What are your hopes from the upcoming Super movie and beyond?

What are your hopes from the upcoming Super movie and beyond?

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Bulma to divorce Vegeta and marry Freiza.

Toriyama has said this is the end.

After the Movie Dragon ball will never ever have any more shows or movies.

Kek if only

Simultaneous dub release

superman guest appearance

was super complete trash or did i just get older

it's gay unlike myself

you got older

It had ups and downs but the answer is both.

dragonball ended with the cell saga everything after was inferior

If that's the game we are playing, then Dragon Ball ended with the King Piccolo Saga

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>4 new power levels
>But wait Freeza can be relevant
>But not picollo, gohan or vegeta

It ended with Goku winning the worldwide championship versus Piccolo. That's where Toryama wanted to stop.
Then after he was forced to continue for the money and he went prequels tier with goku and piccolo being aliens and midichlorians power level shit.

I just hope they stick to a movie every two years instead of going back to a weekly series. The pacing and animation is dreadful, but at least a movie has a decent running time and good animation

>That was where toriama wanted to stop
What? That's not true at all you idiot

>there video game cannot even last a week
>expecting anything from these fags

you're gay

How can one be so smug?

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frieza fucking dominated him with the insults desu

I'd much rather they tried their hand at seasonal 12 episode arcs rather than a continuous cycle of episodes.

It has the benefits of both the movies and the weekly episode

Actually It ended in the emperor pilaf saga since dragon ball was just supposed to be a journey to the west adaptation

That sounds pretty good as well, they wouldn't be too rushed to produce good animation, and the story would be over in 12 episodes. Compared to what we usually get which is an arc of 40 episodes of terrible quality ending in a final boss fight that takes 12 episodes in itself.

Why is he so powerful

He's a parody of superman and batman combined

For everyone to realize Goku is actually the bad guy

No that’s fine, I just mean what’s the explanation in the show, I haven’t watched since the end of Buu saga but I just recently read how this guy is supposed to be THE guy.

The plot introduced the fact that there's 12 universes in total, and everything that's ever happened in the show happened in one universe. Then they set up a tournament with the 10 most powerful fighters of each universe, and Jiren is the strongest of his particular universe.

I wish I was making this shit up.

This, is has great moments and also very shitty ones... Same with zamazu saga

Cell saga is unironically the best saga

>I wish I was making this up
But that sounds cool as hell

Maybe I'll give Super a chance after all

This is completely false. Toriyama had already decided before the 23rd tournament that Goku and Piccolo would turn out to be aliens but he couldn't think of a way to incorporate it into that story.

It's the biggest asspull the series ever pulled. They always had trouble introducing a new villain that was somehow stronger than anything they've faced before, so this time they just made up entire universes.

And don't get your hopes up, of all the fighters in the tournament (10 strongest from each universe), only a handful of them actualy amounted to anything and the rest were fodder. And now they can't do anything bigger anymore because they literally used the strongest fighters in every universe. They shot themselves in the foot with this one because there's no threat left out there now, we've seen the best each universe has to bring.

Damn. So is Jiren the strongest of the 12 universes as well? If not then who? If it’s goku then lame

It kind of drags on. I'd wait for the manga and watch towards the end (some other episodes too but I can't tell you the number off the top of my head)

I would highly suggest watching the Black arc because the villians are fun

Nah I feel like they’ll always be able to shoehorn a villain. Whether it’s magic, robots, gods, aliens, or a combination of them. Honestly it’d be cool if they had to deal with a legitimate alien invasion instead of a little spaceship with maximum 7 badguys. Watching them lay waste to hundreds of baddies at once would make for cool scenes

We still have the universes that didn't have to fight. Fish god in particular looks smug as hell

Jiren is the strongest character introduced to date, with the exception of the angels.

He's the strongest we've seen. Goku only barely won through a random power up and having people fight along with him. One-on-one he stood no real chance against Jiren.
There's 4 universes that didn't fight though, and they're said to be the strongest of the 12 universes, so there's others out there

>people still unironically defending this shit show

What? Goku went UI and destroyed Jiren after making Jiren power up more than he ever has before...

Jiren isn't even close to Goku fully mastered UI

Till Goku Black arc, and parts of U6 it was shit compared to the Ressurection F/Battle Of Gods movies.

That Frieza and Goku become tag team champs and Jobgeta and Jobhan get beat up by the movie guy.

>Why is there something better to hope for?

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The 4 universes are said to have the highest mortality rate, which doesn't necessarily means the strongest. Even it means that, it would be strongest on average.
Considering that the zenos didnt care about mortality rate and only wanted to see a good fight, id say they chose the universes with the strongest warriors to participate.
Still there is the possibility that the previously deleted universes 13-18 came back with the wish, and they may have even stronger warriors. That's one direction they could go with the story

That it isn't as shit as the last 10 years of Dragon Ball

>He gets away with literally everything
>He became frenemies with Goku and probably will leave Earth alone
>He is going to make Universe 7 great again

how does he do it bros

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the 4 top universes didn't participate in the tournament, so there are plenty of strong guys out there

Vegetable surpassing maryku

Yo don’t listen to the haters.

