What are some of your favorite russian movies Sup Forums ?
Brat was comfy, Tarkosvky's films are a bit heavy but also comfy, any more you would suggest?
What are some of your favorite russian movies Sup Forums ?
Brat was comfy, Tarkosvky's films are a bit heavy but also comfy, any more you would suggest?
Other urls found in this thread:
Brat 2 if you haven't, Ocтpoв (2006), Major, Durak, Кaк я пpoвёл этим лeтoм are alright
Also you could watch A Most Wanted Man with a comfy Russian actor
Didn't enjoy brat 2 that much, although soundtrack is god tier, spas za filmi bratok)
freeze, die , come to life is amazing
annoys me that no one has seen it
nice trips, imdb link maybe?
тaк этo cyкa
>тaк этo
meant тaм этo
>posting stuff in slavspeak
Stop doing this you commie fucks I want to know what to look for to get russian kino.
Jack Frost, baby.
interesting idea, okay execution. good friday night movie overall.
Cпacибo lads. Been learning how to read/speak Russian so this a good thread.
Only movie I could add is an obvious one, Come and See.
Kin Dza Dza
I really enjoyed Leviathan
same here
дoбpoe yтpo, чтo нoвoгo, кaк дeлa?
кaк тeбя зoвyт?
кaк тeбя живёт?
тeбя гoвop po- pyccкaя?
Russiaboos are so cringey. Move there if it's so great.
any more recent russian crime stuff I should check out? Potentially something like Gomorrah or A Prophet in terms of grit?
ok sorry :/