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Based replier


I guess he died


Apartheid 2: electric boogaloo when?

what the fuck is wrong with wh*Te people wow



How can anybody say that multiracial societies are a good thing when the USA is the living proof that they aren't. It inevitably leads to tension, hatred, detachment and alienation.
A multiracial colorblind society is literally impossible.

americans constantly think they are number one, so why wouldn't it be a good thing if they are so diverse

Because peace is better than war.

lmao muhfuggin whitey ain't be hootin n hollerin yall smdh *laughingtearsemoji*

go move to a perfect monoracial society then

Multicultural societies seem to work better when integration isnt forced at gunpoint. When groups are allowed the dignity to exist as they are instead of subversively destroyed with propaganda and policy

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>expecting niggers to behave
you'd have to be a cuck to pay for that shit anyway

peace is only achieved through war or the promise of it

jews won't allow that

>has word right
>whites confirmed on the side of right

no one wants a colorblind society dumbass. stop projecting your own insecurities onto american society

we need to take all the minorities aside from thicc latinas and asian women and send them all up to canada

That white person was right. It's "Cinema" not "Zoo". Many niggers tend to forget that.

>implying I'm and American
I already am in one.


I'm dyin' over here

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north korea

>move to

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whew, crisis avoided

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That's his point dumbass. He says that's why multiracial societies means perpetual racial tensions.

Das Rite

>pls black peeple wen can i see moobie
absolutely pathetic

>implying that I wouldn't move to Iceland if I could


Sjw are sure weird.

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wh*te genocide when?

>this is what yanks consider white

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yeah but you're inferior and you dont deserve to be there

All lefty posters on this board are like that.

In the perfect white ethnostate these guys are always lubing up over they'd only stand out that much more clearly as useless white trash and they know it. In their way they need niggers more badly than anyone.

>tha big nose man holdin me down

>this is what the adult believes

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Nobody except whites enjoy the idea of an ethnost...

You mean to tell me that Wakanda was a lie??

hurry before it goes to shit user

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THIS is why i dont go to the movies anymore, easier just to wait a couple of months and pirate it, fuck giving money to disney

Horse shit its just civil war disguised as multiculturalism

not holding me down but he won't allow a "white" society any more

post more of these please

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>African cinema
>Not expecting niggers to act like animals
What did he expect

There's literally no benefit from it and all it does is create division (which OPFOR can exploit, which Russia does with the US to this day).

>that bitching about white people not liking anyone elses food
>ignoring the fact the the UK basically adopted curry as a national dish 50+ years ago

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europeans, the anglosphere countries, and even millions of americans are completely gaslit by the neoliberal establishments filter on reality

now go back to watching cnn and wienstien company movies goy

We invented it :^)

hes right you know

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Are these bitches cRaZy?!

Rihanna has been dating white dudes dating back to the TRL days before her career even blew up.

But I guess it's better to date black dudes who give you a pumpkinhead for not rolling down the car window.

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>thriving communities

oh ok. just as well most of us on Sup Forums are mutts and in no danger

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>blacks complaining about multiculturalism
have we reached peak liberalism?

niggers are black

im pretty sure the incan empire wasn't exactly the model of peace in the region. this guys eurocentric viewpoint is highly problematic


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we don't want you.

I broke the damn.

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Do native americans even care about whites?

Americans, black, white or yellow, are truly the most racist people on the planet.

Its pretty amusing that that nazi policies were basically what these people claim to want. I mean, if you can separate the shoah and toxic masculinity

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only in America..

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Yeah, hard to imagine nigs being loud obnoxious fucking baboons in a movie theater

didnt you guys just get your first rabbi

why black women be so ugly?

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Why is "injured in Paris shooting" in quotes?

Imagine being a white boy in that theatre and having to be all like "damn, Black Panther, you fuckin' fine, all perfect with your progressive agenda and amazingly diverse cast. I would totally rate you above the Godfather, both my public self and the real me." when all he really wants to do is fuck his 24 year old college graduate gf after the credits roll. Like seriously imagine having to be a white boy and not only sit in that chair while Black Panther flaunts its disgusting capeshit in front of you, the mediocre acting barely concealing the outdated meme jokes and shitty cg, and just sit there, scene after scene , hour after hour, while it "perfected" itself. Not only having to tolerate its monstrous fucking visage but it's haughty attitude as everyone in the theatre tells it that it's THE GREATEST CAPESHIT EVER and DAMN, AFRICA WOULD LOOK LIKE *THAT* IF WHITES NEVER COLONISED IT?? because they're brain-dead libshits who feel they need to be part of this fucking "movement". You've been watching nothing but a healthy diet of kinos such as BR2049 and later older kino such as The Steel Helmet for your ENTIRE LIFE coming straight out of the boonies in Sup Forums. You've never even seen anything this fucking awful before, and now you swear you can taste the shit that's breaking out on the theatre as the audience raises out their arms and shouts WAKANDA FOREVER smugly assured that you are enjoying the opportunity to sit there and revel in its "statuesque (for that is what the critics call it)" beauty, the beauty she worked so hard for with its "Hella diverse" casting in the previous months. And then your girlfriend pays to see it again and you know you could kill every single person in this theatre before the cops could put you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're fucking a generic white girl. You're not going to risk getting into her panties over this. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.

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When did you realise that America was the bad guy?


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>you will live long enough to be one of the last white people on the planet
>you will witness your race die out because they were too stupid to breed

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thats melanin you recessive wh*te cave beast

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Just nuke us already china

>reddit philosophy

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do americans really clap in class?

>and then the whole room clapped
This would only be more believable if it was their 8 year old child that did it.

what about zimbabwe

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imagine being a white boer in South Africa and still not working for a "Volkstaat".

He's right

Do you not

Good. Maybe they can all fuck off back to Africa then and leave us the hell alone.

Gee I don't know, what would quotation marks be used for?

imagine being a white person in south africa after all the white farmers escape to austrailia and people start to get hungry