The tournament is fucking awesome with a crazy amount of FUCK YES moments.

>Because he is lucky
>Cell would have pushed his shit in unless he trained
>Which should also mean that Cell dorado can be a thing btw but anyhow
>Buu woulda ate him flat out in his first form
>Beerus was more interested in his pillow than killing him, so he made him do his job
>The guy that kills is completely off his rocker and actually AGREED to bring him back
>But said guy isnt so off his rocker than he cant be used

Maybe it's luck or maybe it's cause he has good manners, idk but I really came around on him for super.
>Frieza is a fuck
>Our fuck

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>redeeming the series
>most important U7 member except Goku
>probably knocked out the most opponents (there must be tracker somewhere)
>best soundtrack
>best transformation
>best banter
>gets his ass handed to him brutally and constantly in the final stages but still comes back with the same attitude

Why is Frieza the best ?

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Yeah right

this fucking guy literally saved Dragon Ball Super for the best


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Bull shit Frieza saga was the best saga

>This guy saved dragon ball super
>This guy

Heard you talkin' shit.

I just want the Cell Saga Abridged Finale already, it's been nine fucking months already you kisama-tachi.


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I don't understand how they could forgive someone who genocided their species.

I meant to do that for a dramatic reveal h-hah

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>Toei hit them with a cease and desist

I'm sorry user....this has happened before it took a while but they did come back.

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More innocent lives saved.

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He was vital to the survival of the universe. There wouldn't be any universe 7, probably any universe at all (if Jiren won)
Also Sayians were assholes and everyone is better off with them dead.

Super sayian?

You are like a little monkey
>Watch this

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>Dont shoot this man is not Black


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spinoff frieza series when?

Fucking Toei

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Super had lackluster villains and stories for arcs. Zamasu was the only decent part of it, but the ending to it sucked.

Why do you say that?

>That's my opinion

I know user, I'm glad that doesn't effect sales phew.

Why would you watch Super in the year 2018 when so many animes do everything they do better?

My hope is that it leaves the whole DBS look and feel behind.

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A mixture of both. It's kinda subpar quality to begin with. But you're also probably noticing the formula of "Guy gets beat up, gets stronger and beats other guy up, Ha the other guy was stronger still and beats first guy up again". It gets old and uninteresting, but it's great if you're an ADD raddled 10 year old.

DB ended when Bulma shot Songoku in the head.

He belongs to a universe where everyone is naturally stronger than anyone in Goku's universe. And jiren is the strongest guy in that particular universe. Stronger than a god of destruction, but he chooses not to take the job.

Fuck no.

Damn. I'm not the guy you're replying to but I was fighting with myself to admit that DB just doesnt have that appeal if you didnt grow up with it. Hopefully this is a real ending.

Doesn't matter if Goku was winning the fight, his body couldn't keep it up to be declared the victor. It's just like the old martial arts tournaments in Dragonball. Think back to him vs Mr. Roshi "I am the champi-" and passes out even though he would have won. He would have beaten Tien, but got hit by a car and ringed out first. Same story here. Rules are rules.

Jiren tanked UI Goku long enough and still had more energy to spare at the end.

>I didnt watch super it's trash
>You shouldn't watch it cause I know it's trash

>Dragon Ball Super Movie
>Dragon Ball Ultra
>More merch than ever
>Hundreds of youtube channels spawned just to react to it
>Endless memes

>N-no one even watches that

Dragon ball super has been a fantastic experience from the memes from the shit to the hype from the good. dub is out too.

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Chiautzu to be relevant again.

Battle of Gods and Resurrection F were great. Black arc was mostly great (The back-and-forth filler in the beginning and ending were the only downsides). The tournament was very bad, though.

They're not jews.


Why do Pablos have such shit taste?

I unironically want a war in Universe 9 movie

Does Gogeta no longer exist in Super?

why is that one meme movie coming out in Super?

I thought it was about the origin of the saiyans

Zamasu arc was good, IMO. The ending was rushed to tits and it should have been dragged for longer. Everything else in Super was legit garbage.

I assume you mean Mexicans, they are stronger than Toei.

It would be kino

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he just trained very hard, he is like goku from another universe

Excuse me, but the top 5 universes didn't participate in the tournament because their power levels were way too high to even participate.

>Was great
>But very bad

And it's really bad that Vegeta and Goku didnt kiss or that piccolo and gohan never resolved their DEEP LATENT HOMOEROTIC feelings, I mean videl is just a fuckin basic bitch beard COME. ON. PEOPLE. And wtf whis didnt even do anything even though he is CLEARLY representing the lgbtq (Hence ANGEL, HELLO) but at least we got that QT patootie ribrianne back! and we also got back THE REAL LSS KALE and her life partner

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>People actually watch this shit
What the fuck

He's better than goku since Jiren got to near UI level with just his strength alone. He was only fighting for himself all that time and only relied on himself unlike Goku.

super is trash

>This shit

Say that to my shaggy xenofag
