Film 1 good movie in 30 years

>film 1 good movie in 30 years
>somehow he is considered a living legend

Whats up with torrentino?

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It's a black male thing.

Hipsters who have never seen the shit he stole think he's clever because they believe he created all the shit he stole and that being "ironic" about it makes it good
There was a time(Reservoir Dogs) when Tarantino had a glimmer of legitimate talent but he immediately became so full of himself there's nothing left

He makes good movies, I hope one day you grow out of this contrarian phase, plebo.

He has not made a good movie in twenty years.

>make thousands of shitposts
>somehow his life is just failure and stop gap measures

What's up with cocksmoking OP?

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I'm not 55 and balding, at least

you are a bigger hipster than those supposed hipsters could ever be

Could you name me those movies? The one i watch is Lynch Wild at Heart which definitely have big influence on True Romance, Pulp Fiction, there are some others?

I hope one day you grow out of this contrarian phase, plebo.

I think he made 4 good movies(Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown and Inglorious Basterds), not 1. But his last movies have been so over the top and almost self parody. I hope he gets good again.

>hating on /ourguy/

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>Chad frontal balding vs Virgin crown balding

Kill Bill is basically just 70s Shaw Bros kung fu movies but infinitely worse.
Hateful 8 is Boss Nigger crossed with Ten Little Niggers.

only teenagers think he's a 'living legend'

people actually versed in the canon of cinema know he's just a cheesy imitator

QT is the greatest film maker in the last fifty years.

Yup, spoken by an actual Faggot.

Nice feet

The man knows what he wants, that's for sure

it's called an "homage"

Attached: bald smug.jpg (640x736, 62K)

Is he fucking that qt jewie?

everybody knows his films are heavily referential to other films

it's not the same as stealing and it doesn't make his movies bad

They're bad all on their own.

How I can be so smart as you?

You were saying?

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By learning proper English, Hans.

He's a very good visual director, I'll give him that. What he needs is a good producer over him, and a good editor. He edits his own films doesn't he? That might explain why they're so damn long. Kill Bill should have been one film, or a trilogy. It was really a narrative mess that was all over the place. Inglorious Basterds is really two completely unrelated films mashed together.

His flaws are:


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