They're losing it

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Other urls found in this thread:

Ignoring people is a most pussified normie move. I have never ignored anyone ever on any form of social media, chat, or forum. I'm god

The only people I ignore is people I follow but who post too many tweets every day to the point it saturating your feed

im not even going to give you a (You), your opinion isn't important and ignoring you isn't anything bad or pussified. maybe you're a huge pussy being childish enough to think anyone should pay attention to whatever worthless diatribe you feel like spewing

Wow what a bad boy

this. people who block and ignore need to get off the internet

Damn this guy is probably literally shaking after writing this. Did it feel good to tell me off?

This is what true power looks like. Only cowards hide from reality.

Inability to deal with criticism is a sign of underlying mental illness

Attached: giphy (3).gif (270x216, 1.81M)

This very site has a filter for people to hide things that annoy them and many, many people make use of it. Some even brag about how many things they've got in their filter

Soya has become too mainstream. They need to put a warning label on it

>there was a public attempt at wit
people should stop treating twitter like it's a random dinner they're attending with like 5 friends where their shit jokes not landing is forgotten amidst the conversation

Hello Rian, forgot how to click on post numbers again?

What is the point of arguing with people on the internet?

it just means you need to take some time off the internet

Based Rian, filtering reddit is always the best option.

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This, example filtering the word "sneed"

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yeah they are called cucks

did Rian just say that he doesn't like Gary?

>we are getting at them reddit!
>they are running scared!

Attached: 1493530507094.jpg (658x523, 58K)

>be annoyed at shit
>block it
>now you get annoyed at even lesser shit
>block that too

In the end you are just conditioning yourself to be bothered by really trivial shit

Yeah, that's a strange tweet when you think about it. But when you see his writing in TLJ, it's probably unintentional

Jesus Christ imagine using "social media"

Not being a pussy and having contempt for those that are doesn't mean you're chest thumping your wannabe tough guy. It's just having basic standards.

No wonder the new star wars sucked so bad jesus christ. I want to physically train Rian and harden him up. I want to make him run gassers until he pukes. I'll slap him in the face when he complains he wants to eat junkfood instead of oats, then I'll slap him again when tears well up in his eyes. He'll thank me for it, and his art will thrive under my command.

Playing the doubles advocate, blocking people can be fine, if someone constantly floods you with dumb shit.
It’s when you be a little bitch by posting a snarky gotcha and then blocking them so they can’t respond back, or blocking everything that goes against your echo chamber that it becomes the essence of faggotry
So basically And

Attached: rian_leia_mothafucka.png (620x592, 70K)

>twitter drama

who gives a fuck

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>around whites
>internet fights

Rian "Brainlet" Johnson

Is there any other director who's IQ is so painfully average?

I farted. Someone will give a fuck about that as long as it's written on twitter or I am popular on leddit.

muting people in vidya is fine at least, some people make it fucking impossible to just play your game

This totally needed its own thread

Wow you guys are truly alphas, I know the twitter world can be hard sometimes but you guys are doing it !

Ah yes, this vehicle will suffice for take me to the local Feed and Seed.

Twitter drama is the worst and most pathetic drama there is

>doubles advocate

reddit gives a fuck and O

P is a faggot

It's a doggy dog world mate.

reylo is always telling me to filter them, it's not going to happen.

>doggy dog world

Attached: 1520537974195.jpg (233x233, 43K)

why are you here?


>zero G
>meanwhile lasers curve and bombs fall

Attached: curved lasers.webm (1920x808, 496K)

More than anything the worst aspect of TLJ was them getting rid of the normal (and low) star wars level of space realism and trying to do this bizzare ww2 battleships in space analogy

kill yourself kiddo

>smug reaction
You people are a diamond dozen.

this movie blew

You cant filter reylo, its already a part of you reddit.

