Why is this a thing?

Why is this a thing?

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dayum that Psylocke HNNNNGGGG

Because all asians look the same and very plain.

Because filmmakers think that plain black hair would be too boring

>hmmm, how do we fix "we arr rook same"
>I know, we'll all color their hair with purple! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM, except for Rinko with the blue

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It's cute

why don't make them blonde?

Because it is too unacceptable for asians.

Because they still want them to look asian. And blond hair looks really weird on them.

Those chinese cartoons do the same thing.

Why do Japs irl look like mutants? Was it the nukes?

me on the left

Yeah it's this. Hollywood execs think if they didn't add a ton of extra flair to Asian characters people wont be able to distinguish them from background characters.

thats what people look like when you don't force-feed them hambies and cola from age 3 onward.

Does Munn count, she looks a bit asian.

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>both Gaijin have the most un-enthused peace signs

Wtf is going on?

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the Asian girl in the upcoming Deadpool has purple hair as well.

Even japs know it, because even in anime 100% japanese characters have different hair colors, or you can't tell them apart.

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because she is Psylocke

>Why is this a thing?


I'm not even joking, why do you think animo characters have wild hair colours to tell them apart? If you reduce an asian to a caricature you can't fucking tell one from the other billion.

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no fuckin way

shes a hapa

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As usual, someone has decided this is a real and dangerous problem:


Is it because of the


>Rachael Krishna is a reporter for BuzzFeed News and is based in London.
Ummmm, sweetie, how asians problems related to you?

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Original author of this shit.
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, really makes you think.

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threadly reminder that WMAF breeds best

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My dick agrees, but my mind doesn't.

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The girls next to the white ones are qt (the one with glasses and the one with bangs in the middle)

>posting old Eva
Kek, don't look for her new self, she looks awful with bottox lips and fake tits

Because Asians are a soyboy fetish, and dyed hair is a soyboy fetish. These characters are the wish fulfillment waifus of the soyboys that produce the media they're in. Simple as that.

What are you trying to say?

Many faps were had with her

actually wmaf has been a common fantasy for nearly a century, most white guys like to imagine being worshiped for their ethnicity and that's reflected in cinema

All the Americanized Asian girls I see IRL have blonde dyed tips like her, even they want to have some hairdye-based distinguishing mark to prove they're not "just another Asian." They love to use their Asianness as a minority victim status, but otherwise do everything they can to seperate themselves from Asian culture and natural Asian appearance. I guess they're just mad the depictions in media hit too close to home and make them self-reflect.

>Knives Chau will never be your kaishakunin

>Because Asians are a soyboy fetish
t.roastie in her 40s who wonders where all the good men have gone

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which MUM is this?

This. Only beta white males breed with ugly asians

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Because Hollywood has stereotypes that must be followed. Asians are only allowed to be quirky and have NeoTokyo styles.

Black women must have the Liberal Nigger Fro and have ancestors who fucked a white person at some point. No 200 she boons with nappy weaves allowed.


Blink had pink skin as well though.

Actually the stereotype is the inferior white male who has can't get with with his own race resorting to race-mix.

Because Asians would call them fake gyaru or western wanting because of how Japanese men fetishes white women.

Kinda dig these two

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In high school there was a very plain looking Thai girl in biology. She was fairly cute, looked a little chinese. Really smart.

>NeoTokyo styles.
It's a good style.

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then you're gay

More like Olivia mum.

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>most white guys like to imagine being worshiped for their ethnicity
not an imagination to anyone who's ever travelled to asia


subtle white racist propaganda

asians can't be accepted unless they reject asian traits. you see this garbage all the time in western movies.

>can't get with with his own race
this reasoning has ever been retarded. literal trash manages to find partners.

wh*Te men are creeps

>Chen Ming Jew

The gaijin unironically looks the worst out of all of them.

>has to resort to predatorily trolling third world countries to find some opportunistic tiger woman
>doesn't realize its their green card and wallet

white """""males""""" lmao

t. person posting on website basically dedicated to young men whining that they can't find a partner

>third world countries

That's the white man's reasoning. Obviously they could just date a fat ugly white girl but that's not what they want.


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Honestly this.

That list really needs to be expanded.

Deadpool 2 also continuing the tradition.

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>predatorily trolling
nigga you just need to step off the plane as a non ugly white guy in most asian countries to get swarmed with pussy

Sounds like its mutual then.

checked her ig
meh its not that extreme
its not exactly lela star tier

Fuck that was a good game.

Anime characters look nothing like asians though

The asian incel must be the most cucked human being on the planet earth.
Not only can't they get girls but their own girls have white boy fetish

worst even is they cant cook like their counterpoints in asia


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at least it's better than this thing

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yeah youre definately a whyte boi

Titan A.E. numba one fuck 3d

Finally someone made a list of this fucking stupid trope. Pure long black hair is the best and murrica are fucking faggots for adding some shitty neo color.

Best newscaster.

me in the back

Knives was just copying T_T

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Don't want to isn't "can't" though.

You mean (((American Producers)))

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western male asian female?
western mother asian father?

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that's so mean.

This is like the fad of young girls dying their hair blueish gray.

i'm torn. on one hand I feel bad for the guy too, but on the other I now it triggers the rapid incels at r/hapas into oblivion.

A man of taste.

>based on self hate and racial hate. consists of white loser bottom feeding and spineless asian girl self loathing spreading her legs thinking it will make her white. ends up with the most dysfunctional children. laughed at by everyone because it's always transparently pathetic.

>purest relationship. consists of the best people from both sides. transcends hateful racist norms created by bitter white males. statistically more successful.

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/r/asianmasculinity please leave

oh look it's /r/asianmasculinity. right on schedule

SZS proves that wrong

you don't need to be on some niche sub to see the truth.

>bright / opposite: dark 暗 / (of meaning) clear / to understand / next / public or open / wise /
generic term for a sacrifice to the gods
>generic term for a sacrifice to the gods

>room / universe


I think statistically latinas have higher rates than asians of going with white bois though. But its close.
jesus christ I'm laughing my ass off. asian males are the joke of humanity