I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang...

I watched Leon the Professional, The orphan, Lolita 1997, Lamb, Moonrise Kingdom, Innocence, Hanna, Mustang, Pretty Baby, Yulenka, Curfew, and Show Me Love, now what do I watch?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The back of the front seat of an FBI car?

It (2017)

Let the Right One In

Sorry but your a lost cause and must take a seat

forgot the pic

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there are better pedo films and I'm disappointed that you don't know of them, being one, a pedo, and two, a film watcher

fuck off op

Pfffft like what

you got letterboxd/mubi/tumblr, somewhere I can send a list?

Hard Candy

who is this divine creature

The collected works.

Attached: Happy Normal Kid.jpg (598x604, 74K)

12 and holding

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America Beauty

>talking to the qt new waitress at the cafe where I work
>looks around 18
>says she's still in school
>ask what year
>"I just started year 9"
what the fuck bros

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yung pusy

what was that german game that had laura b in it?

Dredd (2012)

Unter alter bach

1962-Sundays and Cybele

Be 22
Meet a nice waitress
talks about taking classes at community college
she tall (5'9) with D+ chest
Ask her out
turns out she homeschooled and taking classes at the community college for credits
she 16

I feel your pain.

based kunnykino poster

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4 years ain't nothing, go for it dude

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does she like dags?

who are these thots

dont be a little bitch and tell me you backed off?

who is this cunny bunny on the right

Took about three years of work (I am a ugly autist on 4 chan after all) but I fucked her in the end.

Fuck off normie

One on the right is Amiah Miller. Girl from War of the Planet of the Apes. Don't know who left is.

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kpim just keeps getting better with age

tell me your secrets

>happy normal kid
>being rented as a cocksleeve for rich japanese businessman since she was like 10 years old

Laneya was absolute perfection in this photoshoot.
This pic should be in wiki article for "pinnacle of human beauty and aesthetics"

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why are little girls so aesthetic?!

Heres what you should watch OP:

How could you miss this OP?

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And this.

Attached: MV5BMTk4NDY4NTU2NV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTcwMTM3OTk3MQ@@._V1_.jpg (357x500, 48K)

Laneya is one of the most beautiful girls on Earth, with Zhenya

I love her so much bros

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>Leon the Professional
Ok, from the operator-protects-loli/young girl genre:

>The Man from Nowhere
Absolute korean Kino

>Man on Fire
Best Denzel, best Dakota

Above average Statham flick

>The Hunter's Prayer
Odeya Rush a qt

>Blade of the Immortal
surprisingly good

not capeshit

>Blood Father
based Mel saves his degenerate daughter

>Sicario 2

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Now which of these actually crosses some lines to the point where regular people might feel extremely uncomfortable? Just wondering..

there's nudity in very few, most are normal movies that just simply happen to have little girls

>no Turtles Can Fly
>no Mustang

>caring about regular people

someone suggested Maladolescenza, I'd try that

Would you mind naming the few with nudity and or sexual situations? Just for curiosity's sake.

Thanks user.

probably some more movies starring children, you fucking pedo

Post more laneya

because god made little girls and god is great

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Who is this?

Is there any nude kino? Asking for a friend.

they get nude every day

jayden bartels

now you watch nothing and turn yourself in to the police you fucking pedo scum

well what is a kino

?ave any of you freaks even had interactions with little girls?They are annoying and little spoiled bitches that need a slap.

thanks friendo

From the ones I've seen from that chart, Pretty Baby and Little Lips, don't remember if Beau Pere had any. Little Lips has a handful of scenes throughout the movie and the girl is really cute.

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I've had a few. They were nice to talk to.

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my high school art teacher gave us assignment to write essays on Bougerau and she basically told us that the point of having little girl as our artistic agent usually based on 2 point:
1. The fact that females naturally determine the course of society with their role as mothers.
2. The mystery of youth, innocence and future, "its like staring into the primal void" as she said
both of these points combined creates an atmosphere of overwhelming power in a form of hope/fears that man can't help but cower in such sight.
so basically, power is beauty

Do you know who is this


It's odd to think that there are people like this that exist and that they would never, ever speak to me. Not because of anything I did or anything they did, but because the universe unfolded in such a way as to make them look like that and me look like la creatura.


>?ave any of you freaks even had interactions with little girls
all the time and they're so cute and adorable

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what a qt

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truly disgusting

w-why? ;_;

whelp back in the van

>tfw you just got this thread and the connection between these movies

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>now what do I watch?
You watch out for the fbi op

Uh oh sphagetti-o's.

sorry I don't

Thats a doll retards it doesnt even have a bellybutton


From the thumbnail I thought she was Vandewaal for a moment

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>no bellybutton
So it's a clone?


this girl turning into a 56% quickly

hmmm? the plot thickens

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If it's a clone does that still count? I mean it's not exactly a real person after all.

I can see that. They both have a high neckline.

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She's only a 1st generation mutt.

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>is slow
>post a nigger
Checks out

>men fuck young girls for all of human history up until the 20th century

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le 56 iq meme

Thx brah

I'm amazed this thread isn't full of anons fapping to 15 year olds calling the legit pedos pedos and the legit pedos complaining about old hags

sounds like a pedo

no proofs
and she was 6-7 when she started

Stop projecting. We appreciate the cinematography of little girls here

16 is the cutoff point, after that they're old hags, and 12 is the sweet spot.

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