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Virtue signaling

Those kinds of battles happened in the video games all the time and no one ever complained before. I can clearly remember having to use y wings to drop bombs on star destroyers and stuff in space battles in the Rogue Squadron games

>yfw Rian probably muted you

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Use Y and B wings as bombers? Nah let's use these shitty WWII bombers

He probably uses those pathetic scripts that autoblocks anyone who follows someone he doesn’t like

I can't imagine how much of a little bitch you must be in your online life that this is getting to you.

Yes, you are in fact a pussy for filtering every single person that vaguely triggers you. Sorry. Would you like me to use a trip so you can filter me too? You know, since I'm mean.

I got you senpai

>MY Twitter is MY echo chamber



You need to watch the deleted scenes with Paige Tico. She's literally using a mechanical WWII turret.

>he actually has social media accounts

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Everyone is becoming increasing radicalised because they exist in curated echo chambers. Everyone believes their entitled to never being contradicted. When 2020 hits shit will hit the fan.

Ahh, I see Rian isn't all bad if he has played Battlefront II

She was also rapidly moving away at a steady velocity from a ship that was presumably accelerating if it was expending fuel (of course I'm sure Rian didn't even consider that and if the rebel ship did run out of fuel it would have probably just stopped because he doesn't know how space works), so she had to at the very least decelerate and then accelerate to above the velocity of the ship that must have been moving away from her at relativistic speeds, and possibly even exert the energy to constantly accelerate to a greater degree than the ship to catch up with it. The relativistic speeds part is important, because if the ship was travelling at any significant fraction of the speed of light, to catch up to it while it was still moving at that speed she would have to accelerate to a degree that would massively increase her mass, requiring much more energy, and which would probably just kill her. Tl;dr Rian is a tard.

>he doesnt make them just to shit on people like Rian

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>dude I have social media accounts b-but ironically

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Imagine if Johnson coulda just ignored the Star Wars franchise.

This desu.

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I've blocked people who start spouting "ironic" memes everywhere to be fair.

Usual for Reddit they love twitter screencaps

Kill yourself

>he doesn’t know the meaning of irony

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*walks away from the screen*

Imagine being so dumb you think that they're shooting lasers when they create an explosion on impact

>haha i don't have social media look how edgy i am fucking conformists go die in a hole

>*walks away from the screen*

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That's actually the sane response you r/the_donald tourist.

But moreso this

I ignore people IRL. Well, just shrill old cunts past the expiration date who want me to do something for them.

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>I know! i'll call him reddit. Checkmade :^)

Boy I sure am glad we got MILKIES over some of these scenes.

absolutely based

> Doesn't see the irony in this statement.

Kill yourself you mongoloid faggot.

and those people are stupid

>I can't imagine how much of a little bitch you must be in your online life that this is getting to you.
>Yes, you are in fact a pussy for filtering every single person that vaguely triggers you. Sorry. Would you like me to use a trip so you can filter me too? You know, since I'm mean.
>I got you senpai

>reddit spacing
its time to go back

I can’t imagine how fragile your opinions and worldview have to be that you must guard against all opposing points of view.

>having contempt

true pussy move right there

Gary Whitta is still around?
20 years ago he tracked me down for posting a few PC Gamer scans online.

That what you get for getting involved with social media.

Meanwhile Rian Johnsons goal is to deliberately piss off star wars fans with his shitty movie.

speed of light is completely unimportant here, all that matters in all instances is relativistic speed considering that the speed of light itself is relative. all that matters is the difference in speed between leia and the spaceship which was probably not much since naval battles are usually stationary.

it payed off in the end

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Yes, Rian. The only reason people don't liek Ghostbusters 2016 is because it had women as the main cast. It wasn't the poor writing, bad editing, the majority of the comedy was just line-o-rama, the characters couldn't be quiet for one fucking second because the director seems to thinks just them constantly talking about "funny" things is way to go with a comedy, etc. No, it was simply the fact it was 4 women as our leads people didn't like.

I hope you saved that trailer

>Gary Whitta

isn't he the cunt who wrote TWD season 1 game and Book of Eli?

That's not the point. The point is they're moving in an arc as if gravity was pulling it downward when they're in the middle of space.

>ur afraid of women!
>i mute people.