What was the phantom menace in the end??
What was the phantom menace in the end??
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The Sith
Jar Jar Binks in the mirror
Sheev is the phantom menace
It was supposed to be Jar Jar Binks but then...you know
I thought that was the stupidest theory I ever heard, but after a few years, I kinda buy it.
That's the point, op. There was no such thing, that's why it was just a phantom. Sidious only ever appears in the movie as a ghost-like hologram because only Sheev is 'real', and the protagonists never even learn of Sidious' existence let alone of his connection to Sheev. Amidala and the jedi are so worried about the trade federation and the sith that they don't realise they're being played. The mistake is to think of Sheev as a sith first, when he's primarily a power hungry politician whose schemes don't really rely on the force. That's why went undetected for so long.
And in 1999 people could figure that out?
People in 2018 still can't figure it out
In the end, the real menace was the friends we made along the away.
Someone probably thought of it, people aren't completely stupid.
Palpatine creates a war on false pretenses and then becomes the emperor. Obi-wan spells it out for you in Episode III to Padme. That was kinda the plot for the prequels, don't you know.
>Palpatine creates a war on false pretenses and then becomes the emperor. Obi-wan spells it out for you in Episode III to Padme. That was kinda the plot for the prequels, don't you know.
this, retards
a 'phantom menace' is george lucas for a 'false flag attack'
I guess it is not surprising that people STILL don't understand the prequels because most people don't even understand real life.
most people still think osama bin laden and some cave men carried out 9/11 on their own and that harvey lee oswell worked alone. :^)
if they can't pick up on real world false flags, they have no chance of understanding a complex kino poli-sci plot like the prequel trilogy's.
Kathleen Kennedy
Everyone who wasn't stupid did.
George Lucas's brain.
George thought of two words that sounded cool together one day and decided to launch an entire prequel triology based around it. Because he's an autistic hack.
No. The Darth Jar-Jar thing is fun, but an absolute load of crap. George's big plan for Jar-Jar was that he thought he'd be a beloved comic relief character. That theory was made before the actual "big" plans for Jar-Jar in Episode II were revealed - which was that Jar-Jar was going to lead the Gungans into war on Geonosis to save Obi-Wan and company in the arena instead of Mace Windu and the Jedi, before Yoda and the clones arrived.
There are actually three phantom menaces in the film:
>Darth Maul, being a literal, physical menace who dresses and acts like a phantom
>Sheev, being a phantom menace operating behind the scenes and orchestrating the plot
>Anakin, sensed by the council to be a harbinger of danger to come, and therefore a phantom menace
Probably the guy who looked like a spooky ghost.
So Sio Bibble.
Qui-Gon Gin
>What was the phantom menace in the end??
George Lucas
> if you listen closely you can hear palpatines theme
>George's big plan for Jar-Jar was that he thought he'd be a beloved comic relief character.
I had heard that Anakin was supposed to cut Jar Jar down. Since he was one of his few childhood freind's it would demonstrate that he had finally gone to the darkside.
So if Jar Jar hadn't been so hated we could have gotten to see him murdered.
its like poetry....