For Sup Forums Temple of doom isn't the best Indiana Jones movie

>for Sup Forums Temple of doom isn't the best Indiana Jones movie


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tell me why you like doom, user

Willie is still married to Stephen Spielberg to this day.
Livin' the dream.

I can accept that they don't think it's the best but the people who say it isn't at least on the same level as the other two really make me realize that Sup Forums is just another subreddit.

Elsa > Willie btw

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You've betrayed Shiva! Thum Shiva Ke Vishwasth Karthe Ho! You betrayed Shiva! Thum Shiva Ke Vishwasth Karthe Ho!

I love Temple, it's the comfiest film of the trilogy. And I like Willie and Short Round.

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besides her overall uselessness and annoying presence, one thing I really dislike about Temple of Doom is how Jones actually shows any interest in her even though she's so ignorant, dumb, whiny, materialistic... not only is she a shit character, but she's also dragging down my opinion on Jones as a person
and she doesn't even have anything sexy...


He's a sucker for blondes

mola ram best villain
short round best sidekick

Lucas' idea for Raiders was a new kind of film, "funhouse ride" cinema—being not only balls-to-the-wall non-stop action, but Leone-inspired "cinema cinema"—and it worked. And then some. It would have been easy to just do a copy-paste hack job and remake the first film for the sequel, but Lucas and Spielberg to their credit decided just to take the basic form and use the same character, but to make an entirely different kind of adventure out of it.

The film's opening is just as extraordinary as the opening of Raiders: a Busby Berkeley inspired musical number that exists only in pure cinematic space, that draws attention to itself as cinema, with reverse-motion shots and titles that rest on the middle plane of a composition. Segueing effortlessly into a James Bond inspired sequence, which then draws on gangster films and nods at an array of different films down to 1960s Batman, it's another stunning opening that's just the film getting warmed up.

For all the flack this film gets it's filled with memorable set-piece after memorable set-piece: parachuting out of a plane using an inflatable raft, the most awkward dinner ever, assassins jumping out of paintings, rooms swarming with millions of insects, satanic rituals, mine-cart chases, and the suspension bridge of doom among them. There's so many great moments in this film. I love when the snake statue seems to move, when the escaping children run through the palace, Willie's wink at the camera, and the Dracula inspired approach to the "castle" that's better than the ones in actual Dracula movies.

That the action is at least equal in greatness to Raiders is an enormous achievement in itself, but what makes Temple of Doom so special is the sheer fun it has with taking risks: all adventure films have an adventure, but few are actually adventurous, playing with form and mashing together disparate cinema into a riotous cohesive whole. It's a whirlwind film that goes from glamorous Shanghai, to Northern Indian villages, to "Transylvania", to grand palaces, to underground caverns, to hell itself (level by level), to a final action set-piece that would be right at home in the Amazon. There's nothing quite like this movie.

Most of all what's great about Doom is that it suggests how great and inventive the Indiana Jones series could have been before it really did start being a copy-paste hack job with the next film. For all the criticism that Lucas gets he's at least willing to take genuine risks with the series, which seems to be a lot more than anyone else is willing to do. Some of the Lucas' ideas for Indiana Jones were Indy and saucer men (an idea that was watered down significantly for the formulaic Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), Indy and a haunted mansion, and Indy and the lost world, the last of which is in all honesty, literally the greatest idea ever conceived by a mortal man since someone decided to invent fire.

But instead of this riotous adventurous cinema, after Doom we get Indy formula cinema. Fuck.

Perhaps it was the negative reaction to this film that was the cause. I haven't really read any serious objections to this film in terms of craftsmanship, all the criticism I've read boils down to petty complaints: "it's too dark", "I didn't find Willie getting put in terrible situations funny", "child slavery still exists in some places you insensitive asshole", and "chilled monkey brain isn't a real dish so the movie is racist". Okay. But this movie isn't for viewers that want to ride in comfort, it's not that little shitty roller coaster that the little kids ride, it's that huge motherfucker that looks as tall as a skyscraper and about twenty times as fast and loopy and upside down as is probably safe, the one you take your date on and try to look like you don't give a fuck while you secretly clench your ass in terror the whole time and scream internally. And besides, you know what they say.

please kill yourself. I love the movie but you're clearly a real cock sucker.

I feel like is Temple of Doom is your favorite Indy flick then RotJ is also your favorite tar wars film.

I'd love to see Short Round reappear in 1967... deeply involved in the Cultural Revolution.

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Indiana 5 better be about China

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Good write-up

Doom is easily the best Indy film imo

Crusade is overrated shite only saved from being the derivative farce it is by Connery and the trifecta of talent that is Lucas/Spielberg/Williams

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Denholm Elliot was always one of my favorite actors

Temple of Doom was '84, Last Crusade is '89

Temple of Doom - 1935, Shanghai
Raiders of the Lost Ark - 1936, Peru
Last Crusade - 1938, beginning in Portugal?
Crystal Skull - 1958, Nevada
V - 1968, hopefully back in Shanghai

>Indy and the lost world
Is this referring to Atlantis?

Dude was a class act

Shame they demoted him from being the knowledgeable scholarly dude he clearly was in the first film to the absent-minded clumsy moron he is in the third

I mean I know they wanted to give him a bigger part and he deserved it, but turning him into a retard was retarded

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wow who crawled up their own ass and started sucking their dick from the inside.

I'm sorry that a half way decent review scares you so much user. I'm sure Chris Stuckmann could read it out to you in front of his lightsaber collection if you asked nicely.

agree my fren

LMAO even less likely than Indiana Jones and the Abortion Clinic. No Hollywood film will ever be made with a setting that may ban it from Chinese theatres. Not to mention China owns half the movie studios now.

Temple of doom is okay but it would be better without those filthy dirty wogs.

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