Why is her mouth open in 90% of all her scenes in TLJ?

Why is her mouth open in 90% of all her scenes in TLJ?

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Because it's easier than actually acting

She's a mouthbreathing mong.

This. Sign of shit tier genetics.

her nasal passages are very small and she has to breathe through her mouth

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Easier penis insertion

Can't keep it closed after all the work she did with the Disney executives

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Ratty britmong genetics

Classic fishmouth, usually an unintended side effect of feminism

british genes, what do you expect of a bunch of people that have been interbreeding on an island for thousands of years

Tired jaw.

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el goblino?

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Teeth implants

because apparentley """""actresses"""" think shouting or looking scared is acting.

why was she fat

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She's British you idiot

el ogro los anglos?

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Big mouth for you

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I guess you could say she has a stiff upper lip.

Wut? Who hurt you?

Why did Ridley Scott allow his daughter to whore herself out in subpar movies like this?

back to /who/ general. your reddit is showing

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I just posted pic with opened mouth you asspained retard.
Try to find reylos in other topic.