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>Patrick Lenton
Why do white men crave black men

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I'm a /fit/izen and I'm honestly thinking of going on HGH to get those gains, even if it destroys my body in the long run. It's not fair watching guys on gear at gym getting all the attention on tinder and gym sluts because they're willing to break the law to look like god's. It's not fair that we have to work so hard to be considered as attractive as an above average girl with makeup.

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Why is his body built like a ribbed condom?

Umm, sweetie

>roiding for that

>destroys my body in the long run
Not if you use it properly, also who cares. Life turns to shit past forty anyway.

And thats ok

that physique is achievable natty, my guy.

>wants to have a better body by destroying it

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tried protein? it works fine unless you're some skinny creature

I totally understand why older people fucking hate millenials.

I think you might just be ugly

...and that's a good thing

I don't understand what the title tries to say, anyone care to translate it?

dude if you have to get on gear save just go on test. will be way cheaper, its easier to get good test than good hgh and it will get you more gains. only drawback is you have to inject intramuscular and not subq.

A white girl saw Michael and she broke her braces because of how hard she clenched her teeth. The author, another white girl, can relate to her experience.

is Patrick a white girl name

This, drives me crazy how many chumps see a fit guy and start spouting "roids" as the only explanation since they are too lazy to achieve it through actual effort.

Honestly, Same

El Goblino

that how everything works your retard, you destroy you muscles to get stronger ones. your cells get destroyed and new ones replace em

>broke her dental work

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>And that's a good thing

this illuminati propaganda is actually a good thing

honestly, same

you will live to see the irony of spastic liberal degenerates supporting mass immigration until theyre outnumbered by conservative migrants and cant be liberal anymore in public

So you can be a high school dropout who flunked English and still get hired to write headlines?

fuck, looks like me

honestly that body is more than achievable without taking anything other than protein

Erm hello, we have a little thing called "diversity quotas" that make everyone equal. It doesn't matter if you had a deprived education because diversity quotas mean you should still get an opportunity over someone who's more qualified, but had the luxury of a non-deprived education. Ugh, I am so done with this board.

As long as conservatives will push migrants into the arms of liberal parties that's not gonna happen. Which is funny, really... if the right got over its fear of immigration it might actually find a new voter base among traditionalist immigrants, yet they keep antagonizing them.

I don't understand what this headline means

and thats a good thing

The older people in my family are hardcore conservatives
>hate gays
>hate drugs
>prefer small government

The only reason they vote liberal is because the right hates minorities
>inb4 the don’t

The guy currently in charge has hated on every minority group in the past 2 years

yall white people need to stop fetishising the black body girl imma be screaming yall

You're not funny or original.

But you still react

200% soy

...and that's a good thing

0% boy

Millennial journalism is fucking cancer

Exercising muscles involves tearing muscle fibers and inducing internal bleeding in muscles for new ones to grow, you stupid fucking idiot. It's a cycle of destruction-regeneration-improvement-repeat.

still, never gonna make it user

>posting month old bait


Thank you! The honestly, same part threw me off

That terrier has more T

He means by going on hear you fucking smartass do you think you are the only one who knows how muscles work. Go back you fucking retard.

>t. i was only pretending to be retarded
You are good at pretending, retardation just might be your true call.

I love Sup Forums.

Of course it's going to happen you smug idiot. It doesn't matter if you eventually kill the "racist" white people party by artificially induced demographic shift, eventually a critical population mass will be reached where the traditionalist "minority" candidates run for office on your ticket and win because of the population you imported.

Stop comparing your chapter 1 to someone else's chapter 18. Put in the fucking work.


It’s the other way around

Honestly same

>white cucks SEETHING

sure go ahead and give yourself a heart attack
one less retard incel who doesn't get the first thing about life or game

Fuck off. Almost everyone 'big' Is on/has done cycles
>I've done 4 myself and am going to start trt