead and say that I personally think Rich is the worst member of the crew. Even though Beardfat takes things too seriously, he always sounds like he knows what he's talking about and he showed several times that he has technological knowledge and AIDSmoby offers insightful commentary many times. Rich manages to be both an embarassing nerd and seemingly have no real input into the movies they're talking about and is only there because he's Mike's friend. When Mike isn't around to put him down, he acts like an obnoxious prick and the only real value he offers is that he does the grunt work for them (buying merchandise for videos, building props, etc). He's basically their employee and is only in videos because Mike likes him.

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Is it true that Jay comes from one of those creepy fundamentalist families with like 12 kids and the reason he's so short is from malnurishment because they didn't have enough food to feed all of them properly?

Everything you say is true. Josh is still worse and Jack is still far worse than both of them.

>has a tranny fiance


Feels bad that they don't do anything special for HITB anymore like the b-fest and con episodes. It's just capeshit now. They can't even discuss bad movies and older movies anymore since they rolled that into their Review and Spotlight series.

Patreon money scandal

Nvm, googled it

You weren't kidding b0ss

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Now I want to feed Jay.

I wouldn’t put the Canadians last, they’re funny.

I guess when you look like Rich you gotta take what you can get...

Yeah I was probably a bit harsh there, they're okay

Max Landis is last

max tries way too hard to be feel funny, liked and accepted whenever hes on the channel, hes unbearable at times

You’re all plebs, clearly Jack >>>>> everyone

I know this is a pasta, but I generally agree. I really like Rich as an actor though for Plinkett and Lucas. Overall he's best when edited and directed by Mike.

we doing this again?

I'm still waiting for Jay to do a Re:View on Twin Peaks S3.

Mike>Rich=Jerry>Jack>Guests>literal aids>Fatbeard.

It's so weird watching them with a female

Too bad they scared her off

I don't think it's lowkey but he seems self aware.

>Don Wilson
>Don Beveridge

How did he know?


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lol the original title of this video was something like "Jay is a pretentious film snob" and everyone made fun of the faggot that made the video so much that he changed the title.

That's a woman?


The fuck happened to Mike's voice

Also is the blonde LAUREN?

